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22 level 55s, any advice what to do next?


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Go work on your social skills, get another hobby for awhile. Go contribute to society, volunteer at a shelter. SOMETHING other then SWTOR.


I am a member of two organisations that on a regular basis help those in need. I have no need to change hobby since i an happy where I am.


Having 22 55's is borderline manic.


Who made you a expert? There is nothing wrong with my mental or physical health, that is atleast what my doctor say. That is mandatory for random checkup regarding the work I got. I am not a borderline manicac.


Actually, my wife and her friends just read your post and they say your a bit, um, scary.





You asked


Welcome to the internet, lots of scary people here that does not live your lifestyle or agree with you. It is a wide spectra op people, most of us are actually quite nice when you get to know us. I am sure you can /shrug it off, because I am a happy player with lots of friends that enjoy a good time. Do they all react the same way when someone in another game hit max level available or is it a new phenomenon you are experiencing?


Anyway back to the original topic please, I would much rather discuss SWTOR and things to do with it then psycology and psychoanalysis so lets leave it at that. Feel free to post in the general section if you think there is a connection between players leveling their characters and mental effects I am sure someone there will exchange some words with you.

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The thread has wandered of to be more off-topic things so it is time to get it back on track. These are a few of my thoughts by reading your suggestions.


1. I will try to get some new datacrons, those are always a challenge to get


2. I will try a galactic battle, they could be fun for a little while atleast


3 Perhaps I will consider to move my character somewhere to another server, I only have to be sure what I can bring.


4 I will PvP more


5 I will get back to you if more posts inspirational things to do in this game


I appreciate all the advice.

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I would suggest you do the following all together:


Get the Loremaster, Datacron Master, Galactic Explorer, and Beastmaster titles, while doing The GSI and Seeker Droid dailies on every planet. Do these two tasks on both an imperial and republic character at the same time. This will take a little while to complete and expose you to parts of each planet you probably have not visited or visited rarely.


Hopefully, by the time you get those 4 titles, GSH will be released and you'll have many, many more things to go "redo".


Also, I would strongly suggest you give a serious attempt at doing Hardmode operations, including getting into a legitimate progression raiding team. The hardmode mechanics are just hard enough to be a challenge without being in your face difficult. And with the gear you have (largely comms gear, I assume), you should be geared well enough to warrant a spot. If you get into this activity, you'll find you need to learn how to min/max your gear, how to optimize your rotations, how to parse on a dummy, etc. All things you probably do not spend time doing today, but things if you did spend time doing, could give you the feeling that you are doing something meaningful with your time...where as chasing achievement points doesn't often feel meaningful.


A simple measuring stick would be to set a goal like, increase your dps on an operations dummy by 500 over what you do today. I can almost guarantee you that this would be an achievable goal, probably within a week, if you've never measured your current dps and/or given strong considerations to playing your character in a way that maximizes dps. And then to do another 500 more after that. The same goals can be made for healing. Personal tanking goals are a bit more difficult to set.

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I recently hit 55 with my last character, all of them are OPS ready ranging from 162 gear to 180 gear.


I would like to get some advice what to do next, I am not much into the recycled modes like NiM and I have tried HM a few times but it did not bring much joy to me.


Deleting a character is not a option since I have invested real cash into them all using cartelcoins unlocking alot of different options, so I am not throwing that away.


Now I am kind of standing here, wondering what to do next. I don´t want to change server and start all the unlocks over again. I have already spent so much cartel coins on this game, no need to do that twice atleast.


The best would have been that we could have more characterslots but players has asked for that for ages so I do not see that happening in the near future either.


I have max reputation with all the factions I need and played all the OPS/FPs many many times. I long for new content, new content to explore and have fun with.


So I ask for advice what can I do ingame?


no offense and plz take this lightly ...but damn get a job!!!!...or some fresh air

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Level more on other servers.


I started a character on a new server but without the legacy advancedment and the reputation advancement plus the tons of items I have unlocked for real cash it did not feel right.

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I would suggest you do the following all together:


Get the Loremaster, Datacron Master, Galactic Explorer, and Beastmaster titles, while doing The GSI and Seeker Droid dailies on every planet. Do these two tasks on both an imperial and republic character at the same time. This will take a little while to complete and expose you to parts of each planet you probably have not visited or visited rarely.


Hopefully, by the time you get those 4 titles, GSH will be released and you'll have many, many more things to go "redo".


But in the end, can I relax with a cold beer and say, I did real good.


I really long for new content and when they raise the characterlevels

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Start on your epic weapon quests.





















I laughed for a good 30 second straight, thanks mate.I totally forgot they said they were designing these like...2 years ago? At least right?


We still want these if a Community Manager is reading this.

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Why not transfer your least used L55 to another server, taking enough materials, cash etc with you, perhaps a pvp server if you are pve focused, or vice versa?


That way, your legacy would transfer and you could level toons easier there. Also, you would open up a spot on your existing server to maybe level the character you wished you always had?

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Why not transfer your least used L55 to another server, taking enough materials, cash etc with you, perhaps a pvp server if you are pve focused, or vice versa?


That way, your legacy would transfer and you could level toons easier there. Also, you would open up a spot on your existing server to maybe level the character you wished you always had?


I have thought of that, but a PvP server does not interest me and the RP servers does not seem to have a big population. The thought have crossed my mind though.

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Get a life.


You people need to get a life who have nothing better to do than be jerks who make baseless assumptions.


