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A PvP a Day...


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Ah, no, ranked is for the cool kids. If we ever get an off-season again, I will try a few Arenas, but during the season I play regs. :)


Oh, Alrick, I don't think it's you, it's being a L31 sage in the midbies :)


One arena (reg) today was memorable though: 3 heals and me (tank) vs heal and 3 DPS, boy oh boy. They just melted our healers in seconds one after the other, guarded or not. That was really ludicruous, because those healers weren't that bad imo. No idea what happened there for 2 times 1 minute or so http://cdn-www.swtor.com/community/images/swtor/smilies/confused.png


It’s hard to see during an arena, but they were most likely consistently changing targets faster than you guys did with both guard and heals. Arenas are weird.


Playing a Guardian reminds me the Mother Goose. But when she was bad, she was horrid.


That’s said I had one of those matches that had actually fun chat going while we got out pants beaten off us. The guy on the snow was going: “I think for us to win we’ll just have to boost the output of our cannon!” Then he complained that we’re going to lose all because of missing a screwdriver, and I suggested hydrospanner on yet another pointless flight back to wherever we were being decimated. We’ve traded a couple more quips, and it did not feel too bad.


After that zone I knew I needed serious help. So, I’ve begged sensei to kite me for a bit, and in his usual kindly way he let me spent an hour chasing, rooting, stunning, leaping and pushing his Operative in attempts to land a few hits under the mournful gazes of the lonely dewbacks of the Outlaw Den. The white say was full of: "where is the choke? I still don't see the choke" <3 Hopefully the desert bootcamp lets me achieve the new PB dps. Like 600! :p

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Funny how two people can have completely different experiences in the same game.


I agree - that struck me yesterday as well, as we both chatted about the same match.


Perhaps my problem was to literally stand in the group's way - meanwhile Banderal was - at least I think so - rather behind them.

But I'm not sure. I was occupied with trying to intercept and hinder them that I didn't notice Banderal anymore.


But if true, then we had 2 different positions on the same field - which might have resulted in 2 entirely different experiences because of that.


One could say that I) tried to facetank them, which I shouldn't do as a Gunslinger - but what kind of options are there anyway, if their ball passing chain is so ridiculously fast ?


Well, yesterday just was not my day. I'm over it more or less now, but that waws indeed exhausting to me.


Plus my well-known bias to see everything bad happening to me let's say 4x bigger than everything good. I really have no idea why this is, but this bias is really crippling me.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Had a not-so-well Voidstar, but we won that in the end.


It's official now : Gunslingers have Commando status now. Imps will turn around just to chase me and bring me down.


But ... sometimes the universe gives me something back to balance out my bad experiences : This time it was 2 very nice chats with strangers ( 1 on fleet, the other chat on Coruscant with lots of people involved ). :) 2 more people are on my friends list now. :)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Had two interesting scenarios today...


First was a pipeball. Starts out looking good, with people talking strategy in chat, and it seeming like we were going to play huttball! And we did. The other team was better than us, but we kept it interesting, and if they'd made any mistakes I think we could have capitalized on them. We lost 2 to 5, but we had it 2 to 3 for a while. What made it interesting was one teammate's chat message... "I suddenly suck at HB, they must be cheating", and then he quit. Was about 30 seconds into the game. What an ego some people must have. :rolleyes:


Second game was an AHG. We have one healer and one tank (me = tank). The healer was in that pipeball game, and I think contributed to both goals. One I know he pulled me up to their goal, and the other I think I passed to him for a score. So I'm thinking "cool! I have a decent player to tank for in a PUG!" (wasn't expecting that since I didn't have any s-key people around :D ) But then no one else goes to the pylon, and I see him run there.


I'm not *sure* we don't have another healer, so I wait a bit to see... nope, no one else healing. So I head to the pylon to replace him, just as he's also typing into chat "healer at pylon, come replace me if you want" kind of thing. At the end of the first round we are losing by a fair amount.


Then, I guess because we finally had a healer at mid, we slowly caught up to the point where it was anyone's game in the last round. I guarded pylon the rest of the time. Only one guy ever came for it, and a couple people responded to my inc call. We ended up winning by just a few points (under 10 I think).


