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A PvP a Day...


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It must have been my inspired healing!


Banderal and I hooked up today for a bit of Scoundreling, and had a fairly even VS, but got totally facerolled in NC.

EDIT: Went into an extra zone to get my comms, and whadda you know? Pub rocked, and I managed to maintain my incredible hps of 1300+ since everyone was after my guarded L50+ coheals, and me, the lowbie L41 Scoundrel, just slunk around doing his beep-beep-beeps and koltos and dodging an occasional melee who noticed me. Felt bad about outhealing, but we won so everyone did their job! Felt good. Lol, I love playing a pub.


Is everyone ready for the Faceroll Tuesday? :D

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Banderal and I hooked up today for a bit of Scoundreling, and had a fairly even VS, but got totally facerolled in NC.


LoL. I had a match before we grouped up where I had a higher off-heal score than I did DPS (as a DPS scoundrel). I was node guarding, and every time I called inc another DPS would show up and just kick-butt. And the other team would focus him and just let me stand back and do my little heals. So I figure, pft... doesn't matter to me what my label is. I'll be a healer for this round. :D


Is everyone ready for the Faceroll Tuesday? :D


FRT? What are you talking about. I just ran a few zones with Flint, and we ROCKED (pun intended :D).


Started with an AHG that looked like it was going to be a face-roll. They were stomping us after round 1. But then another shadow and I went to try to ninja cap their node... and just stood there (in stealth) and stared at each other in disbelief while 5 of their guys delivered orbs and all 5 ran off leaving it completely empty. So they other guy popped out of stealth and capped, while I prowled around just in case. But no, with about 1 minute left, they just let us have it. So we got a double cap and pulled ahead. Two more rounds, though, and they caught back up and pulled ahead just by killing us and then running orbs while we waiting in spawn. :( We still almost pulled if off by preventing them from capping "theirs", but we didn't respond to our own inc call in time, and they took ours from us. Still, it was a good effort against a superior (in killing power) team.


Next was a quesh pipe-ball. We had a great team, where everyone was playing the ball game instead of death match. The other team was not actually helpless, so I think the final score (us 6, them 1) did not really show their ability. We had some good saves. People not whitebarring the ball carrier early, so it was still possible to knock them back down to the bottom, or acid pull to prevent scores. Lots of "soft cc" to slow them down, and separating the ball carrier from their support. Things like that on defense. Very cool.


On offense, passes, passes, and more passes. I even got a congrats on a good pass. I was trapped on the main floor, rooted, rooted and more rooted, and my health is dwindling, and I'm looking DESPERATELY for someone to pass too... and I catch a glimpse of... is it!? IT IS... a bit of green up on the pipe directly above my head. So I pass straight up, and then I think she even passed after that to a guy waiting to score.


At the end of the game one of the other side talks trash in chat... "good job running the ball, you can't kill us worth **** though" or something like that. No one typed back, but I'm thinking... uhm, I have a theory as to why you lost... :D


Then an ACW. I went grass and took that, no opposition. Another team mate went snow. I don't know if there was any opponents there, but if so s/he mowed through them, because we had both side turrets right away. They got mid a bit after that, and went after snow. They eventually got it, and turned it into a pretty good game. They came grass several times, but we always defended.


I actually got to feel very heroic several times. I was sticking to grass, and this sniper kept helping. Several times he got caught out in the middle trying to reinforce the other node after the main "grass fight", and here he'd come - racing back to grass with 1/2 health, with 2 guys on his tail. I'd toss guard on him, and Cc the enemy to let him get some distance, and he'd manage to use that to heal up and then we'd take them down. That was very fun.


Ok, sorry for the long post, but those were some great games. None felt like a blowout where we had 0 chance of a win, or that we were so much ahead of the other team there was no way we could screw it up and lose.


P.S. 200K comm cap (or whatever HUGE number it is) = very cool!

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Sounds like you had fun ! :)


Here, the weather turned into bad weather, and that's usually influencing my own mood quite a lot. The result is that I'm more tired late in the evenings, but despite that I sometimes want to queue again. ;)


Oh man. Bad weather helps my mood. We just had all night long thunder and lighting storms here, and even a tornado (which didn't kill anyone, so it's ok). Was awesome! :D


On the other hand, if you mean just dreary and drizzling all day long. Yeah, that sucks. :(

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I've been getting on pretty late, so I keep missing you guys. After 8 or 9 pacific in the evenings, didn't really play most of the weekend until late Sunday evening.


