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A PvP a Day...


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The only thing I would berate another person for is for malicious behavior, i.e. insults to the team or a blatant treachery. In all other cases I chose to believe that everyone is doing as best as their abilities and the situation allows and I love that, because, well I get to play with and against those folks.


Faceroll me, and I'll adore you. Lose with me stoically, and I'm proud to be your teammate. Crack a good joke when all is lost, and you are my hero. World has no weapons against a woman like that.


EDIT: Mando is all set to go next from 24 to 35 or so when I need to gear swap again. But it's a PvE day today, healing ravs was a breeze after PvP'ing on the merc (actually, my co-heals had to carry, since I was oscillating between the red dot of almost disconnect and 3 bars the entire raid). Shh, guys, don't tell Teclado, but he's signed up for ToS tonight. I, uhm, might have misled him into believing it's Ravager's night. Back to PvP tomorrow, I think I will start the level 60 Weekly on my Sage, then do PT, then Op-hls, then Vg. At least I will have breaks from the depressing DPS'ing....

Edited by DomiSotto
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The only thing I would berate another person for is for malicious behavior, i.e. insults to the team or a blatant treachery. In all other cases I chose to believe that everyone is doing as best as their abilities and the situation allows and I love that, because, well I get to play with and against those folks.


Faceroll me, and I'll adore you. Lose with me stoically, and I'm proud to be your teammate. Crack a good joke when all is lost, and you are my hero. World has no weapons against a woman like that.


I love this attitude, I wish more ppl would have it... :D


Seriously though, as of late I've seen many clueless ppl both in PvP and in PvE. What saddens me is their attitude, however, rather than their being clueless. :(

"Don't tell me how to play" or "Shut up, as if you have a clue of how things work" are the two most polite answers I had to a couple suggestions I gave - both in PvP, surprisingly, and both referring to how to guard a node... Stuff like keep an eye on it and call if enemies come, so nothing extravagant. :rolleyes:


That said, I think I'll surrender myself to the tide and stop trying to help those who clearly don't admit they are clueless. At least for now.

When it was one guy like that in 5 matches, and it was a responsive one, it was actually a pleasure to help him. But now, when it's 4+ in a single match, and with such a displeasing attitude... It's become a chore. And I'm here to have fun, not put up with ppl of that kind. :p


Especially after what I saw a couple of days ago, right after my last post. Sorry, but at this point I may aswell tell the whole story, venting won't hurt me. :mad:

So, after posting here last time I logged back in, and decided to dust off my Balance Sage. She (female character) was 30 at the time, now she's about 5-6 lvls higher due to playing the story too. However, to dust her off I ran a few WZs. In one of them, the one I keep remembering, the team was pretty balanced in regards of roles, classes and specs. We had a 2 Tanks, 2 Healers 4 DPS composition, with 2 stealths and 3 melee characters total. Place was a Novare Coast.

First off, as soon as I logged in, I saw a guy being seriously insulted for saying it was his first WZ - on a lvl 30 character, no less. And not by a lone guy, I'd have had no trouble putting said unpolite humanoid in his place... No, it was everyone but me who kept insulting the poor newbie. Who played a Guardian Tank too. :(

We charge in to the nodes, with one of the three stealths - the only DPS one, a Scoundrel - capping the NW turret... And leaving it alone, charging NE without telling anyone. :confused:

Good thing our newbie Guardian Tank noticed and began going there, as I did right behind, just to be on the safe side. Seriously, a newb that knew how to play? Omg! :eek:

Anyways, the Scoundrel dies NE, and the enemies charge at NW to retaliate. We are 2 vs 4, with a newb Tank and a DPS vs 4 DPS. We call the inc - actually, I do, but nvm :p - and get no help. As expected. :rolleyes:

Surprisingly enough, the newb Guardian Tank does a great job peeling off me, he pushes away a Sin who keeps trying to backstab me - not with too much success, I'm a good kiter - and taunts on CD. Plus, he has guard on me all the time and also uses his Enure to survive longer, when he gets low on health... Still, we both die, after putting 3 of them off thanks to a few offhealing on my part. And we lose the turret.