Was just interesting to me to see the turn around in the direction the game was taking after we swapped out who was at mid. Or maybe it was the couple people that dropped and we got better replacements. :D

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I've caught yup with Banderal after that, and seeing it's the Traditional Faceroll Tuesday decided on the safest choice, my healer Sage. But... we've only lost like 2 matches, both horrendously, 6:0 Huttballs, and in all the rest we were getting great guys, and nearly won a NC by 3 caps. I have to say I was seriously flattered by 2 Powertechs blowing me up. Seriously, guys? Two? All for me?


But th second wasthe perfect passing chain, one of those 6 scores in like under 2 minutes or something. On the second thought we should have tried to get the guys on the top platform, not just crowd the swamp in absolutely fruitless attempts to get the ball away from the Rotworms. Ah, well, hindsight is 20/20.


But, I got a fan-girl moment in, some of the LB's coolest were there, destroying us :)


For the rest of the zones, Empire were fielding the new folks, because on the AHG, Banderal pulled stealth cap twice, with two different players drawing almost the entire enemy team away from the node. Not one of them stopped to cap, they all went after the sacrificial stooge. I mean, fool me once.....


Ah, and Cox, if you are around, Banderal coined out the new expression: "pulling Cox-the-beast" for holding up 3+ enemy players in VS. Which he did while the rest of us blew the other door.


So, one of the best Faceroll Tuesdays.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I've caught yup with Banderal after that, and seeing it's the Traditional Faceroll Tuesday decided on the safest choice, my healer Sage. But... we've only lost like 2 matches, both horrendously, 6:0 Huttballs, and in all the rest we were getting great guys, and nearly won a NC by 3 caps. I have to say I was seriously flattered by 2 Powertechs blowing me up. Seriously, guys? Two? All for me?


But th second wasthe perfect passing chain, one of those 6 scores in like under 2 minutes or something. On the second thought we should have tried to get the guys on the top platform, not just crowd the swamp in absolutely fruitless attempts to get the ball away from the Rotworms. Ah, well, hindsight is 20/20.


But, I got a fan-girl moment in, some of the LB's coolest were there, destroying us :)


For the rest of the zones, Empire were fielding the new folks, because on the AHG, Banderal pulled stealth cap twice, with two different players drawing almost the entire enemy team away from the node. Not one of them stopped to cap, they all went after the sacrificial stooge. I mean, fool me once.....


Ah, and Cox, if you are around, Banderal coined out the new expression: "pulling Cox-the-beast" for holding up 3+ enemy players in VS. Which he did while the rest of us blew the other door.


So, one of the best Faceroll Tuesdays.


Haha, seriously Domi, I have a special technique named after me now? I'm glad you're having fun guys, but that may be a bit too much... :D

And btw, I'm always around. Invisible, silent, unperceived maybe... But I am. ;)


Unfortunately, as of late I've been a bit too busy to PvP at all, between my levelling Alts - already risking ot outlevel content by 6+ lvls as it is, I don't try PvP to at least have what looks like a challenge :o - and the Bounty Week, which I finally decided to have a roll with, I had other things pulling me around.

Good thing is, I now have all my 50+ became 60s. Which is kind of surprising, now that I think of it they're a total of 15 lvl 60s between all classes! Not planning to PvP on all of them, I have two favourites already, but... wow. :eek:

Still, I should try between this week and the next one, to have a few WZs. Maybe even Ranked, if it pops. Hopefully, I'll have at least one worth mentioning. :cool:


That said, being the live bait is oftentimes an Art. Knowing that your dmg will be repaid into team utility makes for some really crazy developings in PvP. Of course, unless the others know you'll likely be looked as the crappy DPS, because your dmg will be average at most, but... Tbh, I never really thought of it as a problem, though. We win? Good, I did my best. We lose? Well, I did my best. This is how I go at it. :)

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That said, being the live bait is oftentimes an Art.


I tend to agree more and more to that.


The only problem is that one isn't able to know whether the rest of the team actually *does* something while I'm playing bait.


Like in the Hypergates match, where I could successfully bind LOTS from the other team - but did NOT see a steady increase from those orbs coming in in the HUD !

That made me sad, because then I thought : "That's pointless what I do, because they don't even take that possibility."

Or maybe the enemy team was too good and kept even the rest of my team occupied ...

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Had a few good matches, and a very weird one : Apparingly too few players joining on imperial side (our team was full, if I Remember correctly) - anf after 10-20 seconds "in the field" (Denova) it was over !

And that even with a LOSS ! I still don't understand how THAT came to be ... After this short time of playing ...


