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Dual-Tree Classing for real.


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I want to advance a character that can seem less go from heals to DPS and back. Or even do a hybrid build. I heard that sorcs are better than merc or ops because they don't need accuracy. Mercs may be the best doing both DPS and healing in a hybrid spec. Thoughts?
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Every DPS needs accuracy now. As of 2.0, Elites and Champions have a chance to resist Force and Tech attacks that requires the full 100%/110% accuracy level to overcome.


Merc/Mando does have the best off-heals as DPS and probably the best off-DPS as heals, making it very versatile in PvE. As for stat apportionment, you can always do what I do:

Put Surge on your implants, earpiece, mainhand, and offhand. Put Accuracy on your DPS boots, gloves, pants, chest, and helmet, and put Alacrity on the corresponding pieces for your healing set. You'll want to have two sets of armor at endgame anyway for the set bonuses, so you might as well put the DPS-specific stat on the DPS gear and the heals-specific stat on the heals gear. This way you can share your other stuff between your specs. Also, pay the 200k for Field Respec so you can switch specs on the fly.


As far as hybrids go, there's nothing viable in Ops, but putting enough into Arsenal to get Tracer Missile and then throwing the rest in Bodyguard makes a decent leveling spec.

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