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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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The Amanin sabotaged the Jugg after the ambush they made on the Imperial convoy.


If they do reach the temple, then sure the Juggs will be more useful on a more flat open terrain. However the RR Juggs are more for transport compared to what Star has in which his are more combat oriented.


This isn't to say the RR couldn't use their Juggs for armor support, but it won't be suitable for long engagements unlike the A6 Juggs.

Well I was more think in terms of off-loading their cargo and storming the temple.


But that's basically what is says in the article, what exactly did they do?

Edited by Beniboybling
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Wait, so Juggernauts are vulnerable to stealthy sabotage?


I see a perfect opportunity for the Sun Guard to take advantage. They are trained specifically for stealth and covert missions on top of their normal training.


Yeah they are..








Take note though the Amanin did it under the cover of night when the Imperials were resting/taking care of the ambush aftermath and unlike the GE, the RR is most likely gonna have Jedi apart of convoys. So this strategy may not work as well.


The sabotage could still possibly work during the fighting, but not sure how effective it would be.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Oh so Star gets Canderous Assault Tanks? Okay I get any vehicle made by Kuat then... I think we know where this is going..


Ah, but you don't get the ones built by Rothana namely every walker in the GAR... In fact, the CA will be getting those as well.

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Ah, but you don't get the ones built by Rothana namely every walker in the GAR... In fact, the CA will be getting those as well.


Unless the RR can persuade Rothana to defect, which is an argument that has been used before. (And was only really countered by sending Maul there.)

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Unless the RR can persuade Rothana to defect, which is an argument that has been used before. (And was only really countered by sending Maul there.)

Maul has nothing better to do...


Besides, if he can get to Kuat and "convince" them to join him or sabotage the remaining Acclamators as they're being repaired there is absolutely no chance the RR could convince Rothana to defect.

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Joint built actually.


But I have something better in mind than generic GAR vehicles.


No, no they didn't the Kaminoans subcontracted Rothana to build the GAR's vehicles. Imperial vehicles though... I think I see where you're going. Problem is, the RR can't get anything planetside and the Canderous Assault tanks are much closer regardless.

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Maul has nothing better to do...


Besides, if he can get to Kuat and "convince" them to join him or sabotage the remaining Acclamators as they're being repaired there is absolutely no chance the RR could convince Rothana to defect.


Am I the only one who thinks Maul's abilities in this area are being way over blown?

Taking out Black Sun is one thing, taking out a massive supplier likely fitted with far superior security forces is another.

Do remember that if he boards the orbital ring and starts killing people they can lock that particular section down completely and then blow him out of the airlock.

Also he does have something better to do, fighting the Ground Battle as a commander.

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No, no they didn't the Kaminoans subcontracted Rothana to build the GAR's vehicles. Imperial vehicles though... I think I see where you're going. Problem is, the RR can't get anything planetside and the Canderous Assault tanks are much closer regardless.


Cant get anything planet side, with out smuggling (RI should be able to potentiall do this) or for an entire Week.


Remember it may be possible to force your ships to move as a unit when getting supplies or they may have to try going on the offensive to other supply planets. In such a case the RI could know where you are going and the RR ships can land goodies on the ground.


But it may take some time before they successfully ambush an Imp Star and force the fleet to move as one.

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Just quickly I am warning every one remember some vehicles take a while to produce. If they are Juggernaught level in terms of size I doubt they would be easily built.


Well also consider the scale of their deployment and in what timeframe as well as consider the size of the producer's manufacturing capacity.


I should also mention that they'd have to be done in a reasonable amount of time or there'd be no point as they would not affect the outcome if it took more than a week to build.

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AM I the only one who thinks that the numbers are too small for the siege to last a week? Maybe a few days but a week just seems too long.


Well, No i suspect seeing the fortified area that the Siege could take months. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3MlyOuSgaQ




Remember that more often then not the largest number of deployed units was a single regiment. Whole Legions were exceptionally rare to be deployed.


This number if done right can have months long sieges.

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Am I the only one who thinks Maul's abilities in this area are being way over blown?

Taking out Black Sun is one thing, taking out a massive supplier likely fitted with far superior security forces is another.