With my now level 42 Commando on my "home server" I had a few good matches as well. Damage is good, other team didn't focus me that well ... I had some fun. :)


P.S. : My Gunslinger is now level 34. :)

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I had an similar incident in Voidstar ... Where someone accused our team of class stacking ... Shows how awful the MatchMaker actually is ... Even at level 33 !


Yesterday we lost a match 20 / 40 , Alderaan ... I just couldn't get those PTs down ... They were *very* well organized, because they never showed up in less then 2 people - Healer + PT or Jugg - and most times even 4.


That was a bad match for me, because I got repeatedly defeated while I could never get those PTs & Juggs down !

Shows how bad I was and how squishy the Gunslinger class is ...

Plus, they had very good healers, but not our team - or they were helping elsewhere, where I wasn't.


One Arena the other day : 2 Commandoes, 1 Scoundrel, 1 Gunslinger (me). Level 32 or 33.

We were defeated.

Chat : Scoundrel : "Practise more".

Commando : "**** DPS."

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Lots of matches today, most were actually pretty good games. I only remember a few standouts though...


Had a level 60 pipeball that was actually a fun game. The other team started out with 2 quick scores, and so I thought we were going to get creamed. They were on their way to a 3rd when I got lucky and actually managed to pull the ball carrier down to mid off our ramp, just as they were about to score. First time I've ever gotten LoS to make that work. I guess they got a little too close to the edge. :D And then we got our act together and slowly caught up, and pulled ahead. Pretty soon it was 5 us and they still had 2! Then they scored again. And then one more time. I told them in chat, "Hey, stop that scoring stuff". :D Finally we scored the 6th goal with about a minute left for the win.


I switched over to the imp side for a while, to work with my PT-ST. Had some close games there early on, but later the tunnel vision got pretty bad. Finally gave up after an abysmal huttball. The other team was playing HB, and we were playing DM, and we were not even doing that good at DM. They had scored once and were on their way to a 2nd one when I came out of spawn. So I went to mid, Cc'd they guys they had waiting there just as the ball respawned, grabbed it and tried to get something going for our side. Then I look at the mini map to see where my team is... EVERY single one of them is in OUR endzone. And they had not just come out of spawn, they were just still DPSing the 2 or 3 enemy that were still there from the last enemy score. I ran it as best I could. I got it to the enemy fire grate with 3 guys trying to take me down before I succumbed. Made a second try as I came out of spawn again, with exactly the same results.


After that I decided, what's the point? Some day I'm going to play "objectives" in an arena. "You want me to deathmatch? Too bad. I feel like playing objectives even though this isn't an objective map. I'm going to pretend this spot over here needs to be guarded, and I'm going to stand here and call incs. Hope you don't mind, that's just what I like to do". Yeah, I was a little miffed. So I switch back to pubs in hopes of getting to play against those guys. :p


Midbie pubs was somewhat better. I was playing a lvl 33 Vanguard tank. So same as the PT-ST, just the other side, and not level 50. :D We had a good VS where I died about a bazzillion times. I think the other team had me marked as "easy kill", because every time I got out of spawn there were about 4 or 5 of them ready to kill me off. So I took advantage of it, and decided to do a what we are no longer calling a "cox_the_beast". As normal for me, I didn't really start out *planning* to do that, but since I was there with all my defensive CDs available, and they were chasing me around... I just concentrated on surviving as long as possible and leading them as far over into the opposite side from everyone else as I could. Sure enough, just as I'm going down, we plant the other door. :D


Last game though we got that done to us. We held grass and mid in an ACW. The other side was alternating attacks between mid and grass, and we had fended off an attack on grass where we'd over-rotated a bit too much. I'm trying to rush back to mid, and I see the 2 guys ahead of me follow their "prey" (one enemy at grass who had run and gotten away) down into the tunnel underneath. I'm yelling at the screen "NOOOOOOO - GO MID!!!!" (yes, I could have typed that into chat, but I was not in a "helping" mood much at that point :(). And, again "sure enough", the call for "inc mid" came right then. I was the next one in line, but they were able to Cc me enough that I could not make it around the corner in time. We lost mid, and could not get it back. We had nearly double their score at the time, but not quite enough, so we lost the game. :(

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Welp, switched sides yesterday. I picked up my ol' lady Vanguart Tank in the 40s, and jumped in a few WZs, because I wanted to farm a bit more comms for my main - kind of stockpiling now, never hurts to stockpile more. :D


