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A PvP a Day...


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Ah, guys.... There is a tall tale that Prince Potemkin once told a play-write Fonvizin after a performance of his play: "Die now, you'd never do better!"


I have that feeling. Sensei came on, and since I now have an Operative he took me along for a play of off-nodes jumping and just plain having fun, as opposite to staunchly doing mids and guarding. It was a huge fun and liberating experience.


The thing was that after a couple hours of that, we dropped into an arena. As shaky as I am on my Operative, the last thing I wanted was an arena. And as I was typing my 'oh, noes! Arena" I see his response: "Yep, and against... " (spatial awareness speed comparison right there!) Oh, goodness gracious, that's either a warm-up or cool down from the ranked. All I wanted was to have logged out earlier that fine morning.


Luckily, the folks must have been in the playful mood, so they tossed a half-hearted cc' or a shot my way, but other than that occupied themselves with each other. So, I felt like a charity kid playing my own soccer ball on the same field the world cup was taking place. :p I was so stomped my side won, I have not even taken a screenshot!


I guess, a quiet bad once in a while gets to see some amusing things if she plays long enough....

Edited by DomiSotto
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Felt like sharing what I went through a couple hours ago. Too fun not to be mentioned. :D


So, as of late I'm levelling my shelved alts to 60, to gather some more credits - which never hurt - and prepare for the upcoming expansion, in case I decide to shelf something else instead.

Today was the turn of my AP PT. Lvl 59, I finished Yavin 4 and did the first weekly round. I'm at about 75% Exp bar atm. But alas, having taken 6 characters through the SoR expansion in the last two weeks, I'm not that keen on grinding dailies - done them ad nauseam already. So, I went back to fleet and decided to PvP a bit. Premise: I didn't log this char at all since SoR came live, and even before it was at least a couple months I didn't use it. Color me rusty. :eek:


Anyways, we start off with a Quesh Huttball. Oh, boy... I'm gonna be a bad! :p

Or so I thought. Considering I didn't play the character at all since last October, I'd say I was decent. I scored once, taking the ball from the score point and taking it all the way to the score line solo... I also stopped a score twice, attained 40k Protection as DPS only using taunts, with 2 deaths and about 350k dmg. :rolleyes:


Then, an Arena. 4 DPS vs the Holy Trinity of 2 DPS, a Healer and a Tank. All stealths... Of course, I was in the full DPS Team with two Sorcs and a Sniper... :eek:

Round one I'm busy taking care of the Healing Op, pulling it when it tries to escape, interrupting casts, throwing taunts here and there... In the end, I'm alive alone against one of the opposing DPS, an Assassin. We're both extremely low, with all DCDs used, but I survive with less than 100HP as his DoT expires, while my Thermal Detonator goes off destroying him.

Round two is a repeat, pretty much, only this time I survive alone against their other DPS, an Op. And I still win thanks to Thermal Detonator going off after the guy stealthes off. :D


Third one, Novare Coast. I made it clear at start, that it was my first Objective WZ since before SoR... The comments were hilarious, along the lines of "If you play like the last 2 WZs while being rusty, I dread seeing you in shape." Yep, the other 7 were all with me in the previous two WZs. :p

We start off easy, I go mid to throw Taunts, since we have a Healer but no dedicated Tanks... We cap E, the opponents cap W.

When I'm on my Sorc I'm usually the one assigned to move E if needed, but as my PT I decide to stick to S.

I only move out to intercept their Healer - a Commando - and pull it where my allies can down him. That guy must hate me... :D

We keep our two turrets without too much trouble, repel a strong full team invasion S - wished my Masstaunt had shorter CD in there :o - and won by 100%-0%.