Do remember that if he boards the orbital ring and starts killing people they can lock that particular section down completely and then blow him out of the airlock.

Also he does have something better to do, fighting the Ground Battle as a commander.


"In 33 BBY, Sidious gave Maul his first mission: to put the criminal organization Black Sun in disarray. Maul carried out this task perfectly, dealing the group a grievous blow."


"Maul originally went on countless missions of terror for his master, killing politicians, crime bosses, merchants, and warlords."


Nope, sounds like routine stuff for him. If you remember the only times he's ever failed is pretty much when Obi-wan, Sidious, or an entire population tries to stop him.


He's murdered the heads of too many organizations to list right now, why exactly would KDY (a business) be any different? And RI has no special "Mual detector" as I recall and he operated for decades right under their noses.


Oh, and Black Sun had a Nightsister, and yet even an opposing force-user couldn't stop Maul what exactly makes you think KDY or RI would have the resources to do so? RI is full of spies, not soldiers. KDY is a business and the shipyards are historically easy to infiltrate.

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"In 33 BBY, Sidious gave Maul his first mission: to put the criminal organization Black Sun in disarray. Maul carried out this task perfectly, dealing the group a grievous blow."


"Maul originally went on countless missions of terror for his master, killing politicians, crime bosses, merchants, and warlords."


Nope, sounds like routine stuff for him. If you remember the only times he's ever failed is pretty much when Obi-wan, Sidious, or an entire population tries to stop him.


He's murdered the heads of too many organizations to list right now, why exactly would KDY (a business) be any different? And RI has no special "Mual detector" as I recall and he operated for decades right under their noses.


Under their noses of course means while counter intelligence and Palpatine worked against them.

Though I feel Maul and the Sun Gaurd are stealthy enough to undermine the RI a little, but not entirely.


The RI will still help limit the effectiveness of the Sun Gaurd and Maximize the effectiveness of the PT knights, as information on enemy movements will be all over the place. Even the Sun Guard will find it a bit more difficult then usual as they dont have any Counter-intel operatives working with them at the moment.


Just like to make sure every one is clear, that the Sun Guard and Maul while capable may have a bit more of a difficult time as they lack the ability to really get false info or another to catch the peek of interest from the RI, which is still the only full blown Intel agency.


To top it off its not like Jedi arent great at "special operations"

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Under their noses of course means while counter intelligence and Palpatine worked against them.

Though I feel Maul and the Sun Gaurd are stealthy enough to undermine the RI a little, but not entirely.


The RI will still help limit the effectiveness of the Sun Gaurd and Maximize the effectiveness of the PT knights, as information on enemy movements will be all over the place. Even the Sun Guard will find it a bit more difficult then usual as they dont have any Counter-intel operatives working with them at the moment.


Just like to make sure every one is clear, that the Sun Guard and Maul while capable may have a bit more of a difficult time as they lack the ability to really get false info or another to catch the peek of interest from the RI, which is still the only full blown Intel agency.


To top it off its not like Jedi arent great at "special operations"


Thing being that the Jedi can't get off Yavin IV so they're useless outside the Battleground.


Also, going over the RI's wookieepedia page I can see nothing stellar or impressive about them. The SIS seems to be bigger but the RI was kinda impotent. To think Maul couldn't confuse them and erode their organization is not logical. And with a few Sun Guard, infiltrating their headquarters on Coruscant wouldn't be an impossible feat for someone like Maul. Besides, the few RI operatives we've seen in the lore have been less-than-stellar fighters.


Failures of the RI: Malevolence, Rush Clovis, Death Watch, Blue Shadow Virus, Sidious's identity, Admiral Trench's survival (twice), Quarren uprising etc...


Even Yoda was unimpressed: "Yes, but so often inaccurate, our intelligence is."

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Am I the only one who thinks Maul's abilities in this area are being way over blown?

Taking out Black Sun is one thing, taking out a massive supplier likely fitted with far superior security forces is another.

Do remember that if he boards the orbital ring and starts killing people they can lock that particular section down completely and then blow him out of the airlock.

Also he does have something better to do, fighting the Ground Battle as a commander.