Well, what I found is, that ppl don't even know East from West anymore, and that calling incs is something you should do, but that the others will ignore regardless... :(

Every Novare Coast I had worked like this: 1 Stealth goes to cap W, the rest goes S. Me included, as a VG Tank I'm better spent protecting my allies. Then said stealth calls the Inc, and I move out as soon as I down my main target - doesn't make much sense to drag one more there, does it? :p

However, I don't have the speed boost on Hydraulic Overrides, because I found out my game seems to freeze periodically with that active. :confused:

So I run there at the fastest pace I can, only to find out I'm the only one who went there to stop the cap, and without any sort of heals - seriously, there were too many Healers last time I had a WZ, now there's none? :rolleyes:

As a result, I'm aolne - the stealth already died - against two or three, and at 50% health at most, after having burnt my DCDs. I re-call the Inc and add the numbers, then jump in and delay the cap. At this point, the stealth has gone S too, and nobody has moved W, while I'm stuck behind the forcefields after respawning. :mad:

We lose it and nobody even tryes to recap it, they prefer to stand S, either without moving or attacking whoever moves in sight. :eek:


Same goes for all Alderaan Civil Wars I had. We cap a node, then they cap two, then we just... deathmatch. Losing, of course. :(


The only different one - didn't have Huttballs luckily, I dread seeing the new low in there :eek: - was an Advanced Hypergates. Here we actually had a Healer Sage, and three other Tanks beside myself. :D

We move down, I start my routine of taunting and so on, the three other Tanks pretty much cover each other and the Healer. I then decide I'm better spent taking orbs, so I get one and drag it to our Pylon, only to find it attacked by two enemies - no call, if you were wondering... :rolleyes:

I call the Inc, then proceed to Guard the DPS and throw off Taunts on CD. We both survive, if a bit low on health, and proceed to stand guarding the whole round and healing up. ;)

We then have a repeat every round. We move mid to avoid dying to the discharge, then he goes capping the Pylon, I get an Orb and move out only to find him fighting with at least two enemies. Not once did the guy call an Inc, I always had to. One would think he'd figure at some point, but apparently not. :confused:

Still, surprisingly enough, we won that. And more strangely, my Protection Score and DPS weren't as lower than those of the three Tanks as I expected them to be, considering they always were into the fray mid... Although I got about 15k Objective Points, while they got 0... Between all three. :D


Seriously feeling exhausted of all grouping atm, there's no more escaping either clueless ppl or those who don't bother learning. :(

Tbh, I dread seeing the moment we'll get payed 60s... So many clueless ppl at that point, at top lvl! :eek:

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Hi, folks! Hugs!


I’d like to say “patience”, but I have to ‘fess up to dropping the NC when nobody went to our node, and once I saw that the other team was already having a stealth cap it, and there was no alternative brilliant plan other than the deathmatch at the mid, I just… bailed. That was my one zone on operative heals, being heals was my one reason not to take the job from the get go, and playing Imp was my second (I stick to the job description on an Imp).


Other than that, I did not have much time due to RL, but I was trying to see if I grew up enough to DPS in this game (it’s now or never, lol). I am not planning to gear any level 65 characters for Ops once the change occurs, so I am enjoying the EZ-Ops while I can as well.


Had a few zones solo and with Teclado, playing my PT. Mostly against good premades (gods, there was a mando/merc who was just incredible, out of this world, both Tec and I had the same experience of being decimated just as we had the guy at the last sliver of health). I do a bit better on the PT than I do on the Guardian, with my dps sitting in 400-800 range, depending on how hard the faceroll I am facing is. I will stay on the VG/PT, in hopes to eventually start seeing DPS closer to 1,000 benchmark.


The Highlights:


An incredible NC, where my team got 3 to 4 kills each, while the opponents had in high 20'ies, but we won. We had incredible stealth that managed the off-nodes. I MVPd the guy who held ours. Assassin who does that deserves every prop.


That VS with teclado. Just an incredible opposition, a range cluster that destroyed us so fast that I don't think we even had a chance at their healer. First time I had seen a heals with 3,500 hps in a match. :) We did not have heals and did not really stand a chance. I got one hell of protection numbers in that one, as I peaked around a corner, launched my taunts, tried some AoEs and well, died.


