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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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I think other things need to be discussed. For me the 1 thing LK should really be focusing on is the effects of RI on this battle feild.


And the thing you need to focus on Star is shutting down those extremely powerful UT-AT's and getting into the base with Teretak still alive. With out the UT-AT destroyed and with out the Teretak alive when you get inside the base your chances of survival in that area against those Jedi to me is not very good.


I still havent had time to fully realize my beliefs of the strengths and weakness of the ground force, and while suppliers have been talked about fairly well the thing I have heard the most of right now is Windu, Kun, and Nomi.


Tactics have come up very little beyond passing glances. Vehicle strengths and weaknesses over enemies get mentions but no elaboration. Organizations like the RI have almost been completely ignored. Hitting supply bases rather then Yavin has gotten mentions but no elaborations.


The big decider on the ground is the terrain. Yavin is jungle, swamps and mess. The Juggernauts are all wheeled vehicles, and will be insanely difficult to maneuver through the mess that is Yavin. The RR's Tank droids are in a similarly bad position, being approximately 95 feet long, their best use may be as stable defense platforms. The Basilisks and the Terentatek don't have those same limitations and can move more organically through the jungle. UT-AT's are also less hampered by Yavin, allowing for aggressive action. Unless a basilisk can open fire on them, then the UT-AT will just roll through all the small arms fire that the CA can levy.

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Back to the ground battle anyway, Tune is right to take note of RI influence on the battlefield, transmissions, plans and strategies, perhaps even the layout of enemy defences and traps, all of this can be found out and distributed to RR leadership.


This information could turn the battle into even more of a meatgrinder for the Massassi horde and honestly as soon as the numbers of Massassi drop to say 2,000 the Ascendancy are looking at a very hard to win battle here, you outnumber me 1.5-1 that differential can be very very quickly evened out and then the chances of a siege on the Great Temple would be highly impracticle, the long range advantage of the RR and the amount of accurate high level firepower they can bring to bear in these killzones can be devastating.


The ability of Nomi to mentally assault your leadership cannot be used enough here, Mandalore wouldn't be able to bring tactics to bare, Maul wouldn't be able to either and Kun's ability to direct the Masassi can be disrupted, the Massassi would absolutely need to be organised and efficient to break the RR if not they would fall like water on rocks.


Remember this is a regiment of the Third Systems Army(which I designated to Beni) and they were masters of siege warfare, Cody and Kenobi were both excellent in this regard.


I think if you combine the tactical edge they have in fighting sieges, the Battle Meditation, the skill and training these clones have, the ability of the Jedi to lead and repel assaults and the amount of major firepower the RR's vehicles bring to the field and I think they can definitely hold out and just turn this into a meatgrinder for the Massassi.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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The big decider on the ground is the terrain. Yavin is jungle, swamps and mess. The Juggernauts are all wheeled vehicles, and will be insanely difficult to maneuver through the mess that is Yavin. The RR's Tank droids are in a similarly bad position, being approximately 95 feet long, their best use may be as stable defense platforms. The Basilisks and the Terentatek don't have those same limitations and can move more organically through the jungle. UT-AT's are also less hampered by Yavin, allowing for aggressive action. Unless a basilisk can open fire on them, then the UT-AT will just roll through all the small arms fire that the CA can levy.


So Far thats about my exact thoughts. While the Terentatek can take down Jedi I feel they could be vulnerable to multiple small arms fire from the Troopers and I dont know enough about the Basilisks to determine their strengths and weaknesses.

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You are forgetting there were 2,200+ in the first place, you may well have destroyed a thousand in the battle but the TwinTails could quite easily have suffered heavy fire and still survived, the Crossfires whilst not very durable were stunningly fast and are very numerable, the Ionizers probably took the most damage here.


And sorry but are you seriously trying to stare your starfighters basically took no heavy casualties? I have a boat load of point defense turrets and even with heavy casualties out of the gate to presume that half were taken out right away is a very very big assumption, I reckon your fighters took a huge number of casualties too, everything did in this battle


That's isn't what I said. What I said is my losses were more distributed and less egregious as well as stating that all the fighters used by the CA are extremely durable and extremely fast providing them better survivability than the bulk of the RR fighters (excluding the TwinTails of course).