You're forgetting Maul also killed everyone in the Orsis Academy, the Academy that trained assassins, spies, hunters, trackers, soldiers and he did so without making a sound.


I'm pretty sure an Academy that train for assassination and the like, would be much harder to take out than a business as would crippling the Black Sun. All it would take for Maul, is the right opportunity. He was molded by Sidious himself into being the perfect assassin.


Also side note folks: Got 5 days left on my sub.

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War wise





The Massassi here while greater numbers will have some difficulty, much of the enemies vehicles are near impossible for them to counter and work well in dispensing these numbers quite well, even the clone troopers equiped with flame throwers are well suited for taking them out in a cramped space.


Their MAJOR advantage is their knowledge of the terrain and comfortability with it. They will likely be able to attempt ambushes, while this would normally tip my hand VERY largely in their favor, the Aformentioned RI gives the RR a lot of info and scanners to be set up. These Massassi arent trained nor do they have a Counter Intel group helping them out to avoid these sensors, for this reason any attack by the Massassi will be expected and there is a good possibilty of them running into a trap, this will severely hurt the numbers of the CA.



The Sun gaurd are a great unit and will likely be able to largely avoid detection but again with out a counter intel group along with them, they will likely move a little slower and a little more cautious to not be caught, As far as I can tell these guys would be very capable of taking out some of the Vehicles on the RR side such as UT-AT's using good fire power. They will also be good at taking out clones. If they can gang up on the Jedi they could also hurt them, but at any point they are discovered the Fire power of the clones and their artilery along with the skills of the Jedi will be WAY to much for them to handle.


Their best bet is to have the Vehicles and the clones pre occupied and go in and destroy some of the vehicles allowing the Massassi a better chance to fight back against the clones, though the Massassi may still find it difficult if the RR gets pushed into the temple corridors. How ever, just destroying the Vehicles can help the CA get a little bit of an edge at the start.


Bassilisk war droids are going to be slightly Problematic for the RR away from base, but again I feel RI sensors will be able to spot these things and give RR the heads up of where they are and any threat they may possess, This again will allow Clone troopers to get into position and shoot them down from cover that these droids and their riders dont see or if not the Droids themselves their escort fighters making them vulnerable to the 2 squads of fighters the RR managed to land in the hectic space battle (thats 24 ships for those that dont know) these fighters would be capable of hampering the droids AFTER their escorts were damaged by the ground troops forcing the Basilisk to land and persue on ground or be force to retreat as their slow turning speed in atmosphere makes them poor for fighting off enemy fighters.


Their obvious strength is that they can cause a lot of distraction and even more damage if they are not intercepted in some way. If they can hit and run before the enemy has time to react serious damage can be done to the RR especially to RR standard troops (IE not anti Vehicle troops) as their armor is likely to thick for most conventional weapons.



The Terentatek are one of the greatest dangers to RR stealth operations. As most will be lead by teams of Jedi these beasts will almost seek them out to try to kill them. Though thankfully backed by Clone troops I doubt these will have to much success, though quite a few troops are likely to be killed by one of these rampaging brutes as we have seen almost entire squads wiped out by creatures of this size and strength.


Any Vehicle will be certain doom for these creatures as they are just not tough enough to handle the firepower a UT-AT can unload.


Finally for the CA



HAVt B5: this thing will be bloody useless in this terrain, not only will it find itself difficult to move, but it highly lacks long range weapons as it wasnt designed with large fighting in mind, rather it was meant to transport a large number of troops at a time and get them close to the battle while ignore small arms weapons. While that sounds great in conjunction with the Massassi, in this terrain it will largely get stuck and the Massassi are better of moving more freely rather then being stuck in this death trap that can easily get wrecked by the more maneuverable UT-AT and the Heavy Troopers that are capable of dishing out serious Pain with their ordannance.


Best CA strategy that I can see


Hit and Run tactics: Distract with massassi and Basilisk droids. These will be easy for the RR to spot and will not be able to sneak up on their enemy no matter how much you wish them to, the scout troopers and the RI will see these guys coming a mile away.

With the enemy focused on these and dishing out some damage, but of course some damage still being dished back (unfortunately likely not as much)


The Sun Gaurd can sneak into position to strike at the Heavier weapons and Vehicles and even potentially shield generators protecting the temple. Likely hitting the Vehicles and dishing some damage and having every one pull back since the element of surprise is lost.