And mercs/mandos. I think in the regs a combo of 2 merc/mandos that play together rotating E-net is actually devastating. I spent an NC chasing a merc heals around, after watching some of sensei's vids for inspiration. One thing I got from it is how persistent he is as a DPS. What I got from the experience, it's not easy to kill a mando heals with 1 DPS, but it is fairly easy to get their heals down if you keep it on the move persistently.


I’m also be working 4 day work weeks till the end of the year the way the vacation times fell out, so I did start on levelling my Mercenary to catch up in level to my Mando, with an idea to try a ranged DPS class as well. I got as far as level 17. The Mando is L24, so once both of them are at Level 25 and get relics/implants, I am going to start doing warzones a little bit. So far it is hard to get used to casted and channeled again, I can see how it is going be hard in the zones. I am guessing alacrity might help.


I am parking my heals, unless I have time for an extra game. I plateaued at a modest 2,000-something heals, with no indication that I will go any higher, no matter how hard I try. Time to catch up a DPS to the same very modest level from pathetic before saying a fond farewell to SWTOR. :)


Again, hugs, and hope to see you guys in the game later this week once the life switched the tracks successfully from the summer to the school year!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Banderal and I had some good and some awful matches yesterday.

The good ones were quite close matches.

I rather let Banderal talk about them. ;)


The only thing I remember quite clearly was an enemy team which overly good at deathmatching. W all asumed it was an imp side PvP guild on vacation or an imp side PvP guild premade. When I say "we all assumed", then I mean 70 % our our team, because we all chatted about it when we were in the respawn points, because we just couldn't believe how good they were - and how well they were farming us.


The most punishing moment was getting globalled by I think it was a Marauder within 5 seconds or even less. I didn't even have the time to pop up my defenses or PvP stims ! :eek:

Banderal - as a Vanguard - reported the same thing in one of the next matches.


The thing was, that the Rpublic team needed oh so long time to react. :( THey were just far too much shocked - which, I guess might have played into the hands of the other team.


But very late in the match, the Repubblic team was there with full force ! :) Yay ! :) But we sadly lost anyway (as far as I can remember, Banderal will hopefully correct my if I'm wrong), because the shock was too deep and too much long-lasting.


Banderal and I noticed this much later as well : THe Republic team was acting like sheep being chased by a wolf.

BUT - as soon as they had realized that they actually had wethers (is this the right word for it ?) within the team, it got together and were a fighting force !


Last - in one voidstar there was a thing I really, really have hardly EVER seen :D : A whole herd of imp side PvP players standing together at ONE door deathmatching, trying to get through the door ... - And everyone so close together it was sooooo easy to get my Gunslingers' AOE damage upon them ! :D

Now I know how a Sorc feels with chain lightning and Lightning as an AOE attack ! :D

Normalle, people are not that stupid. That's why it was so extraordinary. :D


Apart from that I'm concentrating to get my Commando to level 50 at least (he's now level 45), and then my very first Jedi, the equivalent of an Marauder ( people use these imperial names so much that I've almost forgotten how this is called on Republic side :( ).


Anyway, I was taking out my Commando and played with him a few days ago when he was level 42 ... I was kind of surprised how good he was as long as he could do damage unnoticed ! :eek:

Maybe I'll try that out once more.

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It's really hit or miss, really.


Although ... the environment has changed somewhat. Battles have become more fierce, I think. Good players on both sides - athough my luck often places me onto the side of the no-so-good players. :rolleyes:


But still - sometimes after half of the games they get their act together and punish them ! :D

Whereas most imp side players are very good at deathmatching, but often not so good at objective play - but I've had matches where they were good at *both* ...


Banderal had an Huttball 4:0 match for his team, if I remember that correctly.


In the end, it's really hit or miss.

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Ugh. You had to bring up the zip to 4 pipeball match didn't you? The only good thing in that match was being able to stop them from scoring-at-will once or twice. Like with an acid pull. Otherwise it featured things like... the ball is in spawn and my entire team is on our own goal platform, apparently waiting for the other team to grab the ball and come up to them. :D Or, I manage to get the ball once, and even get to the outside of the bottom level, and I see one of my guys down there! And he run across the acid drop! And I throw! And he's not even aware I'm there and just keeps on running (I think he actually force-sped away) up to mid to fight! Or watching my whole team attacking the enemy! But not the ball carrier that was walking right through the middle of them, some other enemy. :D


We had a good VS match though. Lots of killing on both sides. We won because I suck. Yep. Because I was so easy to kill that I happened to be running back from spawn at just the right moment to help with what I think was a double pull of the loan defender away from a door as another guy started to plant. Then I hit the defender with slow, and he could not get back in time. Other than that neither team was getting anywhere on the plants, so we got through the first doors (and finally the bridge), while they didn't make it anywhere - as Alrik said, they mostly just ganged up on one door and tried to force their way through.