I am nearly at 16 55s. I've played since launch but taken 3 breaks ranging 1-3 months. If I played from the beginning w/out taking breaks away from the game I'd have 22 by now I'm sure -- hell if the last 6 months I focused more on leveling than GTN selling to build a big money base I'd probably have 20. I have a good job, a wife, a toddler, other hobbies and even dabble in other games a little etc just like the OP.


As they tried to say nicely, just because you haven't played the game since launch or don't use your time to focus on leveling characters in-game or you spend a lot of time in-game standing around, playing GTN, or in general being inefficient when it comes to leveling doesn't mean someone has to be a no-lifer to manage to cap out at 22 people.



To the OP, if you're like me you'll probably get the most enjoyment out of doing the transfer and leveling more characters. Hopefully they'll increase the limit at some point in the future - personally think it needs to be 32 max.


I know you said you do help people already when you see someone asking, but might I also suggest just bouncing between planets asking if someone needs help - being more proactive about it. I do that from time to time and did it a lot in WoW when


Hopefully you like GSF, that will definitely give you something to work on to get at least one character on each faction maxed out and all the stuff you might want ship-wise bought.


Even though it's not by any means entertaining, definitely might work on building a big nest-egg, should be much easier with so many characters.

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I hit about 13 Lvl 55's and I started to feel the burnout myself. And then my wife started playing, and leveling with her and teaching her the game has really reinvigorated my own enjoyment level. Obviously, I can do that with her on the same server because I haven't hit 22 Lvl 55's yet. But maybe find a friend to teach the game to, even if it means jumping to another sever just to play with them. You may find that even though you're doing the same things over again, doing it as a teacher to someone you know will breathe fresh life into the game for you.
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But maybe find a friend to teach the game to, even if it means jumping to another sever just to play with them. You may find that even though you're doing the same things over again, doing it as a teacher to someone you know will breathe fresh life into the game for you.


All my friends are on the server I play on, I mentioned earlier that a server change is not on the table for now. I am looking for things to do here on the server I play on now. I do not mind teach the game to others when they ask, but most questions they ask are mostly based around where can I find this and that and those are very quick easily solved.


If this game had a master/padawan system I would use it to help out in a better way, but this game does not have that.

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Get a life.


While I do not think getting 22 level 55s is a huge accomplisment, there are others that manage much harder tasks. Like surviving a war in hostile territory or perhaps build a house or a car from scratch.


I respect people when they set out to reach a goal, how long it might take it does not matter. My goal with this game was at first to see all class stories, then to see them both light and dark and finally I had to replay a few of them only because they are so good (darkside agent, lightside jedi, darkside warrior) to name a few.


Have fun mate and please try to look a bit further , some of us dedicated players like our hobby and we have no problem spending more time with it.



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You people need to get a life who have nothing better to do than be jerks who make baseless assumptions.


I am nearly at 16 55s. I've played since launch but taken 3 breaks ranging 1-3 months. If I played from the beginning w/out taking breaks away from the game I'd have 22 by now I'm sure -- hell if the last 6 months I focused more on leveling than GTN selling to build a big money base I'd probably have 20. I have a good job, a wife, a toddler, other hobbies and even dabble in other games a little etc just like the OP.


As they tried to say nicely, just because you haven't played the game since launch or don't use your time to focus on leveling characters in-game or you spend a lot of time in-game standing around, playing GTN, or in general being inefficient when it comes to leveling doesn't mean someone has to be a no-lifer to manage to cap out at 22 people.



To the OP, if you're like me you'll probably get the most enjoyment out of doing the transfer and leveling more characters. Hopefully they'll increase the limit at some point in the future - personally think it needs to be 32 max.


I know you said you do help people already when you see someone asking, but might I also suggest just bouncing between planets asking if someone needs help - being more proactive about it. I do that from time to time and did it a lot in WoW when


Hopefully you like GSF, that will definitely give you something to work on to get at least one character on each faction maxed out and all the stuff you might want ship-wise bought.


Even though it's not by any means entertaining, definitely might work on building a big nest-egg, should be much easier with so many characters.


The thing about the internet is anyone can say anything about themselves to make them look good and be totally full of shi*. I could give ya examples and change around what you have said, to what I believe is the truth but who cares. Get real kid.

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Join a PvP guild.

Do warzones,arenas and world pvp.


As I wrote earlier in this thread I have a few characters up to rank 60. I am not that fond of PvP in this game. I like equal PvP where the opponents have the same gear and the same setting (no voice com etc) and only their skill to rely on. This is a very simple answer why I will not join a PvP guild and spend time waiting for warzones to pop.


I thankyou for your imput though

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It's pretty much impossible for any MMO to keep someone interested if they have 22 max level characters. You've already spent far more time playing this game than 99.9% of the players. At that point, it's not really their job to find things for you, in particular, to do. They have to design the game for the majority of the players, not the exceptions.
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It's pretty much impossible for any MMO to keep someone interested if they have 22 max level characters. You've already spent far more time playing this game than 99.9% of the players. At that point, it's not really their job to find things for you, in particular, to do. They have to design the game for the majority of the players, not the exceptions.


Well, first of all I have never said it its their job to find things to do for me. I am simply asking for advice, so far this thread has come up with a few good suggestions that I am sure the other readers will pick up on aswell.


I have not said that they should design the game for any other then the majority of the players. In fact I would very much like that they designed a few OPS and a few FPs and a few Warzones that all players can run.


I like to include players while I play, never exclude them

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