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About SWTOR future...


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The matter of believability is simple. There is no actual evidence, except perhaps some circumstantial stuff that can be explained in various ways.


But what is interesting is that it has a certain level of believability simply because the article mentions things that some people would like to have happen.


So what does it mean if people would want an MMO set in the times of Episode VII? How many of SWTOR's players would switch over to that game if it became available today?


The rumor is exactly that: a rumor, but the point that the idea of another MMO set in Episode VII times stirs enthusiasm amongst players of SWTOR is food for thought.

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So what does it mean if people would want an MMO set in the times of Episode VII? How many of SWTOR's players would switch over to that game if it became available today?


The rumor is exactly that: a rumor, but the point that the idea of another MMO set in Episode VII times stirs enthusiasm amongst players of SWTOR is food for thought.


I agree with your post.


Concerning your question: I would certainly not play an Episode VII MMO. I have no interest whatsoever in that era of Star Wars. Sure, I'll watch the new movie(s). But I haven't spent one cent on any Star Wars stuff apart from The Old Republic since 2005 (Episode III). Just yesterday, I bought 10.100 cartel coins again. But admittedly, I was drunk and already regret it today. ;)

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Yeah no. Learn to accept this is an MMO. Don't need a single player, the 1-50 experience is enough.


And what happens when I finish all stories? Sure there's at least 6 months of time right there, but... what then?


1-50 is NOT enough. VERY few people came here because of OPs or WZs. Learn to accept that the selling point of TOR is a) SW and b) stories.

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And what happens when I finish all stories? Sure there's at least 6 months of time right there, but... what then?


1-50 is NOT enough. VERY few people came here because of OPs or WZs. Learn to accept that the selling point of TOR is a) SW and b) stories.


Proof? I thought so. While you are correct that a large amount of people came for the stories, they do NOT represent the majority. Therefore, yes 1 -55 IS enough, besides you have Makeb C7 and Oricon. What more do you possibly want? I mean aren't the planetary quest lines that are coming more than suitable? Also alot of people came from other MMO's that had raiding and PvP and those people came here wanting a SW theme for that too


If you are referring to new class stories they out right said they are not happening.

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The rumor is exactly that: a rumor, but the point that the idea of another MMO set in Episode VII times stirs enthusiasm amongst players of SWTOR is food for thought.



Then the most interesting part is BioWare jobs listing , especially in Austin, is very thin. While EA jobs listing in Austin is another story.


So it tend to point at the fact they are building another team on another project.


Anyway always in motion is the future.

Edited by Deewe
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Proof? I thought so. While you are correct that a large amount of people came for the stories, they do NOT represent the majority. Therefore, yes 1 -55 IS enough, besides you have Makeb C7 and Oricon. What more do you possibly want? I mean aren't the planetary quest lines that are coming more than suitable? Also alot of people came from other MMO's that had raiding and PvP and those people came here wanting a SW theme for that too


If you are referring to new class stories they out right said they are not happening.


If you think the wz here are enough to satisfy pvpers or the ops raiders you're mistaken.


It is the stories that is swtor selling point other mmo do the other stuff much better.


Proof? All my 50 man pvp/raid guild quit because of these reasons.

Edited by Tellenn
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Yeah no. Learn to accept this is an MMO. Don't need a single player, the 1-50 experience is enough.


Part of the issue is no, that ISN'T enough.


We're exposed to all this story, and then its just been dropped as far as something similar to the one to 50 experience. The sub loss is likely mostly due to this, and story in the has continued to be a question brought up in almost every q&a at the cantina crawls

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Part of the issue is no, that ISN'T enough.


We're exposed to all this story, and then its just been dropped as far as something similar to the one to 50 experience. The sub loss is likely mostly due to this, and story in the has continued to be a question brought up in almost every q&a at the cantina crawls


And part of the issue is that it is impossible to develop story content as fast as it is consumed. Seriously they spent how many months on makeb only to have people blow through it on both factions in a couple days?

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Aaaah, that old Reddit thread eh?


I can´t believe people think that **** is real...

Reminds me when DeaconX brought the SW MMO in the making leak into the lights.


Although I agree some parts of the post looks kind of silly ;)

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And part of the issue is that it is impossible to develop story content as fast as it is consumed. Seriously they spent how many months on makeb only to have people blow through it on both factions in a couple days?


This is pretty much the ever losing battle with all themepark games,just can't crank out content fast enough.

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I dont think its a totally hoax


I ve searched it and there is some (somewhat) comfirmation about this things... Here is more






The story of the game is expected to go on for another three and half years, though servers are still expected to stay up as long as the game has an active audience. Focus will gradually shift to the sequel (which is already in early development) as time goes on. In the meantime, funding for the game is expected to go up once following the new expansion, and continue to stay at a higher rate.

A “New Game Plus” feature will be added to The Old Republic once the story has been completed. The mode will tweak the leveling function and alter the experience of early planets. Certain characters introduced later in the story will appear earlier in the campaign if certain requirements are met. An abundance of items that will make certain aspects of gameplay less repetitive are to be added.

