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old recipes that were bind on pick up and legacy vault


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So as I understand it I will not be able to put a bound item in the legacy vault to transfer to another character in my legacy.


Mostly Im ok with that.

I have legacy gear for every slot so transfering hilts, barrels, mods, enhancements, armor, crystals not an issue.




I have been saving for literally years armorcrafting, armstech, synchweaving, biochem, cybertech recipes from old ops that were stupidly made bind on pick up in the hopes I can one day transfer them to my crafters who can actually use them.


It was pretty much a guirentee taht if I was on my armor crafter everything but armormech would drop. If I was playing my armtech, everything but armstech would drop, ect ect ect


So I have all these old recipes saved up because I figured at some point EA had to realize their screw up here (not having them legacy bound from the get go) and fix it so I could transfer these recipes to the proper crafting character.


I though Legacy vault would allow that


PLEASE allow me to transfer these recipes already

They should have never been bind on pick up

Some of these items no longer in game so are very valuable in game


Let my crafters craft the recipes I fairly earned already.

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or at least make the crafted gear not bind on pickup.


and while we're talking about it, why not be able to put bound items in the legacy vault? What is my incentive to pay for slots except to transfer gear? If I'm going to have to pay 200k to pull a set of mods, put them in legacy armor, then put the armor in legacy vault, and pay to rip out the mods again to put it in my next toons armor - after all that I think I don't need legacy vault...ijs

Edited by KareBarey
addition of thought
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I Agree with both ideas but there's a problem with the first also i will give my regards to the second idea of the Vault as well.


1st) I think of it in a RP sense like this: If you learn something from a book on how to make a better style of armor your family members shouldn't automatically learn it unless they go out a try to seek this knowledge themselves instead of it being automatic.


2nd) As it regards to the Legacy Vault for only you and your family members all i have to say is it's about damn time, someone came up with that idea since it would make thing a lot more easy when it regards to transferring gear instead of by mail and also Credit Storage if you want to save up money and don't want it on hand in case you need to spend it.

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