Again, my points were pretty decent. I died like 5 secs before the WZ ended, but attained 750k dmg, almost 100k Protection and a huge amount of kills. Objective points were above 8k aswell. ;)


All in all, I halved the amount of Exp I need to get my PT to 60, to begin Ziost... Next week I'll try to run a few more WZs on him, take him to 60 and finish his story aswell. Until then... Fear me, midbies! :D

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I just wish I didn't get that much discouraged with my low-level Vanguard on my home server ... because otherwise I'd probably have a similar experience, then ... :rolleyes:


He is still around level 20, got ( in PvvP ) awfully destroyed so much that it just wasn't fun to me anymore. I play him only as a "mule" char right now, carrying stuff for my other alts.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Hi Cox, always wonderful to see you drop by with a tale or two! I am glad you are trying out a new character and looks like it works great :)


I have been starting to learn to parse as a DPS with my PT. Between this and being unwell, no zones yet this week, but hoping to jump in tomorrow or on Thursday.

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I have been starting to learn to parse as a DPS with my PT. Between this and being unwell, no zones yet this week, but hoping to jump in tomorrow or on Thursday.


I hope so! I've been forced to solo queue the last couple days! Do you know how excruciating that is!? Er, wait, I mean "feel better soon!" :D


Speaking of those games, I really only remember one very well. Was an ACW. I was on my shadow tank. One of us goes grass, 2 went to their snow, the rest of us go mid. But I see one enemy peel off towards grass so I divert to help there. Our guy is capping, and I manage to pull the enemy and slow him so that he can't interrupt. Then we have to fight him. Was a sorc. And we were not good enough to finish the guy off. He kept doing the h2f thing.:(


Mid is still being fought over, and someone types in chat, "why are 2 [rude word] at grass?" I let him know we are busy fighting to hold grass. Yep, should have called Inc earlier. :( Then I die at grass, and we still have not killed that guy. Neither one of us are very good at DPS I guess.


We get some help at that point and eventually get both mid and grass, while they've finally taken snow. We had to fight to keep them the whole time, but we had good inc calls after our initial mess up, so we managed a win. Was a fun game.

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Woot! Had some great games tonight. Flint is now full DR, although I still need to min/max to get rid of "defense". :(


I started off solo queuing. Had a pipeball in there, where I got to feel like a POWER HOUSE! The other team was pretty much just death-matching. I think I personally scored 3 goals, and contributed to the other 3 by passing to the person who scored. Those matches are OK, but I'd rather have had more resistance from the folks on the other side. Also really odd at the end of that match - I should have taken a picture - the score at the end was 4 on my team with a few thousand objective points each, and the other 4 with NONE. I doubt we'd have scored so easy without the 4 DPS people keeping the team busy on the main level, but it was a weird looking scoreboard. :D


Had a second pipeball where we also won 6 to zero. I mostly played tank for a Jugg who was doing the scoring. He even thanked me at the end, so that was nice. But again... not a very competitive match. :(


Then I joined up with Domi's healer for several matches.


We started with a classic huttball I think, where the other team looked like they were going to put up some resistance at first, but then our team came together and started playing well. We were up 2 to 0 I think when my client froze up and I had to restart the game. Dang it! Domi said they ended up winning 6 to zip.


We had an ACW where no one ever capped mid! Team s-key went mid, and fought for quite a while. Eventually the guy guarding grass called inc, and of course s-key responded! After grass was safe I ended up being the solo guard there, and spent the rest of the match watching. They tried for it once more, but Domi came when I called inc, and they just gave up and ran back to mid. That's RIGHT!! People are SCARED of S-KEY!! :p But we ended up winning only because we had capped grass a fraction of a second quicker. I counted it as a tie.


Also had another pipe-ball, and this one was finally a good game. I think the final score was 5 to 3 (we lost). We were closer than that, I think it was 3 v 2 with about 2 minutes left. Then we had a good chance to score, but messed it up and ended up giving them the ball right at the bottom of the ramp - to their operative I'm pretty sure. I remember watching helplessly from our spawn point as he ran it in for a score. :( Then they went up 5 to 2 soon after that. We scored the 3rd one with about a minute left.


