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Multi Vote MVP


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I'd like to propose that the MVP voting system get an upgrade. Currently the MVP means nearly nothing when you think your are saying this person was the best in that WZ.


MVP awards 1 WZ comm and 62 Valor. Additionally, MVP is very arbitrary especially without knowing details upon details during the match. And though I know it is hard in the heat of the moment to stop and try and tag something that maybe noteworthy amybe we could be offered something with realtime application towards our MVP vote.


When you witness something you would consider MVP worthy you could right click on the player and get a MVP Vote popup that could be clicked at your own convienience, even if you are defeated. During the course of the match you would expectantly award multiple MVP votes all offering the 1 WZ comm and 62.


Remove the MVP vote at the end of the WZ and just allow everyone to see the stats.


If there is an issue there could be a MVP cap.

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I'd like to propose that the MVP voting system get an upgrade. Currently the MVP means nearly nothing when you think your are saying this person was the best in that WZ.


MVP awards 1 WZ comm and 62 Valor. Additionally, MVP is very arbitrary especially without knowing details upon details during the match. And though I know it is hard in the heat of the moment to stop and try and tag something that maybe noteworthy amybe we could be offered something with realtime application towards our MVP vote.


When you witness something you would consider MVP worthy you could right click on the player and get a MVP Vote popup that could be clicked at your own convienience, even if you are defeated. During the course of the match you would expectantly award multiple MVP votes all offering the 1 WZ comm and 62.


Remove the MVP vote at the end of the WZ and just allow everyone to see the stats.


If there is an issue there could be a MVP cap.


Only if they cap it at 1 MVP award. In addition, if they allowed "instant" MVP votes, they need to cap each player at ONE MVP vote.


Otherwise, you run into two friends running a WZ, each giving each other MVP after MVP "votes".

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I stay out of pvp but that sounds like a lot to expect of people in the heat of the moment. (Why click an ally to place a vote on them when you should be attacking enemies too?)


At the same time though, it does sound like there could be something to expand on in some way. Maybe each player is allowed to hand out a maximum of 3 nominations which can be tagged both during the match and at the end. For the purposes of naming a character as MVP, it would count a unique nomination as 1 vote, a double nomination as 1.3 votes, and a triple nomination as 1.5 votes.


So in that example where 2 friends stack their nominations on each other they've each got 1.5 votes in their favor, but if nobody else places any nominations on either of them they can be outranked in the votes by somebody who got noticed by two separate people and got 2 unique nominations


Maybe fine-tune the weight that each nomination carries to balance out the possibilities for what could happen when people use the system, but the idea would place more emphasis on the first nomination, which would hopefully encourage spreading votes around between a few noteworthy players and to only stack nominations if you think that that player truly deserves the slightly boosted vote more than any other players deserve to also get votes.


Hmmm... A pre-made group of 4 could abuse that system pretty effectively though, couldn't they? Everyone places their nominations on the rest of their own group and so all of them can count on starting out with 3 votes towards being considered the match's MVP, which would mean that somebody outside their group would have to really stand out to a significant portion of the rest of the team to get voted above them.


Is that why it's just one vote then? So there's no group vote stuffing to deal with?

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Is that why it's just one vote then? So there's no group vote stuffing to deal with?


you still get guild/friends vote stuffing with single votes


Back when I was doing SW:TOR PVP I would often see some guy with no damage, no healing, no kills get MVP because his buddies all voted for him


Its a massively flawed concept that basically is a popularity contest.


How about instead EA comes up with a formula based on healing others (not self as thats also exploited often by siphoning your own health and then healing yourself to full with out ever entering combat), damage done, kills massed, and time around objectives (again sages/inquizs siphoning health to heal up over and over and over away from battles).


Least that mechanic would have some value.

Wouldnt be perfect by any stretch but still better then current popularity contests

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Kalfear's theory falls apart when you have eight PUGs. (Hence why it's his opinion and a theory - nothing more)


MvP is subjective at best. Is it the person who did the most damage? Most heals? Is it the tank protecting the healer who cast the heals on the DPSer?


Or is it the very low damage Operative who ninja capped three nodes? Maybe the Guy or Gal sitting alone at the outer node while everyone else is at mid, who calls the occasional "INC" soon enough so his or her team has enough time to react?


Then again, the high dpser could simply be trying to pad his or her stats, in essence playing "team death match" in an objective based battleground.


I do think the OP is on to something, but it needs some refinement. Perhaps the elimination of the MvP vote altogether and more emphasis (and rewards) based on medals.

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you still get guild/friends vote stuffing with single votes


Back when I was doing SW:TOR PVP I would often see some guy with no damage, no healing, no kills get MVP because his buddies all voted for him


Its a massively flawed concept that basically is a popularity contest.


How about instead EA comes up with a formula based on healing others (not self as thats also exploited often by siphoning your own health and then healing yourself to full with out ever entering combat), damage done, kills massed, and time around objectives (again sages/inquizs siphoning health to heal up over and over and over away from battles).


Least that mechanic would have some value.

Wouldnt be perfect by any stretch but still better then current popularity contests


No kills no deaths and no damage dealt does not mean they did nothing! Most times this person is the one that sat in defense on an uncontested node the entire match, and because of a lack of medals earned from combat most others award them with the MVP vote.


Most MVP votes go to the person you "know" in the WZ, buddie, guildie or familiar player in PvP. Other times it goes to highest healing, damage, medals, objective points, deaths....defense, usually in that order.


IMO, the MVP is not about the person who put out the "most" of anything but who was the most essential to winning a match. By this definition the MVP voting system is already flawed as it is offered to both the winning and losing teams arbitrarily.


MVP is never awarded to the person that cc'd the would be attacker keeping them from stopping the capper. It is never awarded for the throw or interception that changes the game. Heck, it's hardly ever offered to the tank that shields the healer who heals the party allowing for the combatatives to stay alive and compete with the apposing team!


Again it is my opinion that the MVP is not an MVP rather it is 1 WZ comm and 62 valor on top of what you earned in the WZ to who ever it is that happeneds to get it.


With that I like the idea presented of 3 votes that are towards the MVP. Each Vote offers that player a 0.6 MVP point. and at the end of the match the game decides who the MVP is based on who has the points.


Each player can vote for all other players a maximum of 2 times per match in regular WZs and 1 per Round in RWZs. At the end of the WZ the computer tallies the Votes to determin who the MVP of the WZ is. I would continue to offer that each VOTE grants 1 WZ comm and 62 Valor in reg WZs while the MVP gets 50 WZ 10 RWZ comms and 1000 Valor.


It would mean earning MVP becomes something worth striving for and that just cause you got a vote doesn't mean that MVP is garanteed. MVP Votes must be presented within 10 seconds emediately following the match, at which point everyone will be able to see who won the MVP and then exit the WZ.

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one problem with that, the time it takes you to try and tag someone for an mvp vote may be the difference in allowing the other team to cap a node and cost you a victory. If you die are you really going to take the time to tag someone, or are you going to respawn as fast as you can to get back and help?
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one problem with that, the time it takes you to try and tag someone for an mvp vote may be the difference in allowing the other team to cap a node and cost you a victory. If you die are you really going to take the time to tag someone, or are you going to respawn as fast as you can to get back and help?


If you could right click the name in the ops frame and place the vote right there with one click do you think it will be too costly to use?

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