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Commando help


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Ok so far I haven't seen a commando guide for PvP just pve. I have a lvl 42 commando gunnery spec and would like some help. Pve I've had no problems but pvp just isn't much fun at the moment and so I need help. I want to stick to gunnery although I haven't actually tried assault yet so I don't know anything about it but gunnery was really good until recently, where I've been having problems. I just haven't been able to survive very much and nor have I been able to pull off any real burst dps, it's just average sustained dps which in higher level pvp just isn't good enough and would like some help from someone who is a good pvp player. I love the class but just really want to get much better with it. Usually, my rotation is something like this: grav round, plasma grenade, sticky grenade, full auto, grav round, high impact bolt, grav round/full auto if it's off cooldown. It's not great and so I need help with this too. I hope this makes sense as I know this is a very long post but any help is much appreciated.
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Well, once you hit level 47 you should be able to get Demo Round which is your hardest hitting attack. Grav round increases the damage of demo round by 25% so never use it on a target without the grav round debuff.


As for survivability, I find this build helps: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McoZrfcRrdokfbsZs.3

Depending on the situation you can move the 2 points from tenacious defense into covering fire. If I am running solo, ill favor the two points in Tenacious Defense just for the reduced cooldown on my CC break. If I am running with a group and I know they'll keep melee off of me, I'll put the two points into Covering Fire to keep enemies from escaping.


If you are going to use gunnery make sure that you take Combat Shield in the combat medic tree, since gunnery is very easy to shut down with stuns and interrupts. Combat Shield will make you immune to interrupts during your shield's duration.


Edit: Better opener above.

Edited by Osxoba
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