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Commando Roundblast hybrid

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Hello Havoc Squad!


I have recently looked in the commando tree and felt like in an experimental mood, put 2 + 2 together and came up with that hybrid (I am not a great guide writer so please try it out yourself :jawa_redface: ) (Link to build). It Is about maximizing the damage of high impact bolt and frequent usage of it. While usage of it I had plasma cell on. You can also exchange the rotary cannon point into rain of fire.




The rotation is about keeping the plasma cell debuff on the target and stacking charged barrel to maximize the damage of the high impact bolt. If you have spare energy cells switch some hammer shots into explosive round since it has 100% to apply plasma cell to the target. From time to time use reserve powercell on Grav Round or Explosive round and Tech Override on Grav Round.


Incendiary round > Hammer Shot > Grav Round > Grav Round > Hammer Shot > Grav Round > High Impact Bolt > Full Auto > High Impact Bolt (proc - If not then put Incendiary round here) > repeat (If low on energy use recharge cells)


Pretty Simple but has high class energy usage. As I stated previously I am not a great guide writer so try it out yourself and see what rotation fits you best. Feel free to post your suggestions on how to improve the rotation or skill tree point usage. Also I would like to hear what do you think about it, see some parses and feel free to post how are you doing with it in PvE and PvP. Thanks for reading.

Edited by theskullwalker
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Playing normal Assault has better ammo control, more damage and will actually proc every 6s which feeds back into ammo control and more damage.


There are no commando hybrids which do more damage than a straight tree.


For freaky PVP purposes you can mix Gunnery and Medic for moderate damage and light group healing and that's it for hybrid action.

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The only Gunnery/Assault hybrid worth considering is something like this, a build which I personally call Rapid Fire but is probably known to others as other things. It's fun but fiddly, allowing you access to Grav Round and -- key point here -- letting you double-dip on procs with Ionic Accelerator and Curtain of Fire.

That said, it's not going to perform as well as either pure spec in terms of raw damage, and it does have some slight problems with survivability. It's more a spec to goof around with than to bring to an Operation.

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The only Gunnery/Assault hybrid worth considering is something like this, a build which I personally call Rapid Fire but is probably known to others as other things. It's fun but fiddly, allowing you access to Grav Round and -- key point here -- letting you double-dip on procs with Ionic Accelerator and Curtain of Fire.

That said, it's not going to perform as well as either pure spec in terms of raw damage, and it does have some slight problems with survivability. It's more a spec to goof around with than to bring to an Operation.


Yea, i used to play around with that build, i used to have some parses in the 2k range with it in like 162 unoptomised gear. but i dont think it was higher than pure Arsenal. Someone may have to test it out and see if BW has to squash another hybrid!

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It's quite horrible to use.


Charged Bolts costs 19 not 16 per cast in there, that alone eats up the 8 regen from HiB hitting a burning target.


Just in that one line you have less ammo to use which means you cant even keep up the 6s rotation of Assault because it's ammo negative and the 9s lockout of CoF is of no use since it can still only be used every second rotation which is normal in Assault anyway.

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