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22 level 55s, any advice what to do next?


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I recently hit 55 with my last character, all of them are OPS ready ranging from 162 gear to 180 gear.


I would like to get some advice what to do next, I am not much into the recycled modes like NiM and I have tried HM a few times but it did not bring much joy to me.


Deleting a character is not a option since I have invested real cash into them all using cartelcoins unlocking alot of different options, so I am not throwing that away.


Now I am kind of standing here, wondering what to do next. I don´t want to change server and start all the unlocks over again. I have already spent so much cartel coins on this game, no need to do that twice atleast.


The best would have been that we could have more characterslots but players has asked for that for ages so I do not see that happening in the near future either.


I have max reputation with all the factions I need and played all the OPS/FPs many many times. I long for new content, new content to explore and have fun with.


So I ask for advice what can I do ingame?

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Take a break till next major update....play a new game and come back. That's all I can think of besides grinding credits for unlocking every room for every strongerhold and/or guild ship. Or going for every achievement.
Pretty much. Maybe play KOTOR 1 & 2 if you never had. Or Mass Effect Trilogy if you want to continue your space opera fix. These will keep you busy for weeks until new stuff comes out.
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Take a break till next major update....play a new game and come back. That's all I can think of besides grinding credits for unlocking every room for every strongerhold and/or guild ship. Or going for every achievement.


The achievements I have left are mostly connected to grinding, kill 1000 of those or even 100000 of those....and so on. I will hardly start on those, if they come along somewhere in the future they will but it is not something I set out to do. Achievements is not that important to me eventhough I have alot of them, they simply appeared along the ride.


I do not want to take a break, I see no point in taking a break while paying subscriber fees for it.


I will not change game until I see how they manage 2.9 and 3.0 if they do that wrong I am long gone from this game anyway.

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The achievements I have left are mostly connected to grinding, kill 1000 of those or even 100000 of those....and so on. I will hardly start on those, if they come along somewhere in the future they will but it is not something I set out to do. Achievements is not that important to me eventhough I have alot of them, they simply appeared along the ride.


You should already have all "kill 1000 Xs" achievements if you have played all classes. Of course not possible if you for example have 18 Operatives/Snipers.

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Pretty much. Maybe play KOTOR 1 & 2 if you never had. Or Mass Effect Trilogy if you want to continue your space opera fix. These will keep you busy for weeks until new stuff comes out.


I appreciate the advices to take a break and change game, but that is not what I want to do. I am asking for interesting things to do ingame, except the recycled content HM and NiM that is.


Those games you mention were awesome to play

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Are you a Season 2 All-Star yet?


Also another good advice. I have played a few chars up to rank 60 but it kind of ended there, perhaps I can do a few matches of PvP. But that is not my main interest, I like PvE

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You should already have all "kill 1000 Xs" achievements if you have played all classes. Of course not possible if you for example have 18 Operatives/Snipers.


Yeah, unless like me she did a lot of leveling prior to the achievement system being instituted. All the kills and what not prior to that aren't accounted for.

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Yeah, unless like me she did a lot of leveling prior to the achievement system being instituted. All the kills and what not prior to that aren't accounted for.


mokkh is correct


This is true, take Gree for example. I was legend shortly after the first time before the achievementsystem were implemented. I have the reputation but not the achievements, and there is no way I am going to kill 10.000 mobs only to get a few achievement points. This is the same for section-x and so on.

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I appreciate the advices to take a break and change game, but that is not what I want to do. I am asking for interesting things to do ingame, except the recycled content HM and NiM that is.


Those games you mention were awesome to play

Do bonus series and/or seeker droid/ocular series. They all have story content so it will be more interesting than mindless daily grind. But at 22 characters I would be surprised if there was anything in the game you haven't done/seen yet.


In that case, GTN fishing, that's always fun :rak_03:

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Do bonus series and/or seeker droid/ocular series. They all have story content so it will be more interesting than mindless daily grind. But at 22 characters I would be surprised if there was anything in the game you haven't done/seen yet.


In that case, GTN fishing, that's always fun :rak_03:


With 22 characters I have explored all aspects light and dark, both versions of the classes ofcourse and a few bonus chars I have played because I liked a certain classtory very much.


But at 22 characters I would be surprised if there was anything in the game you haven't done/seen yet./


I do not know, have I? That is why I ask for advice, perhaps someone has found something fun to do and is in a similar situation as me.

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I think you've exhausted much of what this game has to offer you. When you're desperate to find things to do in a game, that in itself is a sign that it's time to move on until 3.0


Kinda sounds like certain types of relationships eh? ;)

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I can feel better now about how much time that I spend in this game.


I do not regret spending time with this game, I enjoyed it very much. The class stories and the different variations from light and dark were very interesting to explore.

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If you haven't already, you could try getting all the datacrons on each or some of your characters.


Another thing is that you could try to max all the different crew skills with them on different characters (ex: Biochem on one, Artifice on another, Armstech on a different one, etc).


