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I got a ton of ultimate coms and ive see i need 110% ac and 80 or 85% surge etc. My main question atm is would I just wanna buy the Ultimate coms Helmet, and keep parting that out into other gear? or like X amount of helmets and X amount of another piece to = target goal. if anyone has this figured out or has a suggestion I'd appreciate it.
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The accuracy that needs to reach 110% is, specifically, your tech accuracy; ranged accuracy needs to be 100%, and they rise equivalently with each other. And that is the only rating goal, to get your accuracy to 100% ranged/110% tech; beyond that, you want primarily power and surge, and a bit of crit.


As far as early Ultimate purchases, off-hand first without question. The raw tech power - and, thus, raw damage - gained from a 180 off-hand is significant. Beyond that, seek out accuracy where you can get it until you're capped, then start getting surge pieces, since accuracy and surge share the same stat slot (tertiary); for secondary stat slots, power will yield consistent, strong damage, but you shouldn't neglect crit - don't go overboard on it, either (my Commando, for reference, is running about 150~200 crit rating, I think?).

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Also, it's kind of important to get the +1 % companion accuracy buff, so you dont have to get more than 440ish accuracy. To do that, google up a decent guide and get to work. Iirc the easiest way is to do it on a levelling character that you've sent a bunch of credits to to get the first 6000 or so affection from buying gifts from fleet vendor.
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