Quick Assualts I do believe are Mandalores specialty so this is a possibility.



For RR


Clone Troopers: I am going to say it right now, these are the most adaptable troops in this particular battle, while surprise hits will hurt their numbers quite a few time and have in the past, they have always had the appropriate response ready to go. This situation is no different. No matter what they run into, they will suffer some casualties call in the expert type they need turn it around, suffer more casualties rinse and repeat. These guys will hold the fort pretty well in my Honest Opinion.


Battle Meditation increasing their effeciency and RI giving them information on where most of the enemy is, is going to help as well.


Their biggest weakness is both numbers of the Massassi and the speed and Armor of the Basilisk and to a lesser degree the Terentatek, and truthfully their lack of supplies. At the start these guys are going to be doing really well, but as time goes on, Ammo, food and other supplies are really going to start hurting and even with Battle Meditation their Moral will be down. The Supplies are 100% neccissary for these guys to carry on, but they are well trained troopers and can adapt to every situation the CA can give them and have both the tools and the intel to hold out. They can make it for that time, but it will ultimately be rough on them towards the end of that time.




PT Jedi: I dont think these guys have gotten enough credit or respect, for my belief on the average level of the knights here I would like all of you to check this out.

http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7513455&postcount=34, They are highly adaptible and has worked as gaurdians of peace through out the galaxy for some time. These guys are highly combat trained and are known for getting in and out of hairy predicaments. They are more then capable of taking on Massassi or even taking down Enemy Vehicles such as the Basilisk War droids, with either their sabers or working together using the force.


Their biggest disadvantage is the Terentatek can likely smell them and will feed on these guys, their powers are useless against them, but thankfully they are skill swordsmen. It may take 2 or 3 to take down a Terentatek, but both sides will likely not come out unscathed by such an endeavor. It does severely coatail their ability to preform Espionage and stealth missions.



UT-AT's next to the Basilisk are the single most powerful Vehicle in this Kaggath right now. They are able to move through the Jungle and clear enough of a way for others to follow. They are big and can be seen coming a ways off, but again thanks to the RI so can MOST of the CA. These things can hit Massassi and even Bassilisk droids from a distance far enough off that they are relatively safe and even have enough anti personel abilities that even if the Massassi were to close in they could likely die before teh UT-AT took any serious damage


The biggest weakness again is its fairly slow and its very noticeable. If they are preoccupied or the extremely fast Basilisk can close in before getting shot down these things can and will face destruction from a very powerful Basilisk droid or even the Sun Gaurd.


XR-85 Tank Droid while these things are the smaller variant, I still feel fallen tree branches and mud and muck can severely limit the mobility of their treads. How ever this in no way limits their firepower or their defensive capabilities. These once again will highly thin the numbers of the Massassi as well as any Sun Gaurd that dont sneak up on them. Again Sun guard using heavy weapons can take these out and so can Basilisk Droids especially since these Tank Droids seem to lack any kind of Anti-air capabilites.


Because of this they will require other units to gaurd them from the skies. Thankfully the RR has both more of these and more of the UT-AT's then the CA has Basilisk droids, allowing them to hold out against the constantly resupplied CA for a short while.



HAVw A5 Juggernaut: Again this thing is going to be a royal pain to move around, While you can clear things a little with the UT-ATs doing so leaves those UT's more vulnerable then you would likely want them. Thankfully all the RR really needs to do is hold out, and that is something these things will be excellent for. They can thin numbers like crazy, BUT they have 1 big weakness once again they are extremely vulnerable to the Aerial attacks by the Basilisk. And again the CA is looking at getting lots of supplies for a while so they may be able to hold out for a while, but sooner or later those Basilisk droids will windle the RR numbers. These Vehicle will fall very quickly to the more numerable Basilisk, it will rely heavily on Clone troopers anti-aircraft fighting to keep them safe. Ultimately with the Constant supply of these driods coming in the RR will start to seriously feel the pain especially as ground to air missiles are used up.