We had a good ACW match too. It started out looking bad, and we started to get rage-chat going amongst our team. I think we were down close to 3/4 their score, and they were pretty much killing us at will. Then someone from our team managed to grab snow from them (we had grass) and suddenly we started giving them a fight! In the end I think we lost about 0 to 30, something close like that. There was a LOT of nodes switching back and forth. They could kill us off, usually, and take the node back, but they would not stop DPSing to rotate to another node under attack - so, as Alrik put it, we played guerrilla warfare, and they played lawnmower warfare. :D

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I am starting to doubt my sanity tbh in trying out the DPS. I spent some 4 hours queuing on my PT on L60 with the result that I decided to go to DPS elementary. I queued my Merc from L21 to 24 at 1800 expertise (no relics) as I leveled. Well, what can I say? My DPS on it was about the same as my PT's, about 400-500 dps, only no cool taunting. But, of course I offhealed. Lifespan was... what lifespan? Anyway, L25 now, relics are now available for me, but I just don't think the 200 points of expertise will magically change things. I'll give it a shot for a few days in the lowbies and at 60s with the Republic, but all and all, hats off to ye all DPS, I think I am likely to just throw the towel. OUCH!
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I hear you! I also seldomly get my mando dps above 1k - and I'm not sure I can continue to convince myself that this is purely because I play objectives and therefore run around a lot, off-heal, etc. instead of pumping damage like a maniac :p

Then again, with my Kreea-build shadow tank I start doing upwards of 800 dps in most regs, so I should really do better on my full-blood dps toons. Or, as I'm trying now with the intention of being able to switch tank-dps roles in operations (Underluker :mad:), I should just swap to Serenity and learn to dps properly on my favourite character first :D

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I started as a DPS (mids) a week or so ago - and hats off to them!


Now I realise that you don't have the cushion of really strong DCD's or a quick self-heal to keep yourself alive - 1 medpack on Cooldown is pretty much all you're going to get.


OTOH I can see how wolf-packing a target to death is great tactics. It should also help my heals and Tanking- by remembering that keeping a DPS alive (heals and occasional guard switch) is what is keeping your enemies off the objectives.


At the moment I'm ranged, and I know that Melee DPS is a whole new ball-game, but as soon as I have a character in the right place, I'm going to give that a try too.

I reckon on 500-900 DPS isn't too bad if you're helping with the objectives, getting focused, & have a few quiet spells. It would seem that my opponents are savvy enough to not let me go through rotation after rotation as a mobile gun-turret. It'd be interesting to see what the numbers where at nearer 100% DPS uptime.


TL;DR: Try another class /role every once in a while - you'll learn a lot about your team-mates' strengths and weaknesses. :)


PS. Love this thread.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I had one pipeball match after I posted, where I was in the wake of a winning team (6 to nothing) and had more uptime from the pipes. Found out that a sniper even on level 17 outshoots me if we just shoot each other, selfheal or not. So, have to LoS snipers. He wanted the pipes too, critter. But since I jumped off the pipes, (uhm, let's call it that... jumped off) when he showed up again, I, uhm, accidentally landed on a melee and got a solo kill. 670 dps in that one, that's with relics. I dunno why everyone loves DPS.
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I had one pipeball match after I posted, where I was in the wake of a winning team (6 to nothing) and had more uptime from the pipes. Found out that a sniper even on level 17 outshoots me if we just shoot each other, selfheal or not. So, have to LoS snipers. He wanted the pipes too, critter. But since I jumped off the pipes, (uhm, let's call it that... jumped off) when he showed up again, I, uhm, accidentally landed on a melee and got a solo kill. 670 dps in that one, that's with relics. I dunno why everyone loves DPS.


Honestly If I started posting in this thread , It would cycle between .


I had a pretty bad healer in Solo Ranked who can't kite and LoS , Called him the C-word.


I had a Sorc in Solo Ranked who fat fingered the bubble, Called him the C-word.


Powertech on my team Got Globalled , AGAIN , Called him the C-word.


DPS Splitting DPS , Losing the match because no Focus , Called them the C-word.

Edited by tunnelhottie
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