Got my scoundrel and operative both to 59 via Rishi. In my experience, after 8-9 pacific, the imps have just been getting massacred in the 30-59 bracket. Triple caps, warzones ending early due to imps leaving. No games have been even that close, really. As such, I've been playing my scoundrel mostly...cause I am a coward. It's true. :(


It is pretty awesome that the comm cap was raised. No more weapon swapping. For my operative, I'm probably just going to Rishi my way to 60 and then work on getting gear. For my scoundrel, I'll probably linger in the lowbies and ride the waves for easy comms.


I'm still loving my sc/op for pvp. I'm getting used to the scoundrel sound effects. The punching and shotgun blasting and everything else seems more distinct than the myriad knife sounds of an operative. I like the knife sounds, but many of the abilities sound mostly the same. I don't like the delayed sound effect of backblast (even though I think the damage is applied earlier than the sound would indicate) - just makes me wonder if I'm getting that annoying ability mis-fire, even if only for a split second. Sucker punch is kind of hilarious, and definitely fits with the scoundrel theme. Also, the "surrender" (I think) effect is hilarious.


I think that one small factor with scoundrels that always annoyed me when facing them is that many of the animations look so benign, non-threatening really. This dude is running around, sucker punching me, kicking me in the crotch, laughing at me, and rolling around me like some annoying fly, and yet he is lighting me up in the process. I, as a powerful jedi or sith, am unable to swat this pesky fly.


P.S. The cheap server transfer thing is interesting. Assuming that nobody did any funny business to skew the results of the poll, so far...shadowlands. As a west coast dude and somebody who plays later at night, an east coast server is not appealing to me at all because of ping and playtimes. I think I'm going to make a char over there and see what it's like, though. Odds are, I'm going to stay harb and bastion.

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I've got a bit sick this morning, so got home earlier. I have just deleted my L23 Assassin to make room for Tageren to come back from the Bastion. I really did not like splitting the Legacy between the Servers, since that cuts off the material and crafts flow. I seem to be more aligned with APAC and EST, so if APAC starts moving to Shadowlands, I will consider. Teclado, could you keep an eye on the Shadowlands to let us know how is Republic doing there in regs and in PvE.


EDIT: And wow, the transfer was basically instantaneous, I almost cried when I saw Tageren back on the server. Now, the only two characters I don't like in my Legacy are the Sniper and the Sentinel. But Sniper is my Gunslinger's mirror, so I am keeping both just in case, though I doubt I'd ever play them again. Ideally, i would not mind substituting my Sentinel with a Shadow, but I am a bit reluctant to redevelop the Synthweaving, as the Sentinel on her level 23 is the L500 Synthweaver. I mean, I really do not need the WP or Might Augments, so what do I care? I should give it a thought.

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I can't imagine that APAC would move to shadowlands. That ping. :eek: I haven't made a toon on shadowlands yet, but maybe I will tonight. I was going to do it last night but had limited play time and felt like getting in some scoundrel warzones instead.


You don't like your sentinel, Domi? :( I actually quite enjoy mine, just not for pvp. He is probably my preferred dailies runner. I like the animations and the flow of combat spec. That was my first level 50 and the second character that I ever made. I still have some old tionese pieces that I wear on him. :p


I'm probably going to stick with harbinger and bastion. It seems like bastion gets more solo ranked in, wouldn't mind doing some more of that. I really like having low ping, so an east coast server is probably off limits for me...just have to see what it's like, although I have a pretty good idea I'm not going to like it. Maybe that means I am going into it biased, but I'll try to be objective.


