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I could use some Assault Specialist help and advice


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Hi all, I seem to be under-performing in Assault Specialist. I am pretty good at Gunnery so I don't need much help there but I feel like I am majorly under-performing in Assault Specialist seeing other numbers being pulled in similar gear. Below I've linked my most recent Assault parse and a copy of my current gear in an AMR. Any tips on rotation, gearing, or anything else to help me better my parse and performance in the spec would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

Parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/735161/50/0/Damage+Dealt (please note, no adrenals were used)

AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/d064e8d0-0325-46f6-944c-1d8d11bbc6d9


Edit: Parsed again and got a much better (but still lackluster) parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/735171/51/0/Damage+Dealt

Edited by ClamEatsCurry
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I'm still not overly comfortable with Assault, myself, either, but, at a glance, your APM seems low for Assault. I've been parsing with it a lot recently, in an effort to improve, and I'm beginning to consistently hit the 3200 DPS range (my Gunnery range) and ~40 APM. The only thing that really jumps out about your log (and I'm looking strictly at the log posted in your edit) other than the APM is that your Hammer Shot total is significantly less than mine (your 56 vs. my 280), which means you're probably not using it enough to fish for the Plasma Cell debuff. If you tighten up your rotation by mixing in HS more, your APM will come up and, since you'll have fewer empty or wasted globals and more PC burns, your damage should come up.


But, again, I'm no expert on Assault. Just sharing what seems to have worked in boosting my own numbers.

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A couple things i noticed off the bat is your APM's are a little low and your crit rating is a bit low. APM's want to be around 40ish. Make sure you are QUEING your charged bolts and high impact bolt during cast of charged bolt to reduce downtime. Do that and increase reaction time will improve APM's. For crit, you want around 300 crit rating. Both specs rely on good crit rating.


After glancing at your log, it appears you didn't use full auto enough. Its a very good ability for assault because it really helps with ammo management and decreases need for hammer shot.


For referance, here is my best parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/721635. It's not perfect but should be good enough to look at for rotation.


Also check out these guides, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=624205


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your Hammer Shot total is significantly less than mine (your 56 vs. my 280), which means you're probably not using it enough to fish for the Plasma Cell debuff.


Just an FYI, the highest parse for commando/merc didn't use any basic attacks in rotation. http://www.torparse.com/a/694235/time/1402377287/1402377523/0/Overview

Gunnery uses hammer shot way more than assault.


In my experience, you don't want to fish for plasma cell with hammer shot ever. If you use more full auto, plasma cell will be on target much more.

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Gunnery uses hammer shot way more than assault.


That's actually kinda funny to hear since most of the other Gunnys in my guild ignore HS altogether. :rolleyes:


Thanks for the tip on Full Auto, though; I'll try mixing that in more. I've tried not to rely on it as much since it doesn't get the raw damage boosts that is does in Gunnery, and was focusing on a CB/HS woven spam for resets and to keep APM up.

Edited by Bejarid
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Just an FYI, the highest parse for commando/merc didn't use any basic attacks in rotation. http://www.torparse.com/a/694235/time/1402377287/1402377523/0/Overview

Gunnery uses hammer shot way more than assault.


In my experience, you don't want to fish for plasma cell with hammer shot ever. If you use more full auto, plasma cell will be on target much more.


Yeah, if everything went perfectly and there was no lag, high impact bolt would be enough to keep plasma cell on the target at all times given ionic accelerator has a 6s lockout and the burn lasts 6s, and that's assuming none of your other ranged attacks refresh it either. But of course, it rarely does and it does drop off the target sometimes for me. And when it does I just wait for any of the ranged attacks to reapply it.


The only times I use hammer shot are when I know I am going to overheat either due to a missed ionic accelerator proc or due to a mistake I made. With the way I parse at least, if I don't miss any of the procs or they happen at 'opportune' times (like in the parse you linked) I don't use hammer shot at all.

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I have a commando I've been beefing up in terms of gear but also in terms of skill. While Aim-class DPS have never really been my thing, that's what's been requested :D I'll put this info to use and probably return with a few questions.


The comment about the top parse using 0 HS sure caught my interest.

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