Also, it'd make absolutely no sense for the CA to deploy their entire fighter force immediately and right in the face of the Venators. It'd make more sense to deploy many of them in the rear of the fleet pre-jump and jump them in to make attack runs on the Acclamators and the Bellator since they are the most vulnerable ships to these fighters.


Remember, the CA fighters have hyperdrives as well.


Essentially, this battle was a bad place for your more fragile fighters and with the massive casualties they suffered in the opening, they wouldn't be able to provide as much of a challenge to the CA fighters.


The CA suffers more against their capital ships than fighters imo mainly because it was the capital ships being put in the firing line, and the fighters could be kept on the periphery suffering fewer casualties. even when they were in the thick of it, they had the armor and shielding to keep them alive.

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Back to the ground battle anyway, Tune is right to take note of RI influence on the battlefield, transmissions, plans and strategies, perhaps even the layout of enemy defences and traps, all of this can be found out and distributed to RR leadership.


This information could turn the battle into even more of a meatgrinder for the Massassi horde and honestly as soon as the numbers of Massassi drop to say 2,000 the Ascendancy are looking at a very hard to win battle here, you outnumber me 1.5-1 that differential can be very very quickly evened out and then the chances of a siege on the Great Temple would be highly impracticle, the long range advantage of the RR and the amount of accurate high level firepower they can bring to bear in these killzones can be devastating.


The ability of Nomi to mentally assault your leadership cannot be used enough here, Mandalore wouldn't be able to bring tactics to bare, Maul wouldn't be able to either and Kun's ability to direct the Masassi can be disrupted, the Massassi would absolutely need to be organised and efficient to break the RR if not they would fall like water on rocks.


Remember this is a regiment of the Third Systems Army(which I designated to Beni) and they were masters of siege warfare, Cody and Kenobi were both excellent in this regard.


I think if you combine the tactical edge they have in fighting sieges, the Battle Meditation, the skill and training these clones have, the ability of the Jedi to lead and repel assaults and the amount of major firepower the RR's vehicles bring to the field and I think they can definitely hold out and just turn this into a meatgrinder for the Massassi.


I am assuming as myself and our new friend have concluded you are likely setting up the tank droids basically as defendable turrets in the more open area's around the temple in locations it can move around in and utilize its heavy firepoer more for defense.

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This variant of the XR-85 is not 95 feet long... this is the 3 meter version. I think it would not have nearly as much a problem as the Juggernauts, it is a tank and it is tracked, this would make for a considerably easier to move vehicle.


The multi-layer defences used here would complement my vehicles considerably.

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That's isn't what I said. What I said is my losses were more distributed and less egregious as well as stating that all the fighters used by the CA are extremely durable and extremely fast providing them better survivability than the bulk of the RR fighters (excluding the TwinTails of course).


Also, it'd make absolutely no sense for the CA to deploy their entire fighter force immediately and right in the face of the Venators. It'd make more sense to deploy many of them in the rear of the fleet pre-jump and jump them in to make attack runs on the Acclamators and the Bellator since they are the most vulnerable ships to these fighters.


Remember, the CA fighters have hyperdrives as well.


Essentially, this battle was a bad place for your more fragile fighters and with the massive casualties they suffered in the opening, they wouldn't be able to provide as much of a challenge to the CA fighters.


The CA suffers more against their capital ships than fighters imo mainly because it was the capital ships being put in the firing line, and the fighters could be kept on the periphery suffering fewer casualties. even when they were in the thick of it, they had the armor and shielding to keep them alive.


Well the entire scenario in the first place wouldn't have worked in reality so you definitely got given the better end of the stick, because apparently Nek isn't smart enough to deploy his fighters first and then jump into the system but moving on. .

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The intangibles favor the RR. The questions are how much influence and damage can Nomi exert at once? If she can play head games with a Sith Master, a dedicated Sith Apprentice, a powerful Mandalorian, how much juice is left for her soldiers? I may be underestimating the scope of her natural ability, or overestimating the capabilities of the CA, but I think Nomi will have to choose between soldiers and generals if she wants to make the biggest splash.


Republic Intelligence is another variable. If they've done their homework they can potentially provide safe routes for the Jedi strike teams, or sabotage the enemy's war droids. I mean, if they're really on their game, they may even be able to prepare entrance sites into the Temple for the Strike teams. However, if they're off their game Jedi could be led into ambushes or traps.

