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Advanced Scavenging bugged in 2.8.1


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I have reached 400 in Cybertech, Underworld Trading, and Scavenging. I purchased Advanced level for all. I noticed that Grade 9 Scavenging missions were grayed out when I purchased the advanced scavenging. I logged back in later, and advanced Scavenging was gone. I had to repurchase it. The Grade 9 mission level is still grayed out. No problem with Cybertech or Underworld Trading, only with Scavenging. Has anyone else seen this problem in 2.8.1?
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AFAIK, you first need to do a 400 mission to get your crew skills to 401 before the new grade 9 missions are available. So if you just purchased the advanced unlock, the grade 9 missions won't be immediately available; you first need to run an older mission.
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