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Mercenary Tips?


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Hi, I´m looking for some tips for my merc regarding build, I´m lvl 35 currently and dont quite know in wich direction to go. Some tips on rotation would be nice as well.


Go Pyro. For questing, you have tons of AOE, Death from above, Fusion Missile, and Explosive dart are awesome to clear packs of mobs. For elite mobs, IM>Explosive Dart>Rail Shot>Power Shot until rail proc > Rail Shot.... then rinse and repeat.

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I would like to add that if you decide to go pyro, you should learn the very basics of pyro rotation, which is that you can proc a new rail shot every 6ish seconds if you're not stacking any alacrity. This will significantly up your dps and not have you rely on dots killing stuff.


You should read odawggs guide for the full rundown if you plan to stay pyro once you're levelled up, but already now it's worth knowing that using 2 power shots in a row will give you a guaranteed rail shot proc, meaning your rotation should be:

Rail shot -> <something> <power shot> <power shot> -> rail shot

or rail shot <unload> <power shot> <rail shot>


Personally I didn't go pyro (or well assault since my main is a commando) until I was levelled up since most things died before I could dot them up and start a rotation. Generally, for lots of target switching, pyro can easily make you overheat since you need to hit that 6ish second window of rail shot to remove enough heat, which has to hit a burning target which requires a dot which add a lot of heat.

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