Ran a few WZ with my scrapper scoundrel last night, like I said (or typed:p). First was a CW. I guarded grass almost the whole time. We actually lost against an imp team, which I haven't seen happen very often in the 30-59 during my times. They took mid and snow. I didn't do much overall, not much action at grass. There was one PT that came over and attempted to cap, but it's not exactly hard to win a 1v1 with the best 1v1 class. :D The PT had no chance. Memory is a little foggy, but roughly here's what I did: open up from behind the PT with the "unable to turn" ability (shank shot), vital shot (DoT), bludgeon, hard stun (shank shot almost wore off), back blast, blood boiler, dodge (since stun was ending), sucker punch, sucker punch. I think that the second sucker punch ticked at the same time as blood boiler, because he went from about 15k health to dead instantly. Due to my dodge, he missed with a rail shot. In the end, I was at 100% health. :D After that, at some point we were obviously losing, and somebody else on our team came grass, so I decided to head towards snow and see if I could do anything. They had a merc and PT guarding, and I wasn't able to win that one. Electro net sucks. :p I managed to bugger off without dying, though, which was fun.


My second WZ was a novare coast. We started off really well, taking west and south. I was guarding west, not doing much. We made the mistake of leaving only one guy at south, pretty much our entire team went east for some reason (getting greedy going after the triple cap). That didn't end well. The poor guy at south got ganged up on and south was lost before we could respond. The imps held south for the rest of the match. At one point, I went for the desperation move of leaving west unguarded to go for east. They had a PT tank guarding it, and I was unable to crack that nut before they got help. We ended up getting triple capped in the last 30 sec of the match.


I'm hardly dying at all with my sc/op. Lots of matches with zero deaths, 2-3 tops, and it's not just because I'm guarding a lot. The class just has a lot of really good escape tools, easy to get out of a bad situation. I'm still loving this class for pvp. So many good cooldowns on short timers. Defense Screen (30s), dodge (1m), Slow-Release Medpack, Dirty Kick hard stun (30s), Flash Grenade (1m), double roll every 9 sec, combat stealth every 90 sec. Soooo good. I don't really want to play anything else in pvp anymore.

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Had a moment of doubt whether I'd start my brand new sorc on TOFN instead of TRE, but choose for the latter and not regretting it. Plan on pvp-ing all the way to 60 (and no need for weapon buyback etc stuff, which is cool since I always forget to keep an eye on the timers :cool:).

What I wanted to say: pleasantly surprised so far by the lowbie pvp-ing! Some sort of premades are there, but generally it's just a bunch of nice chaps and galls actually working together, deciding (very basic, but still) tactics, etc. Still getting used to being squishy instead of Shadow-tank-******, but I'll grow into it, I'm sure.


One question for you all: I play with just the regular mouse+keybinds, and am a bit struggling with strafing since pressing Q/D and an ability (mostly 1-4 and A, E, R) isn't always easy. Maybe put strafe on arrows and take hand off mouse during strafe+dps? Or maybe use D strafe most, and put abilities on F, G,.. Any suggestions?

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I use a Razer Naga mouse. Once I got used to it, it's been a totally different game for me. There were growing pains getting used to it for sure, but well worth it IMO. I use all 12 buttons plus a shift and sometimes control modifier. I bind 'Q' for throw huttball, 'E' for various cooldowns (often a defensive, Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides for PT/VG or Merc/Mando), 'R' for more defensives, 'F' for offensives such as execute abilities, middle mouse for stealth, shift + middle mouse for combat stealth, extra mouse button +1 for various specials such as force barrier (sage/sorc) / force stasis/choke / phase walk, extra mouse button #2 for things that I don't want to accidentally hit such as guarded by the force for my sentinel (especially back when it consumed half of health).


I keep things mostly consistent between characters. Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+2 are always my pvp medpack and adrenal, shift+5 is always interrupt, shift+1/2 is single and AOE taunt, shift+7 is always an AOE, 1 is always basic attack, 2 is typically a spammable attack, 12 is always hard stun, 11 is AOE stun/mezz, shift+10 is always stun breaker, 9 is pretty much always a long range (30m) ability, 10 is always a root/slow, etc.


