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Why Change the World Map?


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  • The World Map window now blocks right-click interactions like other windows.


What was the point of this change? The way it worked originally I could bring up the map while still moving around with my character. I could still look around and get to wherever I was going while getting a better look at the overall map.


Are we supposed to be completely static while interacting with the map (which takes up your entire screen)? If that's not the case then why disable mouse input while using the map. If that is the case then what's the point of having the map fade out while you're moving? This change really makes no sense, especially why it would all of a sudden be changed now, 2.5 years after the game launched.


This change also has the secondary effect of breaking the open/close binding if it's bound to a mouse button. I currently have my map bound to 'Mouse 3' as well as the default 'M'. I can open and close the map without issue, no matter where my mouse pointer is when using 'M'. But if I try to use 'Mouse 3' I can only close the map while my mouse is off the map, if my mouse is over the map and I press 'Mouse 3' then nothing happens.


Please revert this unnecessary and buggy change.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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The way you were getting around with the map open was unintended. They fixed a problem and also corrected the behaviour that allowed you to move around using mouse clicks. Start using buttons to move around.


You are just one of the unhappy people.

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The way you were getting around with the map open was unintended. They fixed a problem and also corrected the behaviour that allowed you to move around using mouse clicks. Start using buttons to move around.


You are just one of the unhappy people.


Nobody is getting around using buttons mate. Everyone drives with the right mouse button steering.

Bad change, and here I thought it is only a bug. :(

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What was the point of this change? The way it worked originally I could bring up the map while still moving around with my character. I could still look around and get to wherever I was going while getting a better look at the overall map.


Are we supposed to be completely static while interacting with the map (which takes up your entire screen)? If that's not the case then why disable mouse input while using the map. If that is the case then what's the point of having the map fade out while you're moving? This change really makes no sense, especially why it would all of a sudden be changed now, 2.5 years after the game launched.


This change also has the secondary effect of breaking the open/close binding if it's bound to a mouse button. I currently have my map bound to 'Mouse 3' as well as the default 'M'. I can open and close the map without issue, no matter where my mouse pointer is when using 'M'. But if I try to use 'Mouse 3' I can only close the map while my mouse is off the map, if my mouse is over the map and I press 'Mouse 3' then nothing happens.


Please revert this unnecessary and buggy change.




This is a ridiculous change.

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Apparently the "driving while your GPS is open" has caused serious accidents throughout the galaxy and to save lives both the Republic and Imperial safety commissions have improved vehicle safety standards.


I actually haven't noticed this yet as I was too busy laughing at the hysterically funny new player housing.

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I don't like this change either. I often keep the map open when I am trying to get to an area I am unfamiliar with or when I am hunting holocrons, or even when I am trying to head to where the rest of my group/operation are congregating. Being able to look around meant I didn't run into groups of mobs and allow me to be situationally aware and make course corrections. Typically I have not driven around with this option on with my keys alone, so this is really irksome as I've been trained I should be able to look around and direct my speeder with my mouse while the map is open.


It has been like this since launch. A change now feels like a break in the system, not addressing a long-standing "bug". I thought it was a convenient feature that I would really like to see in other MMOS!


Could we please get it made into a toggle?

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I wish it was like it used to be. One of the things I do all the time when I open the map is right click and orient myself on the objective... even if I'm not moving, I would still be using Rt click. The change took something that was a decent part of the UI and made it more clunky. Unless it's to grant additional functionality that is not apparent, this seems like a bad change to me.


+1 Revert map change.

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