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housing got decoration hooks :((


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I would just like to hear from Bioware as to why we can't do any offsets on the Z axis and why the limit on off sets is in place and if the limit is open to being changed.


I'm not asking them to scrap the current system, I want them to improve it.


Because you can't suspend items in the air. Because it isn't Free Placement. Because the system doesn't work that way.

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I will agree that no tiny hooks on tables suck, it seems like something that could be done, but it would take a bit of work to code the hooks onto all the tables. Not sure how difficult it is to code in the hooks onto things, but if it isn't that difficult, it should be implemented later (I assume GSH is still going to be worked on after release).

Heck, I am even willing to wait on getting my Corellia stronghold if we would get tables with smallest hooks possible on them.


I personally like the current system, minus this tiny gripe. Free placement is just a can of worms with people going "LOL I CAN HAZ COUCH ON A WALL"

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Doesn't the Sims use a hook system, and isn't it like...the best housing game ever made?


I pointed that out already but it was pretty much ignored.

And I find it a bit silly that people are upset, even angry, that they can't build T-rex sculptures out of furniture or have a table floating in mid air with chairs as wings.


You'll be able to decorate your home the way you would decorate any real home. By putting the paintings on the walls instead of on the ceiling or the bed on the ground instead of on the wall.

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I pointed that out already but it was pretty much ignored.

And I find it a bit silly that people are upset, even angry, that they can't build T-rex sculptures out of furniture or have a table floating in mid air with chairs as wings.


You'll be able to decorate your home the way you would decorate any real home. By putting the paintings on the walls instead of on the ceiling or the bed on the ground instead of on the wall.


they just want the ability to put lamps on tables..and then complain when things clip/float due to not having any real collision detection and preventing clipping.

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I pointed that out already but it was pretty much ignored.


Did anyone point out to you that The Sims allows its enthusiasts to use console commands and a plethora of mods and utilities to get things exactly as they want them?

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I will agree that no tiny hooks on tables suck, it seems like something that could be done, but it would take a bit of work to code the hooks onto all the tables. Not sure how difficult it is to code in the hooks onto things, but if it isn't that difficult, it should be implemented later (I assume GSH is still going to be worked on after release).

Heck, I am even willing to wait on getting my Corellia stronghold if we would get tables with smallest hooks possible on them.


I personally like the current system, minus this tiny gripe. Free placement is just a can of worms with people going "LOL I CAN HAZ COUCH ON A WALL"


You don't have to go to those peoples houses and no one above the age of 12 that is sober is really going to ask for that unless they are trolling you. Hooks on tables would make me a fair bit happier if nothing else though.


Did anyone point out to you that The Sims allows its enthusiasts to use console commands and a plethora of mods and utilities to get things exactly as they want them?


So much this. You can't compare Sims to this games hook system, this game will lose that fight as that game has the option for people who want to break it to break it.

Edited by MarsherMeow
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You don't have to go to those peoples houses and no one above the age of 12 that is sober is really going to ask for that unless they are trolling you. Hooks on tables would make me a fair bit happier if nothing else though.




So much this. You can't compare Sims to this games hook system, this game will lose that fight as that game has the option for people who want to break it to break it.


And you're not allowed to break the game. I suggest you come to terms with that.

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You can't put a lamp on a desk where you want. If you think the point of a free placement system is so people can go "LOL GUYS I PUT TEH COUCH ON THE CEILING XD" you are mistaken. The point of free placement is so that you can combine objects to make new objects, place objects however you like and truly be creative with every single asset Bioware provides.


Lol! So... what you wanted to do is combine objects to make new ones? Collision detection woes aside... I think you need to go play Minecraft.

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Lol! So... what you wanted to do is combine objects to make new ones? Collision detection woes aside... I think you need to go play Minecraft.


Pretty much every MMO ever just disables object collisions on anything but the player, and some don't even collide with the player.

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Of course you find it silly. Because you don't care and your imagination is limited.


Well that was a cute personal attack. Thank you for being an ******e.


Did anyone point out to you that The Sims allows its enthusiasts to use console commands and a plethora of mods and utilities to get things exactly as they want them?


Did anyone point out to you that this is an mmo and using console commands and mods are not exactly "part of the parcel"?

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Did anyone point out to you that this is an mmo and using console commands and mods are not exactly "part of the parcel"?


No, and why would they? I'd have to point out to them that's not at all the point I was making. Would be quite pointless.

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Psst, truth is not allowed here :)

However, The Sims allow hooks on tables :)

And I still hope that BioWare will listen at least somewha and make hooks on certain decorations available, so that people can place stuff on tables or stack crates as they see fit or do other things that might create a more interesting environment than just boring system they currently plan to implement. I can live with not getting a free placement, I actually didn't expected to get that, but even with my low expectations I am surprissed that BioWare could nevertheless disappoint me.

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And I still hope that BioWare will listen at least somewha and make hooks on certain decorations available, so that people can place stuff on tables or stack crates as they see fit or do other things that might create a more interesting environment than just boring system they currently plan to implement. I can live with not getting a free placement, I actually didn't expected to get that, but even with my low expectations I am surprissed that BioWare could nevertheless disappoint me.


