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Cross Server: A New Hope?


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This might be grasping at straws, but I was reading a report from the recent Cantina Tour in San Diego on the Ootinicast website. I was excited to read this:


"Instead of the “fix the bolster” rallying cry of last year, this time it was “give us cross server queues”. I’m sure Eric must have been asked that in every conversation he had while mingling with fans. The short answer is that they know about the demand, and understand the necessity for providing a healthy population for both Ranked PvP and PvE. If cross-server queues are implemented, they would be for Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones." (Source: http://ootinicast.com/2014/07/correspondent-report-community-cantina-san-diego-2014/)


It's not much, but better than "No plans at this time."

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Cross servers queues are hopefully something they're prepared to buckle on. The lack of cross server queues is harming the health of the community as a whole for both PVE and PVP players. I bet a lot of those people who left for Wildstar or ESO would re-sub in a heartbeat if cross server queues were announced.
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Cross servers queues are hopefully something they're prepared to buckle on. The lack of cross server queues is harming the health of the community as a whole for both PVE and PVP players. I bet a lot of those people who left for Wildstar or ESO would re-sub in a heartbeat if cross server queues were announced.


Having beta tested both those games I doubt it. IMHO based on plenty of group discussions in those betas the players want don't want SWTOR PVP as it is now.


Instead of random selection arenas they want a cross server lobby system so you aren't forced to endure a WZ with all heals and no DPS or any of the other complete mismatches the random selection system creates.


They want Open World PVP that matters not some PVE dailies where PVP can happen on a PVP server. Planetary control of some sort with bases or PVP objectives.


No more gear grinds. Bring back all the PVP gear vendors and have them sell the shells for a low amount of credits from old school Battle Master to the newest gear. Have 2 Tiers of modifications PVP and Ranked and then sell the 2 Tiers of Armorings, Mods and Enhancements. Let the players min/max from the get go not 15k warzone comms later.


Fix bolster! There are plenty of posts explaining why and how it is exploitable.


I've been a loyal SWTOR subscriber since beta and I've seen some good gaming guilds come and go on three different servers. I think it's pretty telling what's left of the PVP community when a PVE server is considered "the best" PVP on SWTOR.


Change up the SWTOR story in your next expansion please. We want to go to war! We want 3 or 5 planets that are not a themepark but a sandbox where open world PVP matters. Please, please make your next expansion PVP based and please listen to what the PVP community has been saying and asking for. I know from first hand conversations with guild leaders that dominated Jung MA and POT5 after launch that they won't come back to SWTOR until a major change in the PVP system is live.


They're tired of the credit sinks. We have what might be the most exciting expansion coming up with guild ships and bunkers yet returning players will see a 50M price tag and won't grind out the credits because its just another carrot dangling andf they're tired of carrots.


A lot of the guilds I spoke to that you lost to Wildstar won't come back unless there is large scale PVP, a more meaningful crafting system (which is a whole other post on its own) and less grinds and more playable PVP content.

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with X-server queues forming "ideal groups" wouldnt be hard at all. you would be able to pull players from any server making the healer/tank population grow to higher levels.


the only request i have is put x-server for pvp/pve servers and a seperate x-server for RP servers. ive witnessed first hand that many people on RP servers dont actually pvp. RPers would still get warzone pops but they wouldnt be put in with the more "hardcore" pvpers and everyone else wouldnt have to endure the RP going on.

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To long for a quote.


yes, a lot of people left because they didnt like SWTOR pvp. still a lot of people left for the simple fact that warzones/ranked arena queues were starting to take longer. with the introduction of x-server some people will come back. maybe not as many as we hope but you would see a surge in the pvp population.

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I came in late on this party. There might be hope for cross server queues, but let's not forget there has always been a "hope" and 2 actual promises for fixing the roll bug. There has also been a rallying call for fixing leap bug since launch. In 2013, this game is the 4th or 5th most lucrative MMO in the world with a 165 mil total revenue, 139 mil of which comes from cartel market. I'm sure that tells us Bioware is gonna spend a lot of profits on updating PVP, almost as sure as combat team thinks they fixed the roll bug. Edited by Azurestone
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I'm all for Xrealm queueing in PvP but totally against it in PvE.

PvE cross realm promotes bad attitudes and behaviors like ninja looting, leaving a raid after 1rst boss doesn't drop what u want etc etc.

Yes to PvP cross realm, big fat NO to PvE cross realm.

My 2 cents.

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Having beta tested both those games I doubt it. IMHO based on plenty of group discussions in those betas the players want don't want SWTOR PVP as it is now.


Instead of random selection arenas they want a cross server lobby system so you aren't forced to endure a WZ with all heals and no DPS or any of the other complete mismatches the random selection system creates.


They want Open World PVP that matters not some PVE dailies where PVP can happen on a PVP server. Planetary control of some sort with bases or PVP objectives.


No more gear grinds. Bring back all the PVP gear vendors and have them sell the shells for a low amount of credits from old school Battle Master to the newest gear. Have 2 Tiers of modifications PVP and Ranked and then sell the 2 Tiers of Armorings, Mods and Enhancements. Let the players min/max from the get go not 15k warzone comms later.


Fix bolster! There are plenty of posts explaining why and how it is exploitable.


I've been a loyal SWTOR subscriber since beta and I've seen some good gaming guilds come and go on three different servers. I think it's pretty telling what's left of the PVP community when a PVE server is considered "the best" PVP on SWTOR.


Change up the SWTOR story in your next expansion please. We want to go to war! We want 3 or 5 planets that are not a themepark but a sandbox where open world PVP matters. Please, please make your next expansion PVP based and please listen to what the PVP community has been saying and asking for. I know from first hand conversations with guild leaders that dominated Jung MA and POT5 after launch that they won't come back to SWTOR until a major change in the PVP system is live.


They're tired of the credit sinks. We have what might be the most exciting expansion coming up with guild ships and bunkers yet returning players will see a 50M price tag and won't grind out the credits because its just another carrot dangling andf they're tired of carrots.


A lot of the guilds I spoke to that you lost to Wildstar won't come back unless there is large scale PVP, a more meaningful crafting system (which is a whole other post on its own) and less grinds and more playable PVP content.


This. Just this.


I have no other words i can think of to add to this except for, if someone wishes to print this post several million times and fill the TOR offices with them to maybe start getting the point(s) across i would gladly chip in.

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I really don't get why they haven't been pushing for this.


Sure it'll cost money, and it might be difficult to implement.. but you know when a huge portion of players are constantly hounding you for it, that it should be worth going through the above.


Yes, it might upset some areas of the game such as more players complaining of premades or people purposely throwing matches. These can be fixed in time. My opinion, having cross-server queues would fix a lot more than it would disrupt.

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A friend of mine went to the LA Cantina Tour and was told there straight up that cross-server queues will probably never happen because they can't do it with the engine they use.


The engine has nothing to do with it.

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this. if they actually made this game appeal to the non star wars psycho nerd they would have more money to work with but they feel that the cartel shop is the main feature of this game.


That is because EA games want the money if posible yesterday and they don't want to put money in the game to create it fun and start making money because of this.. No it takes time so ...> Next cartel pack pls!! :rolleyes:

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