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The intangibles favor the RR. The questions are how much influence and damage can Nomi exert at once? If she can play head games with a Sith Master, a dedicated Sith Apprentice, a powerful Mandalorian, how much juice is left for her soldiers? I may be underestimating the scope of her natural ability, or overestimating the capabilities of the CA, but I think Nomi will have to choose between soldiers and generals if she wants to make the biggest splash.


Republic Intelligence is another variable. If they've done their homework they can potentially provide safe routes for the Jedi strike teams, or sabotage the enemy's war droids. I mean, if they're really on their game, they may even be able to prepare entrance sites into the Temple for the Strike teams. However, if they're off their game Jedi could be led into ambushes or traps.


Her endurance feats are exceptional and her natural ability with Battle Meditation was considered second to none, with the Great Temple boosting her I think she can maintain this for a very decent amount of time. I mean if she can effect the entire of Coruscant this should not be difficult.


They are the only kind of intelligence in this Kaggath, they'd have a field day here.

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This variant of the XR-85 is not 95 feet long... this is the 3 meter version. I think it would not have nearly as much a problem as the Juggernauts, it is a tank and it is tracked, this would make for a considerably easier to move vehicle.


Considering it is the pre-Endor version, its weaponry would be scaled back as well. I won't call it useless, but its armaments won't match what a basilisk can do. While it does have the height advantage, and is more maneuverable, the early XR-85 isn't going to be as impactful as the larger, more offensive version.

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Her endurance feats are exceptional and her natural ability with Battle Meditation was considered second to none, with the Great Temple boosting her I think she can maintain this for a very decent amount of time. I mean if she can effect the entire of Coruscant this should not be difficult.


They are the only kind of intelligence in this Kaggath, they'd have a field day here.


What Rayla said as far as Inel goes. There is no Counter-intel group. There is no one to counter the intel they gather or servielance or anything they set up. There is nothing to make them have an off day.


For the Battle Meld, I believe if it were that, that was getting into people's heads. I believe Kun and Maul have enough Mental Defenses to gaurd against it and may be able to gaurd Mandalore against it as well. I suspect it would only truly affect the soldiers. Thats just my feeling on it, I am sure their are others that will argue the other side of the coin.

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Considering it is the pre-Endor version, its weaponry would be scaled back as well. I won't call it useless, but its armaments won't match what a basilisk can do. While it does have the height advantage, and is more maneuverable, the early XR-85 isn't going to be as impactful as the larger, more offensive version.


I suspect its more for the Tatatek ( or what ever the hell they are called, fricken sith and their impossible to remember names)


As well as the Massassi and the Sun Guard, and things like the UT-AT and the Clones themselves are more for the Basilisk, More specifically heavy weapons on the clones such as rocket launchers and the such, assuming they have those weapons, Not sure what the clones as far as weapons go.

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Considering it is the pre-Endor version, its weaponry would be scaled back as well. I won't call it useless, but its armaments won't match what a basilisk can do. While it does have the height advantage, and is more maneuverable, the early XR-85 isn't going to be as impactful as the larger, more offensive version.


It still had the particle cannon which caused major squad vaporising damage, which is all that is required here, the particle cannon on the original model was just as strong as the later model as it is the same one.


This size is preferable in this environment and makes for a far more rffective vehicle


In other words not even close to useless.


Also the Basilisks have starfighters to worry about.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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It still had the particle cannon which caused major damage, which is all that is required here, the particle cannon on the original model was just as strong as the later model as it is the same one.


This size is preferable in this environment and makes for a far more rffective vehicle


In other words not even close to useless.


Also the Basilisks have starfighters to worry about.




Why do we have starfighters back again.... seriously.....


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=745159 Rule 74, under Naval Forces battle grounds mode I think this qualifies.



Edit: even if we were to say this was allowed, there is a few problems with this. Firstly Basilisk can WALK on the ground should they need to, they dont always fly. If they are on the ground they are covered by the trees and immune to fighters thanks to illegality of the bombing run.


Second the CA fleet would have to be OUT OF SYSTEM, which means we would have already had to have SUCCESSFULLY ambushed one of the CA Destroyers and forced them to move as a group and shown up when they arent there.