The only one we capped, because up to now the S one has been deathmatched to death, but not even touched. :confused:

Anyways, we both try to recap, but of course the enemies simply keep rotating their guards to where we charge. We try NW? They have 2 Ops and 1 Assassin there. We try NE? They have 3 Assassins.

Which actually means that our 6 ppl S, who were supposedly so PROs, are kept in check by 4 opponents... Facepalm moment when I realized. ;)

Anyways, we both realize there's no saving that WZ, and join the fray S to at the very least gather a few more medals. In the end, I get so pissed off I stop DPSing and cap the S turret. Without being stopped once! Our team was doing an awesome job guarding a turret... That they forgot to cap. :(

We lost the WZ of course, but unsurprisingly, guess what? Our newb Tank Guardian got about 250k protection, plus 200k dmg. He died 6 times, like I did, but got a about 5k objective points more than anyone else, save for the Scoundrel who capped NW and left it at start. Same as me, since we spent the WZ together. Still, we both had more than that Scoundrel had. :D

He was abused harshly for his low DPS - he's a Tank, dammit, DPSing is not his job! :mad: - and called names, while also being told not to queue anymore. His performance was so much better than the others I was shocked to see that. :confused:

He got protection - unlike the other Tank - and objectives. He played his role properly. He did really his best with what he had! :eek:


After that WZ, I spent a moment to whisper said guy, to explain how everyone else was clueless, how he played nicely - seriously, I'd rather have him in my team than any of the other 6 guys, as I'm confident in an Arena we could win a 4vs2 with 4 of those bads. :D

He was really discouraged at first, but after I explained how PvP really works, how Tanks should play and what their objectives are - not DPSing, but protecting - he felt slightly better. He said he'll try to keep PvPing, but that if that's what ppl is like, he'd rather not. Tbh, I can't blame him. :o


All this to say what? That sure, there are new players around. They'll always be around. However, they're not the problem. It's those who say "screw the others, I'll do what I want" who put us all in this misery, both in PvP and in PvE. And apparently, as of late we're having a really bad influx of that kind of ppl. :mad:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Yes, it is completely creepy when people got berated for doing exactly the right thing.


I just want to note that both the rejection of an advice and blame game is two sides of the same coin. Essentially it stems from the complete lack of awareness/empathy. These players seem to want to play PvP as they play the leveling relegating the rest of the team to the companion status, while they blindly charge ahead. Until a person gets it that s/he is one of the eight and no more important than each and every one of them, and that's the most important skill is awareness of what others are doing, s/he is bound to be very frustrated.


Learning the 3 things about your team: shooting what the guy next to you is shooting, healer's status and guard's status is a cornerstone imo. If you are not continuously trying to be aware of these three things, you are not present in the zone. Then comes the assessment of the other team, including the counting, comp and positioning.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Yes, it is completely creepy when people got berated for doing exactly the right thing.


I just want to note that both the rejection of an advice and blame game is two sides of the same coin. Essentially it stems from the complete lack of awareness/empathy. These players seem to want to play PvP as they play the leveling relegating the rest of the team to the companion status, while they blindly charge ahead. Until a person gets it that s/he is one of the eight and no more important than each and every one of them, and that's the most important skill is awareness of what others are doing, s/he is bound to be very frustrated.


True. What I'd really like to see is, those ppl being punished by the game mechanics for that, while those who play with regard to others are rewarded. Right now, those who suffer for it are the ppl who try to play by the rules, sadly. Think of FPs, aswell as WZs... FPs are a mess because of ppl who say screw roles and charge in causing wipes after wipes after wipes; WZs because of ppl who say screw objectives and deathmatch, causing loss after loss after loss. And it's the whole team who pays the toll for that, not just them. :(


But I guess that's a utopia, I know there's no way to do that... :o


Still, it's a satisfying fantasy, though. :D

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I find that the game mechanics does punish this attitude severely - the moment a pug run against a premade.