A console port of the game will eventually hit the market.

The Togruta species will join the list of playable races, along with “some ugly thing” that the writer didn’t recognize.

Same-sex romantic options will be implemented into the game.

Cross-faction cooperation can occur on some planets, usually justified by story reasons.

An engine-revamp will occur over time through the expansions. Controls will be slightly modified in the process.

The “Sith Inquisitor” class/character will return for the sequel.

The Frostbite Engine 3 – which publisher Electronic Arts is using for several of its titles (including Star Wars Battlefront) – will be used for the sequel.

Player characters from The Old Republic will reappear in the sequel; that is to say, a player’s character from the original game will appear in the specific story arc of the player’s new character in the next game (albeit in the form of Holocron messages or something to that effect). A similar feature was included in the sequels to BioWare’s Mass Effect, where moral choices from previous installments would carry over in the sequels.




The forthcoming Galactic Stronghold expansion will have ties to (you guessed it) Episode VII, and that a plot-important planet from the movie will make their way into the game. Presumably, said planet will also be important in-story. The primary antagonist of the game, the Sith Emperor Vitiate, will also be an influential figure to the antagonist of the Episode VII, although he may not be mentioned by name.

The “Forged Alliances” quest will feature a plot point that will be crucial to the ending of the overarching story arc of the game.

The story arcs of player characters will (of course) be continued and concluded with the coming expansions.

The final arc of the story will revolve around Vitiate’s power being completely restored, and all eight of the classes (Sith included) play some part in defeating him once and for all. The story will end with a cataclysm that shakes the foundations of both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, setting the stage for the sequel.


and here is a link with updates about this rumor.




In a personal opinion, its about time EA and Bioware to add some bucks into the game investment... The game is profitable and they could add the 10-20% of that money into game story/content I agree... They need to revamp it though... I just need a new character creator, not with ready faces, but be able to create our face... And more beauty in the planets, dynamic weather and day/night and stuff to do...

Edited by Oyranos
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99% of the stuff in there is just laughable truth be told, starting with the notion that EA would heavily reinvest into yet ANOTHER(!!!) SW MMO after this one bombed at release.


If you actually believe in that, well... Just "WOW"...


Not to mention the fact that the article claims that EA will keep this game running as long as there are players for it. Not bloody likely. EA will shut this down in a New York minute the second it becomes unprofitable for them. That right there tells you the whole thing is bunk.

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Not to mention the fact that the article claims that EA will keep this game running as long as there are players for it. Not bloody likely. EA will shut this down in a New York minute the second it becomes unprofitable for them. That right there tells you the whole thing is bunk.


Former Earth and Beyond subscribers don't buy any of that talk.

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One thing changed. Yet few months ago before TESO and Wildstar launched there was a lot of hatred on MMORPG forums towards SWTOR.... The climate totally changed. SWTOR is getting appreciated. Other games disappointed.

There is a post on MMORPG titled Wildstar or SWTOR., guess what majority voted SWTOR a much better game.

Don't tell me that EA and BioWare don't see it. If they put some effort and upgrade the game, they can get a lot of people who got disappointed in other games.


Love this rumors LOL. But, one think is sure - hiring new positions in BioWare Austin means that they are up to something. Are these gonna be new expansion or new title - only time can tell.

Edited by Evensong
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Not to mention the fact that the article claims that EA will keep this game running as long as there are players for it. Not bloody likely. EA will shut this down in a New York minute the second it becomes unprofitable for them. That right there tells you the whole thing is bunk.


Uh I hate to break it to you, but every company in existence shuts down titles when they become unprofitable.

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I would certainly not play an Episode VII MMO. I have no interest whatsoever in that era of Star Wars. Sure, I'll watch the new movie(s). But I haven't spent one cent on any Star Wars stuff apart from The Old Republic since 2005 (Episode III).

Yeah, I'm the same way. It kinda surprised me when I saw one of the old movie posters recently, and my reaction was "Eh...meh...that's cool as a spin-off, but the Old Republic era is the real Star Wars."

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1st, in regards to an MMO set during the Episode 7 Era.... didn't SWG teach everyone the most important rule about MMO's being tied to a Movie Series, that you DON'T make an MMO set DURING the time period of said Movie Series. Either have it BEFORE or AFTER the time period of the Movies but not DURING.


2nd, how exactly can the upcoming Expansion or any future Expansion really have a tie into the new set of Movies, let alone Episode 7, when this Game is set a little over 3,500 years maybe even 3,600 years before Episode 7. How exactly can there be a tie-in. What, are we going to kill a Sith Lord's body hear imprisoning his or her Spirit that will then make an appearance in the Movie? I'd honestly rather TOR remained in this Era and had as little influence from the Episode 7, 8, & 9 movies, otherwise it could turn into somewhat of SWG and we'll end up with getting Posters of Episode 7, 8, & 9 in this Game.

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