We still need to talk about the RR capabilities to SURVIVE for a week with out supplies or aerial support of any kind, because thats the kind of time it will take to successfully get information on and catch a SD on its own and launch an assault to break it and force the CA to move as a group.


and to top this all out the moment the see you warp into system they are going to pull back and bunker up until their own ships return. You are going to get about enough time to deliver and enjoy supplies and get out, your ships HAVE TO BE GONE, by the time the CA fleet arrives or you risk being stuck their thanks to the Anakin Solo and fighting a fight you may not be able to win, thus crippling your ground forces entirely.


The Bassilisk should have no fear from Fighters, cus they are either A grounded when your fleet pulls in or the CA is bunkered in while you are delivering supplies, and if you dont just deliver and get the hell out you may have supplies cut off entirely.


Rely on your other stuff, you cant rely on your fighters here, either A its against the rules or B its entirely impractical with the situation you are in.

Edited by tunewalker
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Well the entire scenario in the first place wouldn't have worked in reality so you definitely got given the better end of the stick, because apparently Nek isn't smart enough to deploy his fighters first and then jump into the system but moving on. .


Chill Rayla.


And is this attack on the validity of Sel's scenario your only counter argument? I provided a likelihood of how the CA fighters survived. Fight the argument not me.


Also, can we spend some time discussing the scope of Nomi's Battle Meditation? From what you tell me it means she can dominate one of the most powerful Sith ever while confusing his mind controlled minions and fanatical followers all while allowing the clones to not only work at peak efficiency but to allow her to teach them new skills on the fly and actively direct them at the perfect moments of a battle and ultimately allow her victory in any engagement?


And she can do all this continuously for many hours without passing out from exhaustion? Is that right?


My view of her Battle Meditation is increases morale and unit efficiency. Aside from that, Kun is strong enough to block her out and pummel her mind. Her endurance means she could withstand it and still keep the meditation for her troops, but her ability to hamper her enemies and actively direct her own troops would be severely, severely limited.

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What Rayla said as far as Inel goes. There is no Counter-intel group. There is no one to counter the intel they gather or servielance or anything they set up. There is nothing to make them have an off day.


For the Battle Meld, I believe if it were that, that was getting into people's heads. I believe Kun and Maul have enough Mental Defenses to gaurd against it and may be able to gaurd Mandalore against it as well. I suspect it would only truly affect the soldiers. Thats just my feeling on it, I am sure their are others that will argue the other side of the coin.


It is Battle Meditation that she uses to influence soldiers, she evidently has mental attacks and ones so strong she can negate the usage of Sorcery in others and from a vast range, she basically homes in on the use of Sith magics and attacks whatever the source is, Kun does have decent mental defences but this ability seems heavily like the lightside counter part of Zannah's mental assaults and you couldn't block those you were just forced to attempt to stay sane and try to wade through it.


It doesn't need to genuinely agonise Kun or the others simply distract them.


All of these seemingly individual powers are all listed as things she can do using Battle Meditation.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Chill Rayla.


And is this attack on the validity of Sel's scenario your only counter argument? I provided a likelihood of how the CA fighters survived. Fight the argument not me.


Also, can we spend some time discussing the scope of Nomi's Battle Meditation? From what you tell me it means she can dominate one of the most powerful Sith ever while confusing his mind controlled minions and fanatical followers all while allowing the clones to not only work at peak efficiency but to allow her to teach them new skills on the fly and actively direct them at the perfect moments of a battle and ultimately allow her victory in any engagement?


And she can do all this continuously for many hours without passing out from exhaustion? Is that right?


My view of her Battle Meditation is increases morale and unit efficiency. Aside from that, Kun is strong enough to block her out and pummel her mind. Her endurance means she could withstand it and still keep the meditation for her troops, but her ability to hamper her enemies and actively direct her own troops would be severely, severely limited.


I'm implying that the tactic used by Daala wouldn't work nor would Nek not realise the obvious but that is essentially irrelevant as the decision was made, if Daala can have all these fancy formations where she jumps in and has her fleet positioned just how she likes it yet Nek evidently can't do the same wouldn't be a fair point and is why I think your statement about fighters jumping in last would be quite favourable and suggest Daala is smarter than Nek given thr outcome of the battle.


Oh and no I am not saying she can do all of it all at once but a decent few things, she's done so before.


Oh and Kun has never not once shown ability in mental attacks as you describe, the closest he got to that was mind controlling the chancellor and convincing the padawans to follow him, which failed eventually as they evidently resisted so he resorted to possession via freeing spirits from the holocron.


