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This is why commandos are weak in arena?


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When a healer gets focused by the enemy team theres ALOT of pain and rage in the air. The commando pop all their CDs and last a few seconds or more then its game over. When a sage gets that focus they pop their bubble and are safe during some time,during this time his/her team dont have to smash themself to death to protect their healer.

Agents have their "vanish". So these two healing classes have their "holy crap" buttons and commandos dont have this. Yes we have 1v1 skills but that dont help us at all in arenas.

Post your answers about this,and let me know if im wrong aswell.

Im sorry if you find my spelling abit rubbish:D

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you really... dont know what your problem is.


Survivability of Commando is well. Offensive Support is great.


The real Problem from my point of view, is the heal itself. A scoundrel need less GCD´s to heal the same amount as a Commando, and thats a real problem, because you are CC´d/stunned many times, and disrupted as well. So the Main problem is, that a commando need to much time to heal, if you compare it with scoundrel.


The other big disadvantage is the stealth at the beginning, openning attack is so important -.-.

Edited by ichebem
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Sage bubble is rubbish.


Not to mention that Commando are actually FAR better than Sage healing right now.


Agreed on both counts. Force Barrier (and to some extent Force Mend) was a cheap and easy fix for an advanced class with serious survivability issues in PvP (especially 4v4 PvP). It dumbs-down the class, but sorta solves a few common problems at the same time.

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Commando need more instant heal like scoundrel.

Scoundrel can movin and with upper hands spam one by one the instant Emergency Medpac + Slow-release Medpac + aoe Kolto Cloud.

Commando need to stay to be effective healer. Ok, he have instant Bacta infusion, Colto bomb and the dot Trauma probe but Bacta with 18 sec (with bonus gear) is not effective. CB+TP - thats is not enough to keep our team alive!


Commando healer need more survival: more armor or more deffensive skills (better buble, lower bubble cooldown, lower CC breaker). Bacta infusion should work like Scoundrel's Energency Medpack.


A have Scoundrel healer and Commando healer and I feel the difference between these two classes. With Scoundrel I can fly ;> With Commando I can only dream of flying ;/

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Commando need more instant heal like scoundrel.

Scoundrel can movin and with upper hands spam one by one the instant Emergency Medpac + Slow-release Medpac + aoe Kolto Cloud.

Commando need to stay to be effective healer. Ok, he have instant Bacta infusion, Colto bomb and the dot Trauma probe but Bacta with 18 sec (with bonus gear) is not effective. CB+TP - thats is not enough to keep our team alive!


Commando healer need more survival: more armor or more deffensive skills (better buble, lower bubble cooldown, lower CC breaker). Bacta infusion should work like Scoundrel's Energency Medpack.


A have Scoundrel healer and Commando healer and I feel the difference between these two classes. With Scoundrel I can fly ;> With Commando I can only dream of flying ;/


Survival is fine. if anything they need better instant heals.

The reason you're dying is because you can't get hard hitting heals off, not that your defensives are bad.

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I think there is another solution for the Scoundrel "OP"-Problem.


In fact, its fine, that the healer aren´t the same, and its ok, that not every class can do the same, its ok, that commandos have to cast more, and that scoundrel have their hots.


So the main problem from my point of view are:


1. Smuggle and the stealth start


2. scoundrels need less actions to heal for the same amount, compared with Commando/Sage

I think, the problem is not that a scoundrel works with Hots and more instants, the main problem is, that he need less time. In Ranked Arenas, you are often stunned/cc´d. Due to this fact its a problem, that 1 Kolto-Cloud equals 2,5 Koltobombs. The Commando needs lot more time, although both casts are instants. The problem is not, that you get something interrupted as Commando or Sage, thats ok, but Scoundrel just needs less actions.


The Solutions:

for 1


Give Sage-Healers something like "an 'bubbled' ally gets 20% less damage for 2 seconds, if he is attacked by a stealther"

Give Commandos just a second Stealth-Scan (2 charges for example).



for 2


a little Change for Scoundrel: just half the CD of Kolto-Cloud and half the heal of it

--> Or just cut down the duration of Slow-Release-Medpac from 18 Seconds to lets say 12, while the Heal is not reduced (so the same Healoutput, in less time, sounds like a Buff, or? It isn´t)

** maybe lower the heal by emergency medpac by 5% because its fu**ing strong



These are really little Changes, which would not matter in PVE, but in PVP it would make Sages/Commandos much more viable.

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