Ah, how I would love to play a few zones with you, Cox. :) I have a L30 on Progenitor I can toss around the EU servers if you still want to run midbies at some point. Let me know?

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I find that the game mechanics does punish this attitude severely - the moment a pug run against a premade.


Ah, how I would love to play a few zones with you, Cox. :) I have a L30 on Progenitor I can toss around the EU servers if you still want to run midbies at some point. Let me know?


Would be nice, although atm I'm mostly pulling strings to take all my alts to the 40s at least... So I'm mostly running through class story. :o


Strangely enough, I've got 21 characters, but most of them are 60 atm, and those who aren't are fairly low... :eek:

Save for my Sage DPS, Vanguard Tank and Assassin DPS, that is, those are in the high 30s or low 40s atm. :D

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I am going to PM you my char name and stuff to see if I can catch up over the weekend. :) My Legacy is the same way: 10 level 60s, 4 ~ level 20-25. But that's no surprise though, as I started my Legacy basically all together, and level mirrors in succession, rotating the chars every few levels to use the same gear. My Juggernaut and Sentinel are the odd ones, because I've leveled a Mara and a Guardian.
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Found out that a sniper even on level 17 outshoots me if we just shoot each other, selfheal or not. So, have to LoS snipers. He wanted the pipes too, critter.


I had a similar experience ... once with a Sorc, one with a Sniper ... I must be bad, because so often I lose against a Sniper in an tanged duel ... I have no idea why, only the thought that it might have been an Lowbie alt of one high-level min-maxing PvP player who knows all of the tricks ...


A few times I got a crit of 10.000something [with my now level 34 Gunslinger] - and it always make me feel kind of bad, because I do know how bad it feels getting "oneshot" by such a crit with my Sage, Commando or whatever myself ...


I think that the only Sorcs / Sages that are *really* dominant are Madness / Balance types. They are the ones with the "H2F" ability. I haven't tried it yet, but to me it sounds as if what they get is even something like a "life leech" (con leche, I think, cross-language pun which maybe only British people can understand :D;) ).


Besides, the verb "to berate" (someone) sounds very much like the GErman "beraten". The German verb "beraten", however, simply means "to give advice otr counsel to someone".

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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These players seem to want to play PvP as they play the leveling relegating the rest of the team to the companion status, while they blindly charge ahead.


That's actually one of the most graphic pictures I've seen in this forum !


Right now, those who suffer for it are the ppl who try to play by the rules, sadly.


Like in RL, isn't it ?

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(Wave) Well, it was a good Sage day. Losing mostly, but it is so nice to heal instead of trying to DPS. Last one was an arena that we actually won with the 2x healer comp and a merc for our DPS. And a guardian for our tank, with no guarding. It took forever to separate their tank and healer in round 3, v. good play together for them. I need to be on my tank like that!


Did ToS on the Sorc, actually killed the UL this time round. PT day today, though if I have time, I want to get my commando running & ready to erm... yeah... do something!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Is this thread your blog? I thought this was a discussion forum. I don't want to hear about your day. If you have something to discuss, make a thread about it. Randomly telling us how your day of pvp went is nothing more than a pvp blog.


You are mad that someone is putting all their post into one thread?

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Not mad, lol. Not sure why people always assume that. I'm pointing out that this thread is not a discussion thread. There is nothing to debate or discuss. It's someone's personal blog. And not even a good one at that.


Personally I think its pretty damn amazing someone can type their daily activities on SWTOR into one massive blog spanning more than a year.


If you've read some of the post , You'll realise that its the personal blog of several people.


Like I said I can't post in threads like these because all You'll hear me do is rage.