For movement, I hold right click to turn my character, 'W' for moving forward, 'A' for strafe left, 'D' for strafe right. I still have 'S' bound to backpedal, but I rarely use it. So, all that my left had is doing is forward, strafe left, strafe right, tab target, jump with spacebar, QERF, shift, and Ctrl. My right hand does the rest. My hands are a bit on the small side for a dude, so I can't comfortably reach any farther than T (without taking my finger off W). Naturally, I can't strafe right and hit e.g. F at the same time, so I have to either stop strafing for a sec or strafe the other way. I'm not sure exactly because it's pretty instinctive at this point, but I may time hitting F/E/R to when I am strafing left. It only takes a split second anyway. I've thought about binding X/Z/C/S to something, but I really don't need them. Plus my X key still sticks a little from an old soda spill. :p


Without my naga, I would seriously struggle to strafe and hit binds with any degree of speed or accuracy. They are kind of expensive (I think I paid about $70 for mine), but I've had it for about two years now and have gotten a lot of good use out of it. If mine ever dies, I'm heading to the store to buy a new one before logging in again. I'm super reliant on it now. I wouldn't even know how to play without it haha.

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That's why I like Novare - things can change so quickly!


I have an Annihilation Mara. For a while I was doing okay on her in Dailies. But by now I can frankly say I have no idea how to play that AC anymore between the changes and buffs. So, no, I have no plans to try Combat. I just want simpler classes.


So, I am playing more PvP than I planned. Surprise, surprise… It slows down my levelling, but to be honest, I love my Scoundrel. He makes so much sense for the story, so I am trying to stretch the time I spend with him and see what he can do.


Ruvvoy was raiding yesterday, and that’s as much as I could manage time-wise. Raiding is at least 3 hrs commitment. I will need to learn to use Starparse, figure out what I want from PvE end-game, which characters I want to play on, which role… unless the game dies! (OMG!!!) I sort of starting to understand now what sensei meant when he said that he’ll always like PvE more than PvP because in PvE players work together, instead of fighting each-other.


Overall, I am getting tired of levelling. I planned to take Merc, Mando and Shadow through in August-September, and to buy an Assassin. But I am getting tempted to just level the Commando (since she’s done through Taris) and purchase the Mercenary at level 60 later on, if I like the heals. It’s not like Shadow/Sin are awfully hard to come by to practice against. Lolz, they seem to make a beeline for me!


Tageren (my Vanguard Tank) is back, so him, my Guardian and my PT have to go all the way to the end of Ziost still.

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I use a Razer Naga mouse. Once I got used to it, it's been a totally different game for me. There were growing pains getting used to it for sure, but well worth it IMO. I use all 12 buttons plus a shift and sometimes control modifier.


I believe that one can very, very clearly se in WZs who has such a thing and who has not.


And those who haven't are just called "BADs".


I mean, firing up all of these close combat abilities of an Operative within these few seconds - you can very, very clearly see that there is someone using suich a mouse.


And in fact this kind of mice is one of the reasons why casuals stand no chance against "professionals". I bet that actually no-one is in the top of the Leaderboards WITHOUT having and using such a mouse ...


There are so many tiers of being unfair against casuals ...

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I believe that one can very, very clearly se in WZs who has such a thing and who has not.

Yeah, but you don't have to have the mouse. There are actually quite a few really good players who are quite impressive with their use of the keyboard. I just don't have the keyboard skills. I would probably hit the wrong key more often than the right one if I had to try and use TYUGHJVBN etc. Perhaps practice would help, but I've never really had the hand size or dexterity. Plus when it is cold in my room, the hands get really stiff and no worky. Not a problem in the summer, but winter = ugh.


I can also understand the mindset that it seems a bit unfair to have some people running around with this extra tool. I used to feel that way. But, when you consider that everybody has the opportunity to get the same thing, and considering how much more enjoyable it makes the game regardless of reaction times and advantages in pvp...I don't feel that way anymore. If you think it is advantageous to use, go get one. I think you will never go back, mainly just from an overall enjoyment of the game. I used to click everything and wow was it chaotic. No situational awareness. Poor mobility. As with anything, if you want to participate at a high level, you have to have the tools. I don't appreciate it when players are hard on others, because it's just a vid game...I don't take it seriously. Some players are actually quite impressively good at clicking, too. Lots of pvpers throw the word "bad" around, most of them have no idea what they are talking about. I wouldn't worry about that.


Anyway, I'll try to get on topic here.