Nomi however only needs to distract him not outright dominate him.

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I suspect its more for the Tatatek ( or what ever the hell they are called, fricken sith and their impossible to remember names)


As well as the Massassi and the Sun Guard, and things like the UT-AT and the Clones themselves are more for the Basilisk, More specifically heavy weapons on the clones such as rocket launchers and the such, assuming they have those weapons, Not sure what the clones as far as weapons go.


I was comparing the light vehicles together, without factoring in soldiers. With troops, the game changes slightly.


On the side of the CA: The Basilisk is designed to shut down armor and exposed troops. Using Wookieepedia as my equipment source, a basilisk can tear through starship hull given the chance. Sun Guard were great soldiers, and could be carried into battle on the backs of the Basilisks, one at a time. The Terentatek is a soldier killer, immune to the force, feeding on the dark side, and built like a Black Metal Rancor. Unfortunately, none of these light "vehicles" are dedicated transports, meaning the Massassi and a good number of Sun Guard are left on their feet and struggling through the mud, muck and mess. How effective their tired troops will be remains to be seen.


For the RR: XR-85 is a tower that is designed for urban combat and being a tank. Wookieepedia says they were almost impregnable, but their armaments would of course be scaled back, befitting their reduced footprint. So, they'll be able to see the enemy coming, and get early kills in, reducing the number of troops/vehicles the RR clones will face. UT-AT is a beast. It has unbreakable treads, carries 20 soldiers, and has the offense to go toe to toe with a dedicated tank. With Republic intelligence handing out maps, and the XR-85s picking off the advancing troops, the UT-ATs can wreck the comparatively unarmored CA Troops. This is going to force the CA to choose between fighting off the transports, and stopping the brunt of the assaults, or ignoring the advancing soldiers and going to the throat.

Edited by tausra
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Why do we have starfighters back again.... seriously.....


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=745159 Rule 74, under Naval Forces battle grounds mode I think this qualifies.



Edit: even if we were to say this was allowed, there is a few problems with this. Firstly Basilisk can WALK on the ground should they need to, they dont always fly. If they are on the ground they are covered by the trees and immune to fighters thanks to illegality of the bombing run.


Second the CA fleet would have to be OUT OF SYSTEM, which means we would have already had to have SUCCESSFULLY ambushed one of the CA Destroyers and forced them to move as a group and shown up when they arent there.


and to top this all out the moment the see you warp into system they are going to pull back and bunker up until their own ships return. You are going to get about enough time to deliver and enjoy supplies and get out, your ships HAVE TO BE GONE, by the time the CA fleet arrives or you risk being stuck their thanks to the Anakin Solo and fighting a fight you may not be able to win, thus crippling your ground forces entirely.


The Bassilisk should have no fear from Fighters, cus they are either A grounded when your fleet pulls in or the CA is bunkered in while you are delivering supplies, and if you dont just deliver and get the hell out you may have supplies cut off entirely.


Rely on your other stuff, you cant rely on your fighters here, either A its against the rules or B its entirely impractical with the situation you are in.

Thanks Tune, well said.


Also I'd like to start expressing why exactly I take the position that the Basilisks can rip apart UT-AT's and the like.


The Basilisk War Droid carries (among other things) Missiles, Sonic Weapons, Pulse-wave cannons, and Space Mines on top of its usual cluster of laser cannons.


A UT-AT would be a sitting duck for a Basilisk to pop above the trees and shower it in missiles then duck down. It's pulse-wave guns can annihilate any exposed Clones under intense rapid-fire. The sonic weapons can literally disintegrate attacking Jedi with no regard to their saber. And their usual laser cannons are pretty darn powerful in and of themselves.


As for the Space Mines, well it appears the Ascendancy has access to space mines now :eek:

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Why do we have starfighters back again.... seriously.....


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=745159 Rule 74, under Naval Forces battle grounds mode I think this qualifies.



Edit: even if we were to say this was allowed, there is a few problems with this. Firstly Basilisk can WALK on the ground should they need to, they dont always fly. If they are on the ground they are covered by the trees and immune to fighters thanks to illegality of the bombing run.


Second the CA fleet would have to be OUT OF SYSTEM, which means we would have already had to have SUCCESSFULLY ambushed one of the CA Destroyers and forced them to move as a group and shown up when they arent there.


