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Max Item Ownership, Junker Lights, Say What???


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50 of the little lights is all you can own for, let's see, I have Dromund Kaas, Coruscant and the Nar Shadaa strongholds. You have to be kidding! You'll never see me here posting negative stuff but this limit is ridiculous.


BW/EA needs to go back to the conference table on this one. With 50 of these little lights, you can't even decorate one stronghold.


BW/EA, you need to really rethink this. There should be an item limit per stronghold. We should be able to put whatever we want within that item limit. If I want to put down 300 junker lights, I should be able to. Learn from other games. I understand the need for hooks, I don't understand being at max limit for a light.

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There are more lights.


Variety is the spice of life.


There are not more lights available without a huge price tag that can go in your stairs. 1) The decorations on the GTN are way too expensive. 2) You can only put certain things on your stairway walls. 3) Only the large ceiling lights and the junker are available from the basic vendor.


Again, BW/EA, rethink this.

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There are not more lights available without a huge price tag that can go in your stairs. 1) The decorations on the GTN are way too expensive. 2) You can only put certain things on your stairway walls. 3) Only the large ceiling lights and the junker are available from the basic vendor.


Again, BW/EA, rethink this.


You can craft these, me thinks. They look nice on NS and Coruscant IMHO; DK not so much though.

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There are not more lights available without a huge price tag that can go in your stairs. 1) The decorations on the GTN are way too expensive. 2) You can only put certain things on your stairway walls. 3) Only the large ceiling lights and the junker are available from the basic vendor.


Again, BW/EA, rethink this.


all these limitations are really starting to get old real fast!!. only 50 chairs!?!?! really?!?!?! now i can see having limitations on special items like those big ole GTN monstrosities but on basic items like lights and chairs??? that's just plain stupid!

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I agree. I need more junker lights. Even raising the limit to 100 would be more manageable. I would think 200 would be enough really, cause once you start putting these babies in pairs above your doors, you cant stop. :cool:


You can craft these, me thinks. They look nice on NS and Coruscant IMHO; DK not so much though.


Not as cool as the junker lights.

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They fit in walls as well, as seen here. :rolleyes:.


but they don't fit in the small hooks. that's why i asked if you even read what she typed because she specifically said the little lights and in the title it says junker lights. The underworld light node is WAY bigger than the junker lights and would never fit into the spaces she is wanting the use them in.

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but they don't fit in the small hooks. that's why i asked if you even read what she typed because she specifically said the little lights and in the title it says junker lights. The underworld light node is WAY bigger than the junker lights and would never fit into the spaces she is wanting the use them in.


Basic Junker's Light:

Stronghold Decoration: Lights-Wall


Hook Type: Wall Small


Underworld Light Node:

Stronghold Decoration: Lights-Wall


Hook Type: Wall Small

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I agree. I need more junker lights. Even raising the limit to 100 would be more manageable. I would think 200 would be enough really, cause once you start putting these babies in pairs above your doors, you cant stop.


I think 200 among 4 strongholds would be fine. Again, really, there should be no ownership limit. There should just be a limit on the amount of items you can put in a stronghold. As it is, I had to pick up most of my junker lights from Nar so I can use them in DK and I will have to wait to decorate my Coruscant. I've already spent way too much on Cartel Coins to unlock the places so I can use them for guild strongholds (I do have the DK guild stronghold which is going to be a pain to decorate too. I had to donate all my extra junker lights to the guild *I'm the guild leader so it didn't hurt quite so much*).

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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obviously someone messed up because if you LOOK at the pictures you would see the size difference. one is almost the same size as the person standing next to it. scroll down and look at the second pictures then maybe you will understand.


It's about the size of a small hook.

So it does fit on the small hook.


Despite being larger than the junkers one.


What the OP is saying (basically) is that the junkers is the only one that he likes and he wants more.


But to say that there are no others that can be bought without going to the GTN and paying tons of money is not true.


Besides, strongholds just launched. There's bound to be more items coming.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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