I played a few rounds with my 59 operative last night, got him to 60. I only had about 4k comms, so I'm going to have to get the rest of the gear at 60. No big deal once 3.3 hits, but I am probably not going to wait that long since I enjoy playing the class rewards or not. I'm not going to save them either. Just gonna spend 'em. I don't even care. ;)


Had a pipeball and a regular huttball. The pipeball was 6-1 us. I think I scored about 5 times. :D Had some good sorc pulls, some good passing. The other team was mostly going for deeps at mid, so it wasn't too hard to grab ball and roll my way to the score. The regular huttball was very competitive and back-and-forth. We scored, they scored, we scored, etc. It ended 6-4 us, but it was very nice to see both teams playing objectives. I remember watching their sage score with about 4% health. It seemed like he died at the same instant that he crossed the goal line.


I also made a toon on the shadowlands last night. Mainly I wanted to test my ping. Typically on the harbinger or bastion I will see around 30mS ping, although last night I was getting 56 for some odd reason. Over on the shadowlands I was seeing about 120 mS. I only got my new scoundrel to level 4, so Ord Mantell is probably not the best for testing ping. It may get worse in warzones. Since the transfers are so cheap right now, I might just transfer a 60 on over and give warzones a shot, see if I can notice a difference. I just am not sure how long this will last, and there is a 72 hour cooldown. I'll probably take the chance anyway, just need to figure out what to transfer...hmm.

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Yeah well it seems a tad exagerated that you can only excel with Naga or similar stuff. I mean, with GCD your APM are limited per definition, so as long as you can seperate movement/viewing and abilities, it should make little difference whether you do one with keyboard and the other with mouse or vice versa.


I'm getting into it with my sorc, esp. since at this low level there aren't too many kite-able abilities :rolleyes: That said I should really work more on looking around while running/channeling (and then remembering how I'm standing for when I need to change direction or start running again after channel) - but I'm atm still too much in love with those wonderful lightning bolts I guess :D


Anyways, on topic: the pop rates continues to be pretty good in lowbies TRE, with about 30-40% imp-imp but that's ok. Lots of familiar faces by now, again quite some (attempts at) coordination.

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what mouse does for me, it allows me to separate fighting from targeting and movement. I fight with my left hand (mostly), and move and target with my right hand. My poor tired brain processes that better than a combo on the keyboard.


I started with the 2 buttons on the side mouse, and went to the 12 one, because it allows me to swap self to friendly to nearest foe to next friend and activate key instant abilities etc while I am moving (i.e. taunt or friend pull). Also, I find that Shift + Side button is faster than the Shift+Keybound button. For example, I have F3 that is bound to "3" on the side of the mouse as select nearest enemy, while Shift+F3 as threat drop. This way, as heals, I can select the pesky Assassin, and drop threat on him while starting to kite, while never taking my thumb of that one button. :) It takes some time to adapt to a mouse, but it's quite helpful when you have a good 40+ abilities and stuff.


Still doing PvE, dunno why. Need PvP fix, but I am kindda sortta feeling that time's running sort and I dunno. Just not feeling confident lately. (Hugs)

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@Domi: we'll just have to put our scoundrel group together and run some zones to get your fix. Maybe sometime this weekend. Mine's still at 59. With 3+ scoundrels, victory is assured. ;)


I sent my operative over to the shadowlands and ran a few matches at 60. I'm going to give it a few more days and run a bunch more matches before I draw any conclusions, but so far I am not liking the ping difference. I was getting about 150mS on average, 110 on the low end, over 200 during battles at times. Also, I had a few major lag spikes in which the game just froze completely for several seconds. I was playing a novare coast and was attempting to cap the off node (west) when suddenly everything stopped for several seconds. Next thing, I was below half health and there was a scoundrel hitting me. I'm guessing he started hitting me when my lag spike began.


Same match, I was at south attempting to stop a cap, but for two GCD cycles in a row, my abilities would not fire...and they capped it. Yeah, not cool. In general , everything just felt more sluggish than the 30-50mS ping that I had grown accustomed to (or spoiled with). Also, the queue times seemed kind of slow.


I have seen this sort of thing before on the harbinger, but let's just say that it was not a good first impression for TS. I'll try again some more, but man it's gonna have to do some real convincing for me to not transfer back. I don't see any positives of playing on the opposite coast and I really don't know how some of you do it. I'm probably just spoiled. :p

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Just ran a couple of zones, cause couldn't sleep. :) Had a great Huttball, where a couple of high level sages were anchored by us, the lowly 30'ies and 40'ies. We fought the Empire tooth and nail and won 2:1! And I scored one of those :) And every score in Huttball is like a balm. Then went and lost an AHG. Pfft. But lords in heavens, Scoundrels are hard to kill at least in midbies. My Sage would have been toast halfway through the gang-ho my Scoundie gets.