Again this is all down to shipments, I feel the RR is more then ready to hold out for a week MAYBE 2 but if they dont get a shipment they will be in serious trouble from lack of vehicles and heavy ordenance slowly wittling away.



RR: Best strat Hold enemy until supplies arrive and then Charge, Recon missions to keep most enemy positions known and intercept Basilisks on the move, use UT-AT's both defensively and Offensively. Time the RR spends bombarding the enemy base is time the CA isnt bombarding their base. Occassionally Choosing the fight will put the RR into a better position then always waiting to be attacked, but falling back when things get problematic is a must and leading enemies into terrain that the other 2 vehicles can really take advantage of while taking out Basilisk's before they can become a threat to those vehicles is the best way to thin enemy numbers and keep morals as high as possible, even though ammo and vehicles will slowly deplete.


If they can get 1 big shipment of supplies in they will turn the war to their favor and I do not know if there is truly anything the CA can do.



With that said, I feel the CA has little choice in the beggining portions of this war they need to hit hard and fast and pull back when the enemy starts to recover. Doing this multiple times both teams will start to lose forces, but Resuply heading in means the CA can continue raids on vehicles and useing their own vehicles to hurt the RR. The RR in the mean time will keep up the pressure and keep using that fortification as well as intercepting Basilisk droids with combination of Fighters and ground to air rockets and Artillery from the clones. As they start to run out of ammo, they will rely more and more on the defenses of the Base. After some short time though, the CA will begin to run into supply problems of their own as cargo ships on certain planets will be ambushed by the RR fleet before they time to spin up hyper drives and leave the planet.


At this point the CA will have 2 options, either they will now have to fight with what they have left or they will have to protect their shipments. If they fight with what they have left it will be rough but since they have already recieved at least a couple shipments they may be able to pull it off, but if they decide to protect their own shipments then the RR will be able to deliver supplies, and that will almost assuredly turn the fight into the RR's favor as with those extra supplies morals would jump and ability to fight back will sky rocket.


Which the CA will do I dont know, as I am unsure what the leadership of that faction is prone to do. What the RR will do if the CA decides NOT to protect their supplies and instead fight a which one can out last the other war (after the CA ALREADY got a small boost of supplies and the RR has recieved none) I am not sure what response the RR will have. Will they try to attack the CA fleet and cover Transport ships to get much needed supplies or will they just continue to harass supply lines letting it remain the status quo hoping to put the pressure on the CA. Again unsure of the RR commanders usual response here.


How will the tactics of cody, Windu and Nomi affect this fight?


How will the Tactics of Mandalore, Maul, and Kun affect this fight?



any way just my wall of text of thoughts.

Edited by tunewalker
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Thing being that the Jedi can't get off Yavin IV so they're useless outside the Battleground.


Also, going over the RI's wookieepedia page I can see nothing stellar or impressive about them. The SIS seems to be bigger but the RI was kinda impotent. To think Maul couldn't confuse them and erode their organization is not logical. And with a few Sun Guard, infiltrating their headquarters on Coruscant wouldn't be an impossible feat for someone like Maul. Besides, the few RI operatives we've seen in the lore have been less-than-stellar fighters.


Failures of the RI: Malevolence, Rush Clovis, Death Watch, Blue Shadow Virus, Sidious's identity, Admiral Trench's survival (twice), Quarren uprising etc...


Even Yoda was unimpressed: "Yes, but so often inaccurate, our intelligence is."


Every time they had seperatist intelligence, or Mandalorian intel groups working against them.


Its called counter intelligence, which is provided by OTHER intel groups, groups you lack. RI in real SW vs here is not the same.


Yes you can get your elite units off the planet and your elite infitrators off the planet but doing so is going to leave your ground force very vulnerable. They are neccisary in my opinion for taking out key vehicles as the Basilisk droids are not numerous or tough enough to do so on their own and the Massassi arent well equiped for such vehicles.


Though A few may not hurt you to bad, their also comes the problem of, if they had to the planet how are they going to get their? Smuggling them in seems the only possibilty that doesnt leave a huge door for the RR to take. If you move only 1 ship it could get ambushed by the remaining fleet. If you move all ships, your supply advantage is lost.


