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Ion Cell w/ Tactics


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I have to say, after about 10 WZs at lvl 52 I'm compelled by going the tactics tree up to Reflexive Shield and on the way getting Shock Absorbers. The ability to shorten the CD on Reactive Shield seems to be better than the additional Shield Absorption we gain from Energy Blast. I waste one point in Tactics, and then throw the rest into Shield Specialist. Although, I'm open to suggestions for the points into SS. Example, tier two getting the extra slow (already have from tactics). So currently I would go SS tier one 2/3/0, tier two 1/1/1/2 for 50% chance for Ion Overload which seems to suffice, and tier three 2/1/1 for the additional ammo boost because this spec does suffer from ammo availability, however we're not entirely concerned with DPS.


What are the community thoughts?

Edited by TheCKiceman
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You know, in theory this sounds pretty nice. I might give it a shot as well. I agree with you that Reflective Shield sounds better than Energy Blast. Let's do some math here.


Power Screen can get 3 charges up in 4.5 seconds if you shield successfully (I am assuming the most optimal scenario). Energy Blast is off the GCD so you fire that instantly if you're quick to react. Now you have an additional 25% of shield absorption for 6 seconds.


Reflective Shield gives 25% damage reduction for 12 seconds and is on cool down for 120 seconds normally. It doesn't clarify how much Energy Redoubt helps in absorbing damage. Anyone know this answer? If we theorize the same 4.5 seconds above then the cool down goes down to 115.5 seconds. However, we can safely add that you likely will be taking more damage if you're doing your job right then a span of 4.5 seconds. So you can reduce the CD timer to maybe half. So every 60 seconds you get 25% damage reduction for 12 seconds (versus 6) and some additional damage absorbed. This seems more optional but also requires more active fighting. Warzones lend themselves well to this I believe due to the non-stop battling, especially near nodes.


I like it!

Edited by Morbidar
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OK. Just to clear up a few more details.


1.Would you consider yourself a "Tank" or a "DPS" in WZs? Because let's be honest, this build wouldn't fly at all in Ranked. So this has to be purely for Regs.


2. Why do you think this build would make you more than mediocre at everything?

You don't have High Energy Cell active, so the most appealing aspect of Tactics DPS-wise in WZs (the frontal cleave slow DPS boost of Pulse Generator) is a non factor. You're missing out on all of the great PvP talents higher in the Tank Tree (Shrap Satchel/Defensive Measures) and you're trading all of that for a CD reduction on Reflexive Shield.


3. I must just be missing something, because it seems like tunnel vision to get Reflexive Shield and missing out on everything else along the way.

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I just feel I'm more tough with the tactics tree up to Reflexive. I don't go any higher in the Tactics tree, however. Then I pour the rest into SS so I can grab Riot Gas. I wonder when my guarded target takes damage and I'm not directly taking damage if Reflexive Shield still ticks down the CD?


Also, I don't think the Absorb increase with energy blast is worth it. Most damage just bypasses it anyway...

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Seems like you are literally wasting a skill point, since Pulse and Cell Generator and Battlefield Training all require High Energy Cell.


You are also having to pick up skills that benefit Fire Pulse, which you are not picking up.

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I just feel I'm more tough with the tactics tree up to Reflexive. I don't go any higher in the Tactics tree, however. Then I pour the rest into SS so I can grab Riot Gas. I wonder when my guarded target takes damage and I'm not directly taking damage if Reflexive Shield still ticks down the CD?


Also, I don't think the Absorb increase with energy blast is worth it. Most damage just bypasses it anyway...


And that makes sense. With Reflexive Shield and Shock Absorbers, you will certainly be able to soak up some damage. But it goes back to my original question.


What do you envision your role to be in 8v8? You'll be in Ion Cell, so I'd imagine you would try and guard someone. In order to guard, you need a shield generator, which certainly diminishes damage bonuses for having a shield and not a generator OH.


How would you go about gearing yourself at 55? Power/surge/DPS mods/enhancements or Shield/Defense Tank mods/enhancements.


It's an interesting build and certainly increases survivability, but with key abilities locked to a cell you aren't using, it seems like you're sacrificing more than you're getting back for your point allocation.

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Essentially we would run Zoom_VI's build, but make a few changes. We would put one point into Blaster Augs Tier two. So we would only be wasting one point in Tactics to get the very valuable Shock Absorbers and Reflexive Shield, worth it IMO. In the SS tree we can take the one point out of Neural Overload (because we have a slow with Gut plus Hamstring) and put that one point into Ceramic Plating, for whatever it's worth.


JMagee, we would skip out on any Tactics tree points that would require us to run HEC (there is only one point wasted in the Tactics tree). We do run Ion Cell and we do equip a Shield. As of now I'm trying to gear for Supercommando at 55, but I'm only working on Obroan atm. I will worry about Min/Maxing when I get there and adding Augs when I get the cash. So we're still going to Tank as our main role here. Plus, we do suffer mightily from ammo in this build, but again we're not here to deal damage.


I will say the healing up at the top of the SS tree could make it worth going all the way up to Energy Blast. But that's why we're having this discussion.


I also wonder how much Energy Redoubt absorbs in damage?

Edited by TheCKiceman
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Essentially we would run Zoom_VI's build, but make a few changes. We would put one point into Blaster Augs Tier two. So we would only be wasting one point in Tactics to get the very valuable Shock Absorbers and Reflexive Shield, worth it IMO. In the SS tree we can take the one point out of Neural Overload (because we have a slow with Gut plus Hamstring) and put that one point into Ceramic Plating, for whatever it's worth.


JMagee, we would skip out on any Tactics tree points that would require us to run HEC (there is only one point wasted in the Tactics tree). We do run Ion Cell and we do equip a Shield. As of now I'm trying to gear for Supercommando at 55, but I'm only working on Obroan atm. I will worry about Min/Maxing when I get there and adding Augs when I get the cash. So we're still going to Tank as our main role here. Plus, we do suffer mightily from ammo in this build, but again we're not here to deal damage.


I will say the healing up at the top of the SS tree could make it worth going all the way up to Energy Blast. But that's why we're having this discussion.


I also wonder how much Energy Redoubt absorbs in damage?


Just remember that in PvP, mitigation is mostly useless, so stack dat endurance stat.


As for energy redoubt: Damage absorbed = 324.22 + 0.08526*(aim+cunning) + 0.10353*(power+mainhand/offhand tech power)

Edited by TACeMossie
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Tac, thanks for the reply. Exactly my thoughts as well. Although, if you go all supercommando set, won't you have the best endurance possible (beside getting rid of any accuracy modifications and getting Augs)?


So Energy Redoubt is based on your own Aim and Power?

Edited by TheCKiceman
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