The rest of the night went as well as may be expected though, with the Republic running the full range of L30 to L50, while the Empire was 55+ to a man. So, I decided to give up and level. Hit L47 so far, so almost at the point where I can go and drag the Empire down. :) Still like the healing on the Scoundrel, even though keeping up with the damage a L58 PT puts out... nah, not happening. About 1,300 is still my best hps. Really curious to see how Arkanum set is going to work out on L55.

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My scoundrel is still mid-30s I think. Maybe upper-30s. Heh, I haven't played him in a few days and already I forget! But at least I know he's in mids, so I'd be happy to join team-scoundrel! :)


But I've been over on the imp side, trying to do enough story missions on my PT tank to get into the non-grey ones so I can take advantage of the 12x XP. I wish these stupid warzones would quit popping and interrupting my boring PvE mode! :D


Maybe it suites my play-style more and I'm just discovering that, or maybe they are just that much overpowered, but my PT tank is mid-30s also, and OMG is he hard to kill. I mean, sure if a few level 55s gang up he'll go down. But it seems like I can stay alive SOOOOO much longer than, for example, my shadow tank ever does. And I really only have 2 defensives right now, my blue shield thing and the one that restores my health really fast if I go below some level - you can see how well I know the abilities. :D

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I'm getting into it with my sorc, esp. since at this low level there aren't too many kite-able abilities :rolleyes: That said I should really work more on looking around while running/channeling (and then remembering how I'm standing for when I need to change direction or start running again after channel) - but I'm atm still too much in love with those wonderful lightning bolts I guess :D

Yes, sorc is fun. In fact, reading your post made me feel nostalgic and I went back to play with my lightning sorc some more, and then my sage. :D


I ran some lightning sorc zones late last night, had fun running around and spewing lightning everywhere. He's still lacking some augments, and he only has about 100K credits lol. *sigh* Had a voidstar in which neither team (imp v imp) could get past the front door - both sides were doing a good job defending. We managed to plant once, but they disarmed it. They ended up winning on a coin flip basically. Side note: seeing 5-6 dudes in a small area makes my sorc drool. AOE is sooooo good. Next I decided to run some with my TK sage. Got a novare vs imps. They turtled at south and we could never take it. We almost took east and west a few times, but not quite. Had a jugg that felt compelled to chase me all over the place, didn't bother me at all. :p There were a few snipers that I definitely made sure to pay attention to. Whenever they started hitting me, I got behind something. I've had a few too many experiences of taking 15K ambushes from them, so I know better at this point. In the end, they won, but they had a better comp (really good heals) and we put up a respectable fight.


The funny thing about my sage: at one point I thought I wanted to focus him as a healer, so I got the exhumed set with the heal bonuses. Since then, I've been playing mostly TK and balance. So now I am working on getting the dps set bonus exumed set. Heh. Yeahhhhh. :rolleyes: I guess it won't hurt to have both sets, which will become much easier in the not-so-distant future. Maybe I'll even try out heals on my scoundrel and operative. Show me the ways, Domi.


Once again, I have no idea what my main class is. My sage is my highest valor and most time /played, so I guess the case could be made for that to be it. Also, it has my forum name with no special characters whatsoever, so that counts for something. :p Right now, let's just say that I am having fun with sage / sorc and scoundrel / operative, so I'm going with that.


@Banderal and Domi: you guys need to get the roll. It is SOOOO AWESOME. Basically, know how hard you can be to kill right now? Well, the roll will make you even harder to pin down. It is by far my favorite single ability in the game.

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@Banderal and Domi: you guys need to get the roll. It is SOOOO AWESOME. Basically, know how hard you can be to kill right now? Well, the roll will make you even harder to pin down. It is by far my favorite single ability in the game.


My problem is that the scoperative's main survival is run away... right? And I've played tanks SOOOOO much, that I never think "run away", or only after I'm dead. My mind set is always... ATTACK ME, NOT THAT HEALER OVER THERE, ME, RIGHT HERE, ATTACK ME!!!!! Unless I'm solo guarding a node I guess. Maybe I just have to play my scoundrel like I'm always solo guarding a node?