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I guess I'm unaware of forum rules then, because I would assume a personal blog to be against them.


It also baffles me that a person wouldn't know how to pvp in every aspect and every single way after a year and a half.


It takes probably 30 minutes to read and understand the tooltips of a class. It's very self explanatory. You can learn additional things with guides, but the rest is experience. If after a year and a half with knowing everything about everything in the game, you're still struggling, then pvp is not for you.

Edited by lavatsunami
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Is this thread your blog? I thought this was a discussion forum.


I'm pointing out that this thread is not a discussion thread. There is nothing to debate or discuss.




I enjoy talking to myself as well, keep it up xD

&if you'd have bothered to check the 1st page of this thread, you wouldn't have had to win&lose that debate... with yourself :D

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Here's a good example. My gf started playing swtor after not having played other mmos. I set her up with a class she would like (commando/merc), and told her what to do. She was clicking at first, and then I told her binds make it easier, so she asked for binds. She picked up key binding pretty quickly, and within a couple of weeks was absolutely killing it on her class. Every time she complains that she died or something didnt go the way she wanted it to, I explain to her why (positioning, defensive cds), etc. And she's a damn good dps. Is she ultra pro sauce? no. but she tops damage a lot in 60 pvp, and barely dies. It took her total of probably a month to get that way after having no prior mmo pvp experience, and no keybinding experience. That's what I don't get about this blog. She's not a good gamer and she does damn well imo. I've dueled her many times to help her get better and she impresses me with what she does in those duels. My point is that someone with zero experience can get decent at this game in a couple of weeks. Not sure why this thread is still going on unless its just a way to get attention (i guess that's what a blog is). Edited by lavatsunami
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Is this thread your blog? I thought this was a discussion forum. I don't want to hear about your day. If you have something to discuss, make a thread about it. Randomly telling us how your day of pvp went is nothing more than a pvp blog.


Not mad, lol. Not sure why people always assume that. I'm pointing out that this thread is not a discussion thread. There is nothing to debate or discuss. It's someone's personal blog. And not even a good one at that.


I guess I'm unaware of forum rules then, because I would assume a personal blog to be against them.


It also baffles me that a person wouldn't know how to pvp in every aspect and every single way after a year and a half.


It takes probably 30 minutes to read and understand the tooltips of a class. It's very self explanatory. You can learn additional things with guides, but the rest is experience. If after a year and a half with knowing everything about everything in the game, you're still struggling, then pvp is not for you.


That image perfectly describes this thread. Thanks for that.


Here's a good example. My gf started playing swtor after not having played other mmos. I set her up with a class she would like (commando/merc), and told her what to do. She was clicking at first, and then I told her binds make it easier, so she asked for binds. She picked up key binding pretty quickly, and within a couple of weeks was absolutely killing it on her class. Every time she complains that she died or something didnt go the way she wanted it to, I explain to her why (positioning, defensive cds), etc. And she's a damn good dps. Is she ultra pro sauce? no. but she tops damage a lot in 60 pvp, and barely dies. It took her total of probably a month to get that way after having no prior mmo pvp experience, and no keybinding experience. That's what I don't get about this blog. She's not a good gamer and she does damn well imo. I've dueled her many times to help her get better and she impresses me with what she does in those duels. My point is that someone with zero experience can get decent at this game in a couple of weeks. Not sure why this thread is still going on unless its just a way to get attention (i guess that's what a blog is).


You know you're not forced to read everything everywhere, are you? If ppl enjoy writing/reading on a thread, they're free to do so. :rolleyes:


Also, you clearly haven't read the thread completely, or you'd realize this is a thread where we give PvP pointers, encourage newbies to learn and ask what they don't know, and vent the frustration we can face by having to put up with clueless/unpolite ppl. :p


If you just want to complain about something, like you did from the first post on this thread you made - also without a true reason but to say something out of hte blue - feel free to do it... elsewhere. Nobody enjoys that sort of thing, or at least I don't. And as much as you find something annoying or boring, you have no right to go and force others to stop it, if there's no sort of bad behaviour. And in this case, there isn't. :cool:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Please, use report and ignore functions if you believe that the thread is a violation of the rules.


