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Can we get HO fixed please?


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Vengence Jugs are FOTM right now so every wz has like 2-4 of them in it. I typically will try to net to prefent the initial leap, if net is down I drop HO before leap.... However, about 50% of the time, as I'm running away the leap will stop me with HO up. Then the game will correct for like 1s and I will start running away again, only to get ported back to where I was rooted before when the Jugg starts ravage. Basically, half the time I end up eating 2 whole ticks of ravage while I have HO up and I'm trying to run away.


The root bug due to marauder/jugg leaps has been a constant issue. HO is supposed to prevent any movement impairing attacks, but it doesn't work all the time and it's frustrating. Please fix it.

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