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Make Stronghold Furniture Interactive


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They are interactive like the chairs in a cantina, i.e., not at all. That's why they have 8 different "sit down" emotes.


Emotes are not a interaction with the object, SWG had far better object interaction and it is a decade old. I guess it has something to do with the hero engine, which is a rather bad engine due to certain limitations (for example grass popping out of nowhere in front of the character, non-interactive objects, bad shadows, low-res player textures from distance).


I absolutely agree with the OP, housing without proper object interaction makes no sense, at the moment the only reason why I use housing is the legacy bank and mail... which is quite useful from a gameplay perspective. I did spent hours of hours in my house in SWG because there where so many options to decorate my house, I could even make my own store where I could sell items that I've made and I could build crafting stations that could improve the chance of success with my crafting... it was awesome! Oh and by the way, player houses in SWG where outside in the open, not instanced like in SWTOR, but that has something to do with SWTORS "Theme-Park" approach, which is a perfect design approach for a star wars game (sarcasm).

Edited by Sahee
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Yeah, its kinda pathatic tbh that i cant sit on any of the beutiful furniture i have and even with the "/chair" emot, it either bug or It just show me sitting at the end of the chair, why dont they just make it like the spaceship chairs, really why do they waist all the great work they have done with a crappy system like that..
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Oh for the..... Type /chair. You can sit on anything, anywhere. /sleep lets you lie down on any furniture and sleep. You don't need an emote. This problem no longer exists. If you aren't sitting correctly, then you didn't position yourself correctly. Edited by errant_knight
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Oh for the..... Type /chair. You can sit on anything, anywhere. /sleep lets you lie down on any furniture and sleep. You don't need an emote. This problem no longer exists. If you aren't sitting correctly, then you didn't position yourself correctly.


There are issues however...


- /chair randomizes between three poses.

- Even when you're trying to sit correctly, there's still the possibility that your character falls short, as far as the actual sitting in the chair is concerned.

- There are several sitting poses that are tied to CM emotes. These are NOT available with /chair


In other words, a problem does exist, not to mention that - as pointed out either in here or another thread - we're capable of sitting in our ships since... Vanilla.


Again, better than nothing but still half-as*ed.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Well then go play SWGEmu.


Why should I? I've played the original SWG for 5 years and there is nothing I can do there anymore (I achieved everything)... just like I did quit WoW after I played it 7 years as I got bored... simply because something gets too repetitive after a certain amount of time.


...the fact that people think that /chair is a proper interaction with a chair-object is quite funny.

Edited by Sahee
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This again?

SWG had a slow and painful death as well.

Would you like them to add a new version of NGE just so it feels more like home?


O Rly? SWG never went F2P in its lifetime, SWTOR went F2P after less than a year... some cheese for the whine?

It did not die, it was forced to be dumped down due to the rejected star wars license. Lucas Arts killed it, it had enough subs to be profitable for Sony.


...and the problem with pre-NGE was that the majority was not able to understand the game mechanics... which made them dump down the difficulty to appeal to the masses.

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Whats the point of having chairs and couches and beds and a lounge area in your stronghold, which is as well, your HOME, if you cant sit or interact with any of it while relaxing and admiring all your valuables and accomplishments, whats the point? If there is no point to it all, then all we got is a museum, a place of exhibition. I mean if we have our stuff on exhibit to the public like a Museum, then i want to be paid for admittance into my Museum.


Because it, sure doesn't feel like a home with out interaction.

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Which game still exists (other than as a fan run emu)?


'Nuff said.


You are obviously trying to derail the thread. I already explained the reason why SWG does not officially exist anymore, the reason why Fans even make something as time consuming as an Emulator is because they want to continue to play the game, because it was one of the best MMO's out there. It never failed, it was forced to be taken down by Lucas Arts, they did not wan't to simultaneous Star Wars MMO's, which is why the took away the star wars license.


Fact is, Bioware implements housing without proper interaction... which makes no sense.

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O Rly? SWG never went F2P in its lifetime, SWTOR went F2P after less than a year... some cheese for the whine?

It did not die, it was forced to be dumped down due to the rejected star wars license. Lucas Arts killed it, it had enough subs to be profitable for Sony.


...and the problem with pre-NGE was that the majority was not able to understand the game mechanics... which made them dump down the difficulty to appeal to the masses.


Are you seriously going to try and convince me that having a few thousand players is actually better than having hundreds of thousands?

Also, you do understand that you are talking about an era when F2P as well as competition were virtually non-existent in the MMO market, right?

The only real big name was WoW and that's what killed SWG. Well, that and their effort to make it more "Wow"-y than it was ever supposed to be.


As for your cheese and whine...well... I'm just going to say you might need to read your post again.

Because, unless I'm mistaken, you were the one complaining that this game doesn't have what a dead and buried game had.

But yeah, sure... cheese and whine

Were they offering that in SWG too? Was theirs better than SWTOR's? :)

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Also, you do understand that you are talking about an era when F2P as well as competition were virtually non-existent in the MMO market, right?


False, Guild Wars... Age of Conan, Rift, D&D online... they all went F2P while SWG was alive and Sub-only.... than SWTOR came and forced SWG to be taken down.

Edited by Sahee
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It would be nice to have it interactive. Please remember folks, this is housing v1, so we'll see how it improves over time.


I would like to have guards walk around and stuff, but that will never happen in this game.

Oh, but your pets wander your house in EQ2. Surely if it's in EQ2 it should be in TOR.




(sarcasm not directed at you)

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Sony CEO "John Smedley":

"We have a contractual relationship that's ending in 2012, The Old Republic launching, a bunch of other business things with LucasArts. And then you look at the odds of a pretty large portion of the audience moving to TOR, which looks like a terrific game. ... That's the problem with licenses: they end. We're going to continue to do some licensed work, but we're largely going to stick to original IP [going forward] because then we won't have this issue. We'll never have this problem with EverQuest. Back in 2001, not '03 when we launched, but back in 2001 when we [first] negotiated it, a five year license seemed like a really long g****** time. EverQuest was only a year or so old at that point. Could we have renegotiated? Maybe, but I don't think that would be the right thing for the company."
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False, Guild Wars... Age of Conan, Rift, Dungeons and Dragons online... they all went F2P while SWG was alive and Sub-only.... than SWTOR came and forced SWG to be taken down.


Judging from the way you're writing this, I get that you feel this is some kind of honor.

Sad truth: it's not.


All the games you mentioned went F2P, sure.

And look at them. They are all still here.


SWG on the other hand...

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SWG on the other hand...


I say it for the last time, it never died (fans keep the game alive because they still love it)... SWG was forced to be taken down because Lucas Arts did not want to renew the Star Wars License. Could we go back to the topic please?

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