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Snoby Snobs


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I had just got to 55 bout 2 weeks ago. Saved up classic comms and bought some gear. I then did the Oricon story and got some gear. My entire armor rating was above lvl 156, which is the basic lvl for DF SM. I got pretty excited and thought, ok, my gear is a high enough lvl, I can do it. I had been lvl 55 for less than a week. Well... apparently, my health was to low, even tho I'm a sniper. I had 28k health. I did more dmg than most ppl in the group and they insulted me the WHOLE time. They even blamed me for not completing the OP, even tho our tanks sucked and our heals had their heads up their asses. I was eventually kicked from the group.


Has anyone else had the problems? And if so, plz, let me know, so we can group up in game and have a fun (if that is possible) operation. :D

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Was probably you not knowing the fights more than your gear. If someone mentions this is there first time in the place I'm way more patient with them, and from my experience most folks are. If they say nothing though you just think they are an idiot and quickly lose patience.
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If you did advise them that it was your first time, then, yeah, pretty d***y behaviour on their part. If they didn't want a minimum-geared person they should have asked you to leave/removed you at the start instead of berating you and then blaming you.


If the entire group was new or minimum-geared, then, you were probably doomed from the start. So, try to look at it in that positive light: they saved you the hassle!


Anyways, better luck next time!

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Hmm you were o.k. geared and knew the fight more or less ( first fight in SM is Nefra, very, very easy ). Sounds to me that was one REALLY crappy group if they couldn't even carry you through Nefra ( though you wouldn't really need carrying for that boss). Are you sure they weren't stupidly doing hardmode or something by mistake? I've joined pugs where they never even realized what phase they had set until noting the boss HP etc.
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I am positive it was SM. They said it like 20 times in the group chat to confirm it, which they were doing when they weren't insulting me :(


Saying it in chat and actually setting the phase correctly are two different things.

Was it 8man or 16man?

In 16 you've got so much DPS you can easily afford to let a newbish gunslinger take an AOE to the face and still power through while he enjoys the show.

Edited by JacksonMo
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Nefra (the first boss) is an easy fight in story mode. The only mechanic that can really cause problems is the droid that comes out and self destructs. The only scenario I can think of that would have caused the group to focus so much on you would be if the droid agroed onto you and you used your pulse-detonator ability to kick him into the middle of the group causing massive damage.
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Hmm, I think there might be a prevailing assumption that OPS, even SM ones, are of higher difficulty than say 55 HM FPs. That leads to most people expecting you to run FPs first, get geared up, and then run the OPS.


That said, amount of HP is rarely a metric to judge people by. Not one of my multiple characters, including a tank, has ever crossed the 35k hp threshold. And they usually do better than fine. So don't worry. Communicate well, as you seem to be doing already, and you'll be on a good side of any thinking player. Regardless of circumstances.

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I did more dmg than most ppl in the group and they insulted me the WHOLE time. They even blamed me for not completing the OP, even tho our tanks sucked and our heals had their heads up their asses. I was eventually kicked from the group.


Blaming the tanks and healers when you draw aggro, while lauding how much more damage you did than anybody else.


Sounds to me like you're one of the noob DPS that everybody hates.

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Blaming the tanks and healers when you draw aggro, while lauding how much more damage you did than anybody else.


Sounds to me like you're one of the noob DPS that everybody hates.


And I suppose you consider yourself one of the elite DPS because you know how to use your threat drop?? Not a tough concept by the way, most new players only need it explained to them once. Now, why don’t you back off and try using your head. The point the OP was trying to make was that he believed he was pulling his own weight and that the failure of the raid was due to some of the more essential positions (heals, tank) being filled by lackluster players. Honestly, if he pulled threat in 156 and classic gear it’s the tank’s own fault.


To the OP: It sounds as though you just ran across a sorry group man. SM DF is pretty easy and any average group should have been able to complete it with you along. Out of curiosity, was it 8 man or 16 man??

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And I suppose you consider yourself one of the elite DPS because you know how to use your threat drop??


I play healers, so I get to watch bad DPS fail and cause problems and then blame the tank and healer when they die. It may not be a tough concept, but you'd be surprised how troublesome some people can be.


The point the OP was trying to make was that he believed he was pulling his own weight and that the failure of the raid was due to some of the more essential positions (heals, tank) being filled by lackluster players. Honestly, if he pulled threat in 156 and classic gear it’s the tank’s own fault.


That's exactly what bad DPS always believes (and any other poorly played class, for that matter) -- that they're doing wonderfully and everybody else sucks.


But you seem to forget that the tank doesn't tank every mob. Some are put to sleep, which I've watched Snipers (and other classes) wake and die. I've also watched Snipers too focused on staying in cover to avoid damage, and thus die.


You need to read between the lines, since complainers will paint themselves as playing perfectly and act the victim, as if the world conspires against them. Which, unsurprisingly, fits with how the OP described the situation.

Edited by blastophore
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Thank you for that. It seems that once i leveled most of my toons to level 55, ppl start to get way more aggressive and pissed off more easily than levels 1-54. Is this just my opinion or do others agree?


Do not agree. It does seem that DPS mentioning the classical line of "tanks, and healers suck, and I did the most damage" are very common among 55ers. But not even those get on my igno list all too fast. Oh wait, ...


OP had got to 55 bout 2 weeks ago, and was lvl 55 less than 1 week. Classic comms give 146 rating gear. Oricon replaces the major but by far not all pieces. Even before Nefra there is a lot the DPS that makes the most damage in the worst gear can do wrong. When the tanks, and the healers "suck" especially so. Constantly moving does not mean much, one can make the life of a healer a stressy one in Nefra even in SM. 14 person think he did sub-par, and he runs to the forums to complain. Hm.

Edited by Nazdika
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Agreed. A group where a 156 geared DPS is doing the most damage is likely in general not geared well. A DPS can wipe such a group even before Nefra. During Nefra, I guess one can just let him die when he is doing too badly. Because, keeping a badly moving DPS up during that fight with low gear, can be rather annoying for a healer. Anyway though, 14 people thinking he did sub-par, 1 guildie who backed him up or not, maybe time to get over the story and learn something. And be it only how to fill the igno list. Edited by Nazdika
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14 people thinking he did sub-par,


Group dynamics. If he had below average equip people will be able to notice it much earlier than anything else. That doesn't mean he didn't pull his weight though it just means he sticks out and is much easier to blame for a failure that is much more likely to be a collective one.

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I have never seen what the OP is talking about, then again I only recently reached my first 55 and haven't bothered with the ops yet as I have been more focused on my other characters.


That being said, I have seen elitist/snobby mentality all over the place.


Low level flashpoints where the one guy who just rampages through the place and then curses the rest of the team when he dies despite never giving the healer a chance to lose some heat or get back focus or whatever.. Those are actually fairly common place to me.


The most common snobby behavior I see however usually comes from subs... I see it daily, people complaining about the f2pers or even the preferreds. More than happy to have them along if they need em, but the second they are of no use to them its back to complaining about them.

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