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PvE Consular gear is horrendously ugly


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First thing I did was grind out social rank 2 and I went to Balmorra and bought the social gear there. Made my consular look like far more like what I had in mind. Normal clothes with a backpack. I'm not a big fan of the opulent robes and headgear, just doesn't seem very "Jedi" to me.


Went with the Balmorra pants myself, with the Slave Girl top. Looks great but I would much prefer something like the Knight's first commendation top on Tython, Temple Watchman Vest or something like that. Or even something more like what Satele Shan wears. I mean really, the model for the Jedi Consular gets an awesome outfit with pants and sleveless top while we're all stuck with dresses and gowns and naboo royalty headgear?

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I'm using Jedi Initiate's Vestments and Lower Robe. The hood is down, which I like, and they don't look too bad. They have a sort of masculine look to them. As masculine as a dress can look, I guess. They are orange so moddable. I guess they will do for now.
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I'll go with Aodhan. I came here just to post that yes, we do have a robe that looks nice and has the hood down. It can be found on the GTN and is called Jedi Initiate Vestment. Cheap too, since it is unmodded. Cost me 5k.


Now couple it with pants from Alderaan and we finally look good enough. It was a long trek to abandon the skirts and get a hood down robe, but it is done.

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Is this some sort of sick joke? We look like a banana tree and have the most feminine headpiece I have ever seen. It makes my Dark V character look like a fairy princess.


This has got to be the worst looking armor that I have seen in an MMO. And replacing it with orange gear should not be an excuse for this, imo.

Excuse me, nurse...I need more morphine, please.

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I like The project animation but i feel like a a small hadouken looking energy ball would be a more fitting animation. THe only jedi that i know of that used the force to throw stuff with any regularity was Anakin.


As far as the outfits are concerned Yuk!. I am a shadow. How am i supposed to do top ssecret missions in a wedding dress. Wears my hooded robe and gi like attire. Satele doesn't wear a white dress. Why can we have outfits similar to hers?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Reading this mostly made me laugh...then I almost cried b/c I finally got high enough to see that, yes, we in fact look horrendous in our gear.


Anytime gear sets can be equated to banana's, wedding dresses, or cup cake trays should of put up a red flag for someone somewhere. Is this bioware's attempt to keep the population of Consular's down ...simple make us look hideous. If you rolled a female you've got a chance but if your male..no way...you look like a space traveling cross dresser.


Some of the purists will blah blah blah about embracing the character and if you like the play style just roll with it. Wish I could, I love aesthetics as much as play style and I just can't do it. How can you get in to the mind set that your playing a sneaky, light and dark side fence sitting, I do the work that most jedhi balk at bad *** when I'm wearing something that looks like I should be heading to a tea party in a nice quaint English garden.


Wish I had something constructive to say but I don't think I need to. It's not in our hands. Unless Bioware wakes up and see's they just didn't miss the mark on this one, they missed the whole target we'll continue being the brides maids gown hand me down geared toons.


On the plus side at least our companions and group mates have something to laugh at when they team up with us.

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Slightly off topic but still having to do with gear...I know there is a cloak that you get from doing the black bisector mission, that is orange. It is just a normal brown cloak but the sleeves are tan wrather than brown.


Anybody know if there is another robe that looks like this anywhere to get later in the game if I sold that one early on?

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Reading this mostly made me laugh...then I almost cried b/c I finally got high enough to see that, yes, we in fact look horrendous in our gear.


Anytime gear sets can be equated to banana's, wedding dresses, or cup cake trays should of put up a red flag for someone somewhere. Is this bioware's attempt to keep the population of Consular's down ...simple make us look hideous. If you rolled a female you've got a chance but if your male..no way...you look like a space traveling cross dresser.


Some of the purists will blah blah blah about embracing the character and if you like the play style just roll with it. Wish I could, I love aesthetics as much as play style and I just can't do it. How can you get in to the mind set that your playing a sneaky, light and dark side fence sitting, I do the work that most jedhi balk at bad *** when I'm wearing something that looks like I should be heading to a tea party in a nice quaint English garden.


Wish I had something constructive to say but I don't think I need to. It's not in our hands. Unless Bioware wakes up and see's they just didn't miss the mark on this one, they missed the whole target we'll continue being the brides maids gown hand me down geared toons.


On the plus side at least our companions and group mates have something to laugh at when they team up with us.


Dude we look like Virgin Amish Vegas Showgirls especially once you get a magenta lightsaber crystal....

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Regardless of the stats, the Tier sets have 2pc and 4pc bonuses. Unless they change the gear model there isn't anyway around it. We will be wearing them.


No. Not ever. If that means no one wants to do ops with me fine.

I am already disgruntled with most stuff I find because when I created my body type 4 Zabrak and saw him in the classic jedi garb he looked awesome.


Some robes I found were good, some okish. Byut the skirts really start to annoy me.

I thought this game would let me customize my gear.


This is also a reason why I prefer my Inquisitor at the moment, because all of the starter stuff look great on him.


Sage is 30 and Inquisitor 16 though. Both are highest level of each side.


I am looking forward to get the Alderaan gears and then trying to keep it up.

Id love to have a great looking set like the level 40 pvp shadow set.

Edited by Vales
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Yes we did. Bioware also said that with the mod system we can customize our looks to our liking.

I am fine if people like it flashy and flamboyant. I do not. I prefer simpler looks. Maybe elegant to a degree but certainly not that flashy.


It was also promised we get a decent amount of pants as alternatives to skirts.

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I managed to put together two sets for me and Nadia that look quite decent:





That said, Ops gear looks absolutely hideous, I am just keeping it in my bags and only wear it when I have to.


That looks pretty nice actually on Nadia. I just got her so she is still mostly in her starting gear.


My Sage is wearing the Coruscant Elegant set together with the Nar Shadaa Slave Girl "Gloves". Both of us wear the Civilian Pilot Belt from the fleet.


Could you tell me which items you've used? :)

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I'd so love to get a decent looking hooded robe and pants.

Yes I know Alderaan pants but come on, we were promised we can customize our gear as we like it...


When asked if there would be pants as well as robes, Bioware said "Yes, there'll be pants." I suspect however that they opted to leave out the part about there being an extremely small selection of Light armor pants to say the least. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that's not really much better - at all - than there being NO Light armor pants.

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That looks pretty nice actually on Nadia. I just got her so she is still mostly in her starting gear.


My Sage is wearing the Coruscant Elegant set together with the Nar Shadaa Slave Girl "Gloves". Both of us wear the Civilian Pilot Belt from the fleet.


Could you tell me which items you've used? :)


Here's what's on Nadia:


Traditional Septsilk Headhear

Traditional Vinesilk Vestments

Anointed Nanosilk Gloves

Ulgo Noble Pants

Traditional Vine-silk Boots

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You just need to give in to the Dark Side and dress like them too...




Helm: http://www.torhead.com/item/2JP06zx/ancient-battleminds-headgear


Legs: http://www.torhead.com/item/gHz5Q33/elder-exemplars-legwraps



Keep in mind, the mask is a good way to have a helm that looks the same on any race...as long as you don't mind stuffing your lekku into the back of it...

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