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I feel sorry for Mercenary Healers in PvP


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So I currently have a 54 Operative, 54 Sorcerer (Both played for a very long time pre-RoTHC), 44 Sage, 43 Scoundrel and a 48 Mercernary/24 Commando.


I haven't really played either my Merc or Commando in quite some time... but I really feel sorry for those of you who try to heal in PvP..


I haven't really noticed it until I tried all 3 and my god, it's hard going on a Merc.

Both Operative and Sorcerer get Shield Probe/Bubble on low cooldowns to mitigate damage.

Operative gets Evasion with a low-ish cooldown that removes all DoTs and has lowered cooldown everytime you are struck.

Sorcerer has the Force Barrier which is basically a free life if you have someone else healing you.


Both of those also have somewhat decent on-the-move heals, Operative being the better.


Mercenary on the other hand.. all the heavy heals require you to be stationery. Not only that, but their heals aren't even that great compared to the other two. Supercharged Gas is good, but it really only increases the amount you heal from stationery heals. Again, Kolto Shell is OK aswell.. but I'd much prefer the insta heal Operative has, or the high channel heal on Sorc (which goes on to buff other heals).


Mercenary really needs some love. It's a shame, because it's such a good looking class. I said in the beginning tha I don't even play either of these, so this is by no means bias.


In my opinion, there should be a few changes to better Merc/Commando;


* Supercharged Gas should make your next Rapid Scan activate instantly.

* Everytime a Kolto Shell charge is consumed (yourself only) Energy Shield cooldown should be reduced by 3? seconds.

* Kolto Missile healing should be increased by +10% for every ally it hits.


Just a few ideas I thought of over the space of 5 minutes (It's not hard!) that I figured would be welcome changes for the class.


If any of these were implemented I may be encouraged to begin playing them again.

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