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The new Nerf sith inquisitor thread


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As sorc, my highest crit is cca 2900 with death field, and its internal dmg (not reduced by armor) and dirrect attack, dots/channel spells are way weaker.


My highest with death field has only been a 2.4 crit. Our dots do barely any damage and personally I only use Crushing Darkness when I have the instant cast buff from Force Lightning. Also Corruption because of the talent giving it a damage increase. Before getting these talents I didn't use either as they failed to impact on my damage output at all.

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lol. I did read someone say that the mirror class abilites may do same damage numbers pre-resist. HOWEVER, if they do different damage types, and as someone said one of the damage types is also mitigated by armor and the other is not. Than the OP has a point, in which case it does need to be fixed.


If this is incorrect than forget about it.



I play a Shadow, and the only class in the game "I" personally see that is overpowered is the agent. More specifically would probably be operative. I have surprised operatives and got them down to half health while they were fighting someone else. They managed to kill the other person and turn on me, even with my CD's popped and blue/orange/purple armor mix, it looked like every hit they had did 1k minimum. Im going to give the benefit of the doubt to BW and say it was an operative because if it was a sniper with that melee ability than we have an even more serious problem.


I do feel like the shadows techniques are kinda crappy, but hey I'm only 27 atm, so nothing can be said till lvl 50

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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Whoever says the SI is OP needs to actually go play an SI. You die in like 5 seconds. People usually complain about things they do not play first hand.


At lvl50 agains other 50s, warriors, assassins(shadows) and troopers can almost autoattack me to death. While low lvl warriors can barely touch me.

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Well I will admit that im a noob to this game . But I am level 34 smuggler and went one on one with a level 20 sith Iquistor it was a long fight and he was low on health but he got me I could not get past his bubble shield. Went gunslinger not sure if its good tree somtimes I do well other times im stunned and dead. I seem run out of energy vert fast. Is it wrong to think that my level 34 guns should ripped a level 20 shield I have alot to learn so flame me if you want just looking for so advice want to able to fight well :{
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Well I will admit that im a noob to this game . But I am level 34 smuggler and went one on one with a level 20 sith Iquistor it was a long fight and he was low on health but he got me I could not get past his bubble shield. Went gunslinger not sure if its good tree somtimes I do well other times im stunned and dead. I seem run out of energy vert fast. Is it wrong to think that my level 34 guns should ripped a level 20 shield I have alot to learn so flame me if you want just looking for so advice want to able to fight well :{


Stats are bolstered, so its a level 50 shield vs your guns... GG my friend.

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Ok since the last thread got locked for people trolling and stuff, lets make a new thread regarding how OP and unbalanced sith inquisitors are.


Im currently a lvl 50 consular, and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.


other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors. They fling around lightning like no tommorow with no CD it seems.


PvP games are now simply about how few seconds the 5 inquisitors on the opposite team take to stun lock and kill you.


Please keep this thread civil and on topic or posts will be reported.


What a troll.


1. Sith inquisitor is a starting class.

2. Both consular and inquisitor are mirror classes everything you have we have except for the level 46 ability. If we get nerfed Bioware has to nerf you too.

3.A sorc is different from an assassin.

4.I've never seen anyone tick 4k per seconds please next time try screen shotting this so you don't sound absurd.

5.You think we don't feel the same way when were pelted by pebbles and stunned all day? You think your special or something and the only one on the entire server who can experience CC???!!?!

6.The fact that you don't even know the difference between classes shows me this is a l2P issue. Just get better bro and it will work out.

7.Assassins have to hit hard because guess what. Were melee. I don't see anyone complaining about bounty hunters doing 2.5k a tracer missile (Ranged)

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So, I read around 10 pages and still didnt notice anyone say it...


The Bolster buff is what's causing the OP (and other's) issue.


You can even clearly see it in the video posted on page 3 (or 4?) with the lower level Consular vs the higher level Sorc.


To even out the lack of skills, the lower level you are the more bolster buff effects you. You'll gain more HP, more damage, etc. As you go up in level, the effects of bolster lessen compared to a lower level opponent.


I.E. If your level 40 and your fighting a level 20, odds are hes going to be doing more damage than you. Your spose to use your talents/skills to compensate.

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other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors.