You should go ahead and start holding your breath in anticipation of getting all that.

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You should go ahead and start holding your breath in anticipation of getting all that.

And why should I do that? Have you even read my post?I am not making here any demands or such things, I just saying that even with a low expectation it is faszinating that BioWare still could disappoint me. So, it is just a statement on how I see it, not the stupid crap you want to read into it.

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I think, being that it seems obvious to me that more than one dev blew a bit of smoke here and there, one must consider a few things that are possible here....like in the past.


!) They may have given their opinions, and unfortunately those opinions seem to have been wrong, perhaps even misleading. It is up to the individual, just like in the past when they have done things like this, to decide for themselves whether or not it was intentional. This is not the first time this has happened, but to my knowledge this is the first time anyone from the NEW dev team has done this.


2) They also may have intended, originally, to provide free placement but decided against it...the reasons seem to be unclear (it has been said it was not feasible in the game, but it has been also said that they wanted the appearance of housing to be appealing and easy to work....so they wanted some control over what you could do.

Either or both could be the case. I tend to think it is more the latter than the former.


At any rate, I have decided, after listening to as much information as I can at this point to give them the benefit of the doubt on this point. I have also decided to withhold final judgement until I try this out.


I think I have made my other feelings with respect to this system and how it is designed crystal clear, so there is no need to repeat.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I'm just tired of people who never appreciate anything, and the forum is full of them. They can't fathom any perspective other than their own, nor any play style or player ability other than their own. And yes, after subbing to SWG before the end, I got my fill of bad housing execution in their system - and in that game, you HAD to go to their shops to buy things.


I don't really care one way or the other - if they cancelled the hook system tomorrow and went free placement, I'd be just as OK with it as if they implement the system they're planning now. The whining and criticism of a game feature that they haven't played with yet that features X and Y offset options that might even allow clip through construction just kills me. But Heavens no, we have to open our mouths before seeing how the hook system and its optional parameters actually works.


Not a matter of appreciation. This is NOT some gift, it's a feature being added and people are expressing what they like and dislike about it.


As for not being able to fathom any other perspective, seems to be your problem.


If you don't care your post is pointless. The person saying "it sucks" is contributing more, but most people are being a little more articulate than that.


People who take a "wait until you try it perspective" think they are neutral. The fact of the matter is it's a position fully in favor of the proposed idea. If you understand game design you know that if it get's to a point where it is "try-able" by most players, it's at a point where very little can be changed. Minor tweaks, but the underlying system has already eaten up the bulk of the development money by the time it get's to a public test server.


By pretending to take a neutral position you really are just saying let them do what they are going to do and never express your opinion. By the time you would consider it ok to express an opinion it would be too late and you'd probably just se it as whining anyway. From that perspective we wouldn't even be getting housing since it's only happening because people expressed interest in it long before the devs intended it.

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By pretending to take a neutral position you really are just saying let them do what they are going to do and never express your opinion. By the time you would consider it ok to express an opinion it would be too late and you'd probably just se it as whining anyway. From that perspective we wouldn't even be getting housing since it's only happening because people expressed interest in it long before the devs intended it.


I dont think I have seen this many folks afraid of opinions in a long time, since the CM was released.


Back then it was the same kind of diatribe back and forth as well.....


It looks great, people just like to complain......

It looks like crap, if you like it your part of the problem

If you dont like it, leave the game and find something you will like instead of complaining about it

We are supposed to complain about it, stop defending everything they do...

You have to be a Bioware employee....

You have to be an employee of another game company sent here to spread discourse...

And so on and so forth.


Is it really that hard to accept that.....


Some folks took a look and didnt care for what they saw.

Some folks took a look and liked what they saw even though they were concerned at first.

Some folks took a look and knew they would enjoy it.

Some folks do not care either way.

EVERY ONE OF THOSE OPINIONS ARE VALID ONES that do not require explanation or qualification IMO.


Are you really going to try and convince me that any of those opinions are wrong?


It amazes me how some folks cant seem to avoid the obsession with iceskating uphill.


I have to say that I am very disappointed in quite a few of you folks today. A few forum members in particular have behaved very badly IMO. Even attacking folks that expressed neutral opinions, or those that leaned a bit pro or con. Shameful.


I will not name names, as that would not be fair, and probably against forum rules as well....but I would expect you know if I am talking to you.


Cut it out. This type of behavior is BENEATH YOU.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Lol! So... what you wanted to do is combine objects to make new ones? Collision detection woes aside... I think you need to go play Minecraft.


Just sending you this SWG video i found, gives a pretty good perspective of how customizable things were, actually the entire city is built by players.


This video too great but i have seen some pretty awesome stuff in the past.


I once saw a replica of the deathstar made out of chairs and stuff.


ACTUALLY, Check out this GUNSHIP. Its alot of creative decorations

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I knew it, I knew that they were going to do this, a hooks system worthy of an old mmo while Aion and Rift offer a valid housing system in which we can place our objects where we want.


I hope they will change it, and change the outfit system, otherwise Swtor will continue to be a temporary game until there's a good mmo able to offer PvE servers, the possibility to play relatively solo with a bit of effort on the features and the immersion.

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