But yes... I'm drooling over roll, just from having it used against me so often. :D


[Edit: P.S. I really want a guild now named <S-Key to Victory>, from your post in another thread. :D ]

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[Edit: P.S. I really want a guild now named <S-Key to Victory>, from your post in another thread. :D ]

Let's do it. Get two more and this can be a thing.


I just wanted to throw this out, S-Key to victory is not a thing, it's really not.

Oh yes it is! (Taken from Hottie's thread).

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Let's do it! <S-Key to Victory> FTW! We gotta get together, I have been yoloing too too much lately. Bad for the soul.




He's still lacking some augments, and he only has about 100K credits lol.


Let me know how many you need of what kind, I should be able to craft anything.


Ha-ha, the ways of a healer are always circular! I live by what sensei left me with. Healer is a Force multiplier. S/he controls the flow of the battle. Run in the face of the overwhelming odds. Always have an egress route. Heal the guy who peels off you. If the healing is not challenging, healer is suitable for objectives, otherwise your business is to keep the smart DPS alive, and let the stupid DPS die and ponder the meaning of the “objectives play” in the respawn zone.


If you want to heal, Sage is the best first heals toon!




That would be Adrenal Rush on the Vanguard. Now you know why Tags is my golden boy J VG/PT are just that awesome. J I will be swapping to my Operative probably today, so I can throw a few heals your way and you’ll be unstoppable. If you see me on Runt’o’litter, please wave. :)


I am pondering fast-tracking the gearing process, by skipping the re-equipment step on L49 on my Scops, and just push to 55, to slap that hard-earned 162 Arkanum set bonus on. I mean, I can do Corellia in L41 gear, right?! Also, don’t think I need to finish the drag through to Ziost on the boys. They are my PvP toys, no need for a PvE entry-level set.


And, OMG, thoroughly enjoying the male Scoundrel dialogues while playing!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, met up with Domi's scoperative healer today, and played a couple team-scoundrel matches. First one was an arena, where we actually focus fired. Round 1 we took them down pretty easy, and for round 2 one of them had already quit.


Then a VS that was pretty evenly matched. Both teams got to the 2nd door, but they got there first, so we lost that one.


I ran a few more after Domi left. Had a ACW with a ***OMG PREMADE***. We held grass & mid the whole time. I stuck around grass and played 2nd fiddle to one of the premade team. The enemy kept attacking us, so it wasn't boring.


After that I got with basically the same team, and we did another ACW. I went grass, and just guarded the whole time. Actually very similar to the first game, except we dominated a bit more. I got to call inc several times, and had some nice pitch battles.


And then an AHG with, yet again, the same premade. This one we lost miserably. :eek: I swear they had an entire team of operatives. It seemed like no matter who we focused on, we'd almost get them, then they'd roll away and escape back to their healers. :( The other team double-capped us on round one with no inc call. So round 2 I went to guard pylon <sigh>. We held that round. But they were better than us anyway, and had a big lead (over 200 point lead by round 3). Then they double capped us again in the final round. We had a call that time, but by then no one cared because a loss was almost inevitable. :D


And then a final NC, with entirely different guys. We lost pretty bad, but not "farmed" bad. We never managed to get a second turret, but they also could not take the one we had from us. I got to kill a PT tank several times. I think I'm getting better at pacing my CC to keep them in range, and also keeping the damage coming. :) At one point someone chatted - "why is the imp so OP on this server". I typed "time of day, we were winning about an hour ago". But I don't think they believed me. :rolleyes:

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Let me know how many you need of what kind, I should be able to craft anything.

Yeah I'm gonna need like, 500 augs. Oh and kits too. Yeah. :p Just kidding. I'm good, just need to quit being lazy and go make some creds. Super kind of you to offer though. Thanks!


I keep missing you guys, and it's sad. I get off work a bit late, plus PST for me.

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My stack of circuitry will devalue anyway in October, and I only need to augment one set, since I don;t think I will be auging the Me/Mando until the gear changes & I do not need a PvE set for the ScOps. I am selling the purples now. So, yeah, just let me know if you need it instead of grinding, 'em, dailies :) Edited by DomiSotto
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