This really needs to be addressed. If this is true then Consulars really do need to be nerfed. If this isn't true, and it's just hyperbole or whatever, then it calls into question the validity of the rest of your post. What other parts of it are just as ridiculous?


I don't know, I'd edit that bit out if I were you.

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Ok since the last thread got locked for people trolling and stuff, lets make a new thread regarding how OP and unbalanced sith inquisitors are.


Im currently a lvl 50 consular, and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.


other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors. They fling around lightning like no tommorow with no CD it seems.


PvP games are now simply about how few seconds the 5 inquisitors on the opposite team take to stun lock and kill you.


Please keep this thread civil and on topic or posts will be reported.


baaahahaha what the **** is this?????? Consulars are LITERALLY a MIRROR IMAGE of SIs, with different graphics. This has to be the saddest forum post I have ever seen in my life, you are a failure quit now

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LOL, what? Consulars and SI are mirrors, they have the EXACT same abilities, EXACT same talents and EXACT same damage/stats/numbers. There is literally NO difference combat-wise, aside from animations. If SI is OP, then so are Consulars. You are either just really bad at the game, specced wrong, or have horrible gear. Most likely all three. Edited by BlobbMonster
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baaahahaha what the **** is this?????? Consulars are LITERALLY a MIRROR IMAGE of SIs, with different graphics. This has to be the saddest forum post I have ever seen in my life, you are a failure quit now





OP: I faceroll every class except the assassin, please nerf so I can faceroll every class and feel gud about myself...






**** TROLL!!!!!!!!!

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Ok since the last thread got locked for people trolling and stuff, lets make a new thread regarding how OP and unbalanced sith inquisitors are.


Im currently a lvl 50 consular, and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.


other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors. They fling around lightning like no tommorow with no CD it seems.


PvP games are now simply about how few seconds the 5 inquisitors on the opposite team take to stun lock and kill you.


Please keep this thread civil and on topic or posts will be reported.


maybe you should have picked an advanced class instead of playing jedi consular to 50?

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ughh geez...


If you think there is an issue send a ticket to BW they will choose to review their data and act on it. If there truly is an issue they will adjust...simple.


Throwing a forum post to incite the mouth breather crowd and getting into a 50 page bickering match doesn't help anyone.


These threads all go the same way...someone who doesn't like MMO type PvP combat (which is by definition not balanced), but thinks they do, gets beaten handily and posts on the forum.


The PvP crowd gets angry (to frightening levels) and post page after page of insults (usually some type of acronym "L2P" "QQ").


Leave it off the forum send a ticket to BW they will investigate..or not. But please spare us this drivel.


It is tiresome from both ends...

Edited by Doxxs
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I was going to agree, but you're a cons. So you;re exactly the same...


TBH, I just want them to not be able to force speed while carrying the huttball. That's it really.


maybe you should have picked an advanced class instead of playing jedi consular to 50?


I loled

Edited by Norr
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Havent read 15 threads, but i hope you do realize that the classes are mirrored. No deviation except how you spec.


if you fail at playing it, or do not know your class well enough to optimize its spec for more damage, then you are simply not a competent pvp'er.


No offense.

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Inq. dosnt need a nerf... your probably a different tree then the ones your going against, i chose then Balance tree on the sage and my DoT's seem to obliterate Sith inquisitors. I assume most sith go their version of Telekinesis, where balance seems to out damage that tree, it just takes alot more timing and skill. For example your DoTs should never be casted while their shield is up, simply break the shield with the rocks, throw ur dots on, put ur shield up and watch them die.


If anything the DoT trees need a small nerf, i shouldn't beable to stun u, dot the crap out of you, slow you, force dash to the opposite side of the room, dot u again, slow u again, dash again. Melee has no chance against this strategy, its also my personal fav in a 1 v 1.


Moreover the game is young, your seeing alot of I WANNA BE DARTH MAUL **** atm, its just a popular class, and as kids realize its easily defeated, they will reclass. I will agree that amount of CC is annoying, but consider the fact that empire teams consist of inqs. as their main class. Sage isnt so popular at the moment due to the fact imps get a cooler animation through spells, which i dont agree with it, its all the same stuff, id get pretty sick of purple lighting as EVERY SINGLE SPELL. :)

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