We still need to talk about the RR capabilities to SURVIVE for a week with out supplies or aerial support of any kind, because thats the kind of time it will take to successfully get information on and catch a SD on its own and launch an assault to break it and force the CA to move as a group.


and to top this all out the moment the see you warp into system they are going to pull back and bunker up until their own ships return. You are going to get about enough time to deliver and enjoy supplies and get out, your ships HAVE TO BE GONE, by the time the CA fleet arrives or you risk being stuck their thanks to the Anakin Solo and fighting a fight you may not be able to win, thus crippling your ground forces entirely.


The Bassilisk should have no fear from Fighters, cus they are either A grounded when your fleet pulls in or the CA is bunkered in while you are delivering supplies, and if you dont just deliver and get the hell out you may have supplies cut off entirely.


Rely on your other stuff, you cant rely on your fighters here, either A its against the rules or B its entirely impractical with the situation you are in.


Are you forgetting that Beni is the one whom made said argument and with the Great Temple's hangars, they can easily continue to sustain a complement of starfighters whenever BWDs decide to fly.


But please send the BWDs onto the ground, they'd be a major target for my own vehicles and would likely drop like flies.

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Thanks Tune, well said.


Also I'd like to start expressing why exactly I take the position that the Basilisks can rip apart UT-AT's and the like.


The Basilisk War Droid carries (among other things) Missiles, Sonic Weapons, Pulse-wave cannons, and Space Mines on top of its usual cluster of laser cannons.


A UT-AT would be a sitting duck for a Basilisk to pop above the trees and shower it in missiles then duck down. It's pulse-wave guns can annihilate any exposed Clones under intense rapid-fire. The sonic weapons can literally disintegrate attacking Jedi with no regard to their saber. And their usual laser cannons are pretty darn powerful in and of themselves.


As for the Space Mines, well it appears the Ascendancy has access to space mines now :eek:


Sorry but how exactly is any of this not banned by the bombing rule again? Because that is precisely what it is when you get down to it.

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Unfortunately, none of these light "vehicles" are dedicated transports, meaning the Massassi and a good number of Sun Guard are left on their feet and struggling through the mud, muck and mess. How effective their tired troops will be remains to be seen.


I like your input so far (cept the stuff that goes against me :p ) Do your homework a bit more on the Massassi though. Yavin is a home planet of theirs, they're used to this terrain and traverse it with ease. Also they are physically superior to humanoids in almost every way as well as having superior senses. They also happen to all be force-sensitive. All these traits add up to the fact that they could march for days without tiring. This isn't an issue for them at all, in fact it is probably more akin to ideal conditions for them.


Now for the Sun Guard it might be a little more troublesome, but they are still capable warriors and very versatile. They are used to fighting in the elements. They too though, are physically at their peak and are experts at war and traversing rough terrain.

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Sorry but how exactly is any of this not banned by the bombing rule again? Because that is precisely what it is when you get down to it.


Considering the Basilisk War Droids are my "light vehicles" and not starfighters. Thats how.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Are you forgetting that Beni is the one whom made said argument and with the Great Temple's hangars, they can easily continue to sustain a complement of starfighters whenever BWDs decide to fly.


But please send the BWDs onto the ground, they'd be a major target for my own vehicles and would likely drop like flies.


Use their ground weaknesses, last I checked they cant fly forever. Your clones I am possitive have shoulder mounted rockets they can fire into the Air. These are much more practical. You dont have to wait a week for your fleet to get back you can do it day 1. Yes you might start running out of rockets, but thats when suppies come back in.


You have answers for things beyond fighters fighters and more fighters + Battle Med, Battle Med and More Battle Med. I cant imagine its helping you "point wise" to use the same abilities for everything your faction is awesome, elaborate on the things your specific clone troop can do, beyond it engaged in siege war fare and is a clone troop this Kaggath has shown nothing about them.


I'm sorry, I just want to see a good fight and I know the things you are using are good, but I also know you have many more options that I just feel arent being explored.


Star is doing the same thing honestly I hear a lot about Basilisk War Droids and not much else. I dont know enough about them or other wise i would have already shut that down so we can get onto bigger pictures and other things.


A couple components does not a faction make :D.



(watch me pull the same stupid thing in the Kaggath battle I am put in, naming the same units or what have you over and over again till the point when you and everyone else gets annoyed and frustrated with me and just quotes my own stuff back at me :D)

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