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why is the SWTOR community so against "pay to win"


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The error is not yours. If society ran the way you read to be, blunt and to the point without fancy nonsense, then things would likely get done faster. And then lawyers and politicians would be looking for new jobs.


Anyway, otherwise back on topic, why should work be surpassed by cash in this game? Work keeps us playing.



And it is starting to look like the topic has been beaten down to death because I haven't seen anyone point out how pay2win is a good business model for this game?


I can't say I'm for it. it'd benefit me personally if it were, though it'd likely implode the game. SWTOR was not made with that model in mind, nor does its current playerbase play it with that as an accepted approach.


Ze game, it would go kerplooey.


I don't think anyone is going to be able to concoct a good way to get that likely outcome to change much from that whole kerplooey-going bit.

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