Final game was a AHG. We started the game by taking both pylons. I was solo guard at "ours", so I'm not sure exactly what happened at the other one - but we ended up losing "ours" because eventually the had 4 people there and just Domi & I were defending despite inc calls. We did not die, but they Cc'd us well enough to take it. But we were still ahead, and after that the team played more "normal" - with me still watching the pylon (often with Domi's help) and them controlling mid, and bringing orbs. We had a pretty good melee going on at the end, when they tried their last ditch effort to take our pylon, but we held it pretty easily... and then snatched theirs from them for a decisive win. So not REALLY a blow out, but not really a chance of losing either, unless I messed up really badly while guarding... luckily I didn't. :p

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They tried for it once more, but Domi came when I called inc, and they just gave up and ran back to mid. That's RIGHT!! People are SCARED of S-KEY!!


We made the urban legend work for us! A healed tank is unkillable!


That was the most interesting zone we have had :)

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Running the risk of again betraying my pvp-noobishnes, I'd like to ask some advice of ya'll.


My questions is about who to hit: all too often, my bone-rattling, mind-blowing, all-crushing gunnery burst dissipates on absorbs, reflects, etc., doing little to no damage at all. Of course the fault is my own: I just fail to notice the proper buff icons on my target. Therefore my question is, how should I arrange the target buff bar to better spot pesky DCDs? Buffs rather large? Arrange by time of application or remaining time?


All tips welcome :-)

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Running the risk of again betraying my pvp-noobishnes, I'd like to ask some advice of ya'll.


My questions is about who to hit: all too often, my bone-rattling, mind-blowing, all-crushing gunnery burst dissipates on absorbs, reflects, etc., doing little to no damage at all. Of course the fault is my own: I just fail to notice the proper buff icons on my target. Therefore my question is, how should I arrange the target buff bar to better spot pesky DCDs? Buffs rather large? Arrange by time of application or remaining time?


All tips welcome :-)


Unfortunately I don't know a good answer to your question. You might get some answers here, but I also thought, you might want to just make a new post. While a few of us keep this thread going, I would not be surprised if not many others were actually pay attention to it anymore. :p

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Unfortunately I don't know a good answer to your question. You might get some answers here, but I also thought, you might want to just make a new post. While a few of us keep this thread going, I would not be surprised if not many others were actually pay attention to it anymore. :p


Thanks for the bump :cool:


edit: then again, I should prolly have waited to rebump a little longer :p

Edited by jordhanus
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The easiest is to look for animations on your target. Just ask a Guardian or a Juggernaut to put up his protections, they will only be different by color for the other side. Usually, the bigger the DCD the more pronounced it is.


The same goes for mezzes and stuns. You are ranged, so it might be easier for you to see the familiar buffs.


Hope this helps!


I am not sure what DPS do, as a healer I only see debuffs so I could cleanse or pump out heals onto a guy who is being hit by dots or a delayed boogie. I dunno, might be for a ranged it will make it easier for you to just see the buffs. 0.45 is the size that works well for me for visibility, but that's on the bars.

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One problem is the Healer / Guarder combo : A healer is guarded, and the tank guards the healer ... Lots of problems.

Getting both down - perhaps the healer first - requires LOTS of DPS and a coordinated team, most times, I guess.


Putting pressure on the healer = he / she can't heal others while being attacked, except when being extremely good and very mobile.


Therefore, I prefer to rather concentrate on other DDs with my Gunslinger : This way they can't take out people of the own team ...


But in fact, I contentrate mostly on the target with the lowest amount of health left. Sometimes I'm even able to "oneshot" these.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Wicked! Today been running some regs on my mando first, now my shadow tank, and boy reps are destroying imps today at TRE!


Even better, I'm destroying them: first in an arena on my tank solo'ing a mara dps and jugg dps (admittedly, the mara was at 10% and the jugg at 25% or so, but so was I: first took out the mara, then stealthsped the hell out of there for healing. Afterwards, in a straightforward duel I just nailed the jugg - which I found rather surprising since I'm in full tanking gear. Oh well :D (although, in all likelihood he was in somewhat pve-ish gear :p)

Second arena was even better: 4 vs 4, but we had a pve sage with valor rank 2 (:rolleyes:) who melted in a blink, sadly by the time we noticed they got the better of us in round 1. Then, our trinity vs their 3 dps+healer, did better, even though the sage again died very quickly. After this, she quit, so third round 3vs4, and we just showed them all the corners of the field. They had oper healer and merc, sniper and mara (I think) dps, but they fell miserably before our guardian dps, sage healer and myself. Lousy healing and team play on their side, but who cares :D

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I am glad you are enjoying it!