I apologize that it inconveniences your use of the forums. I know that this game has a skill level that I cannot replicate, no matter how much I try or enjoy it, that is why I am discontinuing to play it at the end of this sub period. Until it's done though, I'd prefer to just chat with other folks who do not mind me. Debates are certainly very valuable, and helps you advance the ideas for BioWARE to implement.

Edited by DomiSotto
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You know you're not forced to read everything everywhere, are you? If ppl enjoy writing/reading on a thread, they're free to do so. :rolleyes:


Also, you clearly haven't read the thread completely, or you'd realize this is a thread where we give PvP pointers, encourage newbies to learn and ask what they don't know, and vent the frustration we can face by having to put up with clueless/unpolite ppl. :p


If you just want to complain about something, like you did from the first post on this thread you made - also without a true reason but to say something out of hte blue - feel free to do it... elsewhere. Nobody enjoys that sort of thing, or at least I don't. And as much as you find something annoying or boring, you have no right to go and force others to stop it, if there's no sort of bad behaviour. And in this case, there isn't. :cool:


The Salt is REAL. I don't know why people are so salty. This thread is harmless compared to the other threads out there.

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Please, use report and ignore functions if you believe that the thread is a violation of the rules.


I apologize that it inconveniences your use of the forums. I know that this game has a skill level that I cannot replicate, no matter how much I enjoy it, that is why I am discontinuing to play it at the end of this sub period. Until it's done though, I'd prefer to just chat with other folks who do not mind me. Debates are certainly very valuable, and helps you advance the ideas for BioWARE to implement.


Honestly Domi , what is YOUR main main?


I only play ONE class for the most part and have several characters that I had max level on .

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Please, use report and ignore functions if you believe that the thread is a violation of the rules.


I apologize that it inconveniences your use of the forums. I know that this game has a skill level that I cannot replicate, no matter how much I try or enjoy it, that is why I am discontinuing to play it at the end of this sub period. Until it's done though, I'd prefer to just chat with other folks who do not mind me. Debates are certainly very valuable, and helps you advance the ideas for BioWARE to implement.


To be honest, sincerity wasn't the answer I was expecting. I refuse to believe that a semi intelligent person can't get decent at this game. What server are you on, and what's your char name. If you are still struggling I will personally spend time with you to get you where you want to be.

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The closest I have to a Main is my Sage/Sorc heals.


I have been advised to level and play every other AC to know their strengths and weaknesses, so I've played Slinger/Sniper (DF/Engi); VG-tank, Guardian-DPS, Mara-Anni, Sc/Op healer and right now trying PT-DPS, most of them from level 10 to 55/60. I am leveling a Merc/Mando pair right now. I am not playing a Shadow/Sin, because melee is beyond my ability, as is DPS in general. I am just not fast enough and die whenever I step out in the open.

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The closest I have to a Main is my Sage/Sorc heals.


I have been advised to level and play every other AC to know their strengths and weaknesses, so I've played Slinger/Sniper (DF/Engi); VG-tank, Guardian-DPS, Mara-Anni, Sc/Op healer and right now trying PT-DPS, most of them from level 10 to 55/60. I am leveling a Merc/Mando pair right now. I am not playing a Shadow/Sin, because melee is beyond my ability, as is DPS in general. I am just not fast enough and die whenever I step out in the open.


You are on Harb right? I'll send you TS info and you can talk to Kick-bot if you want. He's probably one of the friendly people to meet and get better as a sorc healer.


Its funny how you play the one class in which I know the best people who play that class. The Top 3 rated sorc healers on Harb are pretty helpful if you see them on.

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