You may be able to smuggle them off world in Maul's personal ship, but beyond that they arent going anywhere.

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Whoops...I at some point confused the B5s being on the RR and the A6s being with the CA. My bad, the two having pretty much the same vehicle(although the A6s are more combat oriented) confused me..X.x So just switch around any posts I made involving them to their respective factions...but all in all, it doesn't mean much really in the end. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Whoops...I at some point confused the B5s being on the RR and the A6s being with the CA. My bad, the two having pretty much the same vehicle(although the A6s are more combat oriented) confused me..X.x


Ya I can see that issue :D.

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Decent write-up Tune, but I'd like to make 3 points that I think you didn't account for as much as you probably should have on the CA side.


1. The Massassi have heightened senses and the Terentateks and smell the Jedi. Now you referenced this, but just take into account what that means.


For one, the clones will never be able to ambush the Massassi. They're bred to be warriors and with those enhanced senses they'll know the RR is coming even if they didn't see the UT-AT's.


Also note that the Massassi's mobility means they can get to the flank and behind the clones. This doesn't have to happen before a battle, but rather during. At which point the RR vehicles will have been engaged up front. Unless they want to expose themselves or leave an opening in the front, they'll suffer greatly from the flank attacks.


And to clarify again, the density of the jungle foliage will severely restrict vision. The clones can "know" the Massassi are coming till they're blue in the face but they won't have a clear shot till they're within range of the Massassi weapons (which, as I pointed out so, so many times are ranged weapons as well.)


2. Resupply. You keep mentioning the RR's potential resupply about 1 week into the battle. Problem I see is twofold.


First, there may be no resupply since Maul could have his way with sabotage and such at Kuat, delaying if not entirely preventing the resupply for several more days or weeks if it can happen at all.


Second, and more importantly, remember what the CA is getting with each resupply. It gets perhaps 3 Canderous Assault Tanks, around 3-4 Basilisk War Droids, at least 1 Juggernaut (or alternatively a Mass Driver Cannon Equipped AT-TE), 3-4 UT-AT's of their own... and that would easily be available in the proposed week's time.


Just be sure you factor those into the equation.


3. The siege is back on considering the Canderous Assault Tanks can sit at a distance and pound the clone forces in the Temple with their Mass Driver Cannons that effectively ignore those pesky shields.


And as an added bonus, the UT-AT's (especially benefiting from better spotting thanks to Basilisks) would be effective artillery for the CA and serve as a nice AA emplacement to help deal with those 24 fighters that got left behind.


As a final note, the Terentatek has a hide as thick as a rancors which was said to be able to deflect blaster bolts.

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Every time they had seperatist intelligence, or Mandalorian intel groups working against them.


Its called counter intelligence, which is provided by OTHER intel groups, groups you lack. RI in real SW vs here is not the same.


Yes you can get your elite units off the planet and your elite infitrators off the planet but doing so is going to leave your ground force very vulnerable. They are neccisary in my opinion for taking out key vehicles as the Basilisk droids are not numerous or tough enough to do so on their own and the Massassi arent well equiped for such vehicles.


Though A few may not hurt you to bad, their also comes the problem of, if they had to the planet how are they going to get their? Smuggling them in seems the only possibilty that doesnt leave a huge door for the RR to take. If you move only 1 ship it could get ambushed by the remaining fleet. If you move all ships, your supply advantage is lost.


You may be able to smuggle them off world in Maul's personal ship, but beyond that they arent going anywhere.


I was talking about more a squad of Sun Guard to assist him. They'd be more helpful if he needed a diversion or to help sabotage the RR's remaining ships over Kuat (which is exactly where they'll be to resupply.) And their presence would hardly tip the balance one way or another on the ground.


There would be no official orders of their mission. No one would notice and Maul's personal ship is a stealth-ship allowing him to sneak into Kuat undetected. There is nothing the RI could do to predict or stop them.


As for the RI providing sensor equipment on the ground. Sure, in the opening they probably have a team or two with full kits of surveillance gear and such. Problem is, if they get caught by a Massassi patrol or Sun Guard covert op then the RI has no way to get more. And they'd probably have to leave a few at the Temple as an early warning system in case of sneak-attacks.

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