I tried a few zones with my scoundrel yesterday, and, of course, I forgot all about playing it in the whole of few days I have not played him.


Actually, I pugged first my Sage, and pulled out of an Alderaan once we could not hold the last turret against a double-premade. They just focus-swapped everything out of the way, in the way the really strong and fast DPS do. So, I figured, seeing there is no hope, I'd take a beating on a weaker char, maybe live long enough to learn a couple of things.


Got a couple of arenas on my scoundrel, and, despite trying to follow Hottie's instructions did terrible. Waiting to start the match in stealth killed all my HoTs, and it went downhill from there. And a VS which was close somewhat at least. Will try to catch up more zones over the weekend, but yeah, it feels like the Harbinger is seeing a huge surge in great players.

Edited by DomiSotto
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it feels like the Harbinger is seeing a huge surge in great players.


I'm starting to see that as well. Despite a couple of nights this week where the Imps didn't seem to have a prayer, I've been in a few matches that were competitive and fun for a change.

Topped the charts in a CW where I was mostly defending two nodes but teammates were responding to incs and were not all deathmatching at the middle. The Ops leader was actually giving HELPFUL advice in chat instead of yelling and cursing at everyone. We lost by less than 100, but it was the closest CW I've ever been in.

Had a VS that started out terribly. Pubs were getting through the first two doors with ease and the Ops leader was being very sarcastic. At the final doors the pubs actually can't get through thanks to some better teamwork, and I was able to guard the off door and call a couple incs successfully. Ops leader changed the attitude pretty quick. Managed to plant a bomb when we were attacking but we ran out of time. Lost on tiebreakers, but it was another close one that was a lot of fun because of it.

Finally, actually contributed to winning a Huttball match for the first time in what seems like forever. Scored once, escorted another one, a couple successful and timely passes. Another key to this one was the Ops leader and a couple other guys giving HELPFUL advice in the beginning, and people were not deathmatching on the sides but actually contributing to the team.

Funny how not yelling at your teammates during a match can sometimes be the difference between winning and losing (and losing closely, which isn't always a bad thing)

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oh, yes, that's what you do before hand. Anyways, I was playing on my scoundrel this morning, and tbh there are so many healers in the queue and the republic is doing so badly, that I figure it will hurt absolutely nothing if I am just going to play my guardian dps. I am absolutely horrendous, but it is by some reason a lot f fun, so yeah, I am just going to be a total irresponsible brat :) Well, my dear Imperial folks, one easy kill to farm gonna be around in the next few days... lol.
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Well that was fun today. Following Kreea's guide I regeared my shadow tank for high endurance/power/surge, ditching all mitigation stats. The upside is indeed much better damage, regularly hitting all kinds of stuff for 5k (Project, CascDebri, the aoe thing, ...), without really loosing much tankiness.


One arena (reg) today was memorable though: 3 heals and me (tank) vs heal and 3 DPS, boy oh boy. They just melted our healers in seconds one after the other, guarded or not. That was really ludicruous, because those healers weren't that bad imo. No idea what happened there for 2 times 1 minute or so :confused:

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oh, yes, that's what you do before hand. Anyways, I was playing on my scoundrel this morning, and tbh there are so many healers in the queue and the republic is doing so badly, that I figure it will hurt absolutely nothing if I am just going to play my guardian dps. I am absolutely horrendous, but it is by some reason a lot f fun, so yeah, I am just going to be a total irresponsible brat :) Well, my dear Imperial folks, one easy kill to farm gonna be around in the next few days... lol.


Que solo ranked Heals, please , As long as you don't get globalled i won't complain , well much anyways.