Next thing you can do, is try RP. While I don't do RP myself, I imagine it could be a good way to pass the time and come up with interesting stories for your characters. Maybe even join an RP guild for a little while, and do some RP events. Or maybe get a group of friends together for a little RP.


Make up, and set long/short term goals for yourself. (ex: make 20 million credits in the next 'x amount of time', get 1 of every type of animal mount in the game, collect all the emotes in the game, etc)


Help out other players. If you simply find yourself standing around or having nothing to do, try helping other people that need it or offer your help. (ex: lending a few credits to those who you think deserve it, giving newer players advice and tips, crafting some supplies to help people on their adventure, etc)


Go on the PTS and help test the next update. Report any bugs you find to the PTS fourm. Also, post your feedback on the update on the PTS forum as well.


And the last thing I can think of, is to take a break from the game. When you have a hard time to find something to do, that is usually a good sign that you may want to take a break until the next update or so.



That is basically all I can think of. Hope at least one of these helps you. :o:)

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I think you've exhausted much of what this game has to offer you. When you're desperate to find things to do in a game, that in itself is a sign that it's time to move on until 3.0


Kinda sounds like certain types of relationships eh? ;)


Yes, the only thing I admit I was desperate to find was the dessler explorer vehicle. That was exhausting, but then I got it and shortly after she spawned again so I got two for some reason. A double wham!


Other then that, there is nothing I have actually focused on to get except gearing up my chars but that is what all players do.

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If you haven't already, you could try getting all the datacrons on each or some of your characters.


I do not have all datacrons, true. I will start to chase a few, I do not got those on fleet either. That´s good advice.



Another thing is that you could try to max all the different crew skills with them on different characters (ex: Biochem on one, Artifice on another, Armstech on a different one, etc).


I have master crafter and all 22 chars up to 450. This is one of the reasons I was disappointed with the price of legacy bank. I have so much materials on my 22 chars that I really need somewhere to put it all.



Next thing you can do, is try RP. While I don't do RP myself, I imagine it could be a good way to pass the time and come up with interesting stories for your characters. Maybe even join an RP guild for a little while, and do some RP events. Or maybe get a group of friends together for a little RP.


We used to RP a little with the original gang I started out with, but they all left and I havent found anyone that is actually interested in building a RP environment. SWTOR is not that RP friendly.


Make up, and set long/short term goals for yourself. (ex: make 20 million credits in the next 'x amount of time', get 1 of every type of animal mount in the game, etc)


Well, most of my cash will vanish in the stronghold patch. First some to guild then what is left over some to my stronghold. Regarding mounts I have what I want, I do not spend real cash trying to get a new reskinned one.


Help out other players. If you simply find yourself standing around or having nothing to do, try helping other people that need it or offer your help. (ex: lending a few credits to those who you think deserve it, giving newer players advice and tips, crafting some supplies to help people on their adventure, etc)


I always give advice and try to help those that call out in general chat, happened last night and it will probably happen tonight. I will however not give random credits out, especially when I know of a few players that like to act beggars and see what they can get.


Go on the PTS and help test the next update. Report any bugs you find to the PTS fourm. Also, post your feedback on the update on the PTS forum as well.


I am in the PTS, I copied a few toons to make sure I can affort a guildship to see what that is about.



And the last thing I can think of, is to take a break from the game. When you have a hard time to find something to do, that is usually a good sign that you may want to take a break until the next update or so.


Well thing is, I have always had something to do until last night when my last char hit 55. Then I thought it was a good idea to come here and ask for inspiration


That is basically all I can think of. Hope at least one of these helps you. :o:)


Thankyou for your advice, you have been most helpful :tran_grin:

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I do not regret spending time with this game, I enjoyed it very much. The class stories and the different variations from light and dark were very interesting to explore.


I was just funning with you, brother.

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22 lvl 55s all in 168-180 gear!!! 16 is enough to go with all advanced class for both faction(and they mirror each other so you play something twice) so I can't even imagin what you do with 6 more you really need a life cause you have to play this 12-18 hours a day every day since release. You might need rehab or something cause that kind of addiction is clearly unhealthy.


Judgmental much? :rolleyes:

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22 lvl 55s all in 168-180 gear!!! ( someone might need to go to rehab) 22 toons at 55 is excessive ummmmm only thing I can say is play light and dark side on both male and female if you haven't done that already.


Haha, it is not that bad. Remember that the game has been out for a while and ops is not exactly hard to get groups with if you got alot of friends.

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Hey I changed it to be less mean I only suggested rehab. And even gave some very unhealthy advice on how to maybe play the game more.


You would be surprised how many characters we got that started playing pre-launch. Check the suggestion forum where it has been suggested hundreds of times to expand the 22 character limit.


I am only posting to find out if there is something to do that I have missed


I am not like that dude in that other game leveling to 90 only by picking flowers, I have fun while I play and having fun is healthy

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