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Now THAT was awful. How BAD must I be that even the enemy ball carrier stops and runs to me to destroy me ? :(


Level 31 Sage, full set, even with Relics & Implants. I was using Force Armor several times, but sometimes I had forgotten to use it. It was the second match with my level 31 Sage for MONTHS. :(

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The last thing for me was an awful Huttball much where the imp team literally steamrolled me ! I was in their way - OF COURSE they literally walked over me ! I could do very little against the combined for of Operative, Powertech, Sorceror ... :(


But the WORST thing for me was that they not only were exceptionally good at deatzhmatching aka "wall of DPS" - they ALSO were exceptionally good at chain-throwing the ball ! I saw the Operative roll through the fire several times taking no damage at all ! And even the Powertech got through it taking almost no damage at all ! It was all so fast I almost couldn't believe my eyes ... they were pushing, pulling, stunning, flash grenade throwing everywhere ... stunning, mezzing, interrupting me meanwhile I nearly made no damage at all to them ! They literally walked over my characters' body !


That was too much for me. I'm done with PvP for the next few days.


Well, for tomorrow I'm having other plans anyway, and for Wednesday ... I'm going into that open air museum built upon the remains of an antique Roman town ... :) It's called Colonia Ulpia Traiana ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Funny how two people can have completely different experiences in the same game.


Was in a huttball with Alrik's sniper. I was on my PT. I think we were both lvl 33. I thought it was a good, exciting game. We were struggling from behind most of the time, but we kept it pretty close so that it never felt, to me, like we had no chance.


I got to help score a few times, stopped their operative 2 or 3 times with fire pulls. Made them throw an incomplete pass by timing another pull and yanking the guy out of our endzone just as his team mate tried to throw to him. We lost 3 to 5, but our 4th score was literally at the goal line with plenty of health and me with a guard on him when time ran out, so I counted it as 4 to 5. :D


But apparently they were focusing the squishy sniper pretty bad, and poor Alrik could barely get out of spawn. :(


After that it was just me, because you can only get pounded on so much before you just give it up for the night (yep, like I did the night before - I could only manage one match of being farmed and I decided that was enough).


The next game was another huttball, and it was terrible. Terrible in being WAY too easy for us. I stood by the ball spawn, a sage stood up on the ramps, and another guy stood in their endzone. We just went spawn - grab ball - pass/or/pull - pass - score. over and over and over and over and over... is that 6? It took us about a minute, maybe 1.5 minutes to win. The only good thing was that my team was merciful and finished it quick. I was waiting to see if they'd start farming, but they did not, so that was decent of them. We were a complete PUG, but I'm sure the other side thought we were a premade. :(


After that was a couple NC, which at least we had some fighting to do. The first was a bit of back and forth, and I had a moment of "WTHeck!?" when we were sitting at well over 50%, the enemy had 4%. We held east and west, and we'd been fighting over east for a while. I'd been typing into chat "west clear, go east" over and over for the last couple minutes. And then 2 guys come WEST and just sit down! At that point I headed east as fast as I could, but the one guy we had left there didn't last long, and I didn't make it in time, and they retook it. :mad: Luckily we took south back soon after, and held that.


That last game we took east and west. We lost west once with no call, but pretty easily took it back. Then I guarded after that, had to call once and got some help to hold them off. But over all the last one was not a very close game. So I still found the huttball that we lost to be the best game of the night. :eek:

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Well that was fun today. Following Kreea's guide I regeared my shadow tank for high endurance/power/surge, ditching all mitigation stats. The upside is indeed much better damage, regularly hitting all kinds of stuff for 5k (Project, CascDebri, the aoe thing, ...), without really loosing much tankiness.


Hmm, that's interesting. My main is a shadow tank, and I hadn't gone that far yet to ditch all the migitation. I still feel like it should be wrong somehow. But maybe that's contributing to me not being able to tank very well for Domi when she's on her healer (you know, beyond just my general suckiness :D ). And yeah, having a bit more DPS output would be nice.

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