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housing got decoration hooks :((


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It's not a question of if people want to go the simpler route. You have to go the simpler route.


There's plenty of customization options within the system. The only thing you can't do is stack items on top of other items, or put couches on the ceiling or rugs on the walls or other 'off the wall' nonsense that some people think would be amusing.

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It's not a question of if people want to go the simpler route. You have to go the simpler route.


Who the hell really cares!! I mean it isn't like they stuck one or two hooks in a room and said there you go have fun, there are literally dozens of them on the walls, the floors, and the ceilings for you to use.

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There's plenty of customization options within the system. The only thing you can't do is stack items on top of other items, or put couches on the ceiling or rugs on the walls or other 'off the wall' nonsense that some people think would be amusing.


Personal opinion, may conflict with other personal opinions.

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There's plenty of customization options within the system. The only thing you can't do is stack items on top of other items, or put couches on the ceiling or rugs on the walls or other 'off the wall' nonsense that some people think would be amusing.


You can't put a lamp on a desk where you want. If you think the point of a free placement system is so people can go "LOL GUYS I PUT TEH COUCH ON THE CEILING XD" you are mistaken. The point of free placement is so that you can combine objects to make new objects, place objects however you like and truly be creative with every single asset Bioware provides.

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I have a question for the people complaining about the hooks. Did it ever occur to you that the reason they went with hooks instead of free placement was because it was not able to be done with the engine TOR runs on?
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I have a question for the people complaining about the hooks. Did it ever occur to you that the reason they went with hooks instead of free placement was because it was not able to be done with the engine TOR runs on?


The Repopulation uses the Hero Engine and has free placement. Also with the offset system it pretty much is free placement if they added the 3rd axis and stopped limiting it to 10 units.

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I played SWG for awhile and yes the housing had free placements and some people made good use of it but then again there were people that were playing that was confused how to use the system. Before you say well they could hire someone, yea they could and then they would be charged a arm and leg.


In addition some people put so much stuff in a house or shop that it took forever to load in to the house and that was a problem for some people who had lag issues.


In addition, you could not have a garage and place your mounts or even your pets in your house at all. We can with this one.


I watched the video twice and the hooks can be changed to different sizes to fit what you want. You going to say well it will be like everyone else's. No as you can choose what you want to use to decorate and some people will have unique decorations, such as the drops from operations or they will finish an achievement and get a reward that you may not have.


You can have imagination and still use the hook system if you want to.


Yes it is not free placement but then again I didn't expect it to even after reading what was said at the cantina tour. I just figured they would give us a system, which they did, that would allow us to place what we would like. I half expected a more restricted system than what we have due to the idea that there are a lot of people who have never had a house or know what to do with one.


Yes you can keep complaining that it is not a free placement until housing launches or you can accept what we have and wait and see what happens when you go to your house.


I will enjoy it and so will most of my guild and most of us have came from SWG.


Have a good day.

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The Repopulation uses the Hero Engine and has free placement. Also with the offset system it pretty much is free placement if they added the 3rd axis and stopped limiting it to 10 units.


Well.. then... you should play the MMO that meets your particular needs. Enjoy the Alpha.

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The Repopulation uses the Hero Engine and has free placement. Also with the offset system it pretty much is free placement if they added the 3rd axis and stopped limiting it to 10 units.


Apparently you don't know how it works with engines. Games studios take the base engine and build onto it which makes it unique to what they are making that means no two engines are the same even if they used the same base engine.

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You can't put a lamp on a desk where you want. If you think the point of a free placement system is so people can go "LOL GUYS I PUT TEH COUCH ON THE CEILING XD" you are mistaken. The point of free placement is so that you can combine objects to make new objects, place objects however you like and truly be creative with every single asset Bioware provides.


agree with you! i wish they go back and atlest give us the option to turn off hooks. if they do that this will be one of the best housing system out there!

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Well.. then... you should play the MMO that meets your particular needs. Enjoy the Alpha.


Yes because whenever a developer of a game I play does something I don't like I should just stop playing and go somewhere else rather than giving feedback and trying to get them to expand it to something that would be liked.


Apparently you don't know how it works with engines. Games studios take the base engine and build onto it which makes it unique to what they are making that means no two engines are the same even if they used the same base engine.


I know very well how developers will often modify game engines for personal needs but clearly Bioware have not removed the ability to move objects in real time because it's done with the hook system using off sets. In fact moving objects in real time was one of the major selling points of the Hero Engine so I find it hard to believe they would remove that. The engine is clearly capable of it. Maybe they did the hooks system to limit how many items you can have for performance reasons.


I would be perfectly fine with them expanding the offsets system to the Z axis and removing the unit limit on the offsets so that we can place items how we like around a room while conforming with the hooks.

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I have a question for the people complaining about the hooks. Did it ever occur to you that the reason they went with hooks instead of free placement was because it was not able to be done with the engine TOR runs on?


LOL. No. I think hooks are fine and free placement also would have been fine, but I guarantee you the main (if not only) reason they went with hooks is because they don't trust the average player to use free placement responsibly. Free placement can be overwhelming to people who have never placed objects in 3D editor before, and constraining those people to a nice simple hook interface will make the system much more accessible to them. Additionally, with free placement, it's only a matter of time before people start combining different objects and putting giant wieners all over their strongholds, among other inappropriate stuff.


In light of those issues and likely many others, they probably decided that spending the extra effort to create a hook interface would ultimately result in a better experience for the average user, and they are probably right. And yes, unless Hero already came with a hook interface built in, it did take them a lot of extra effort to create this system than it would have to just allow free placement. I'm embarrassed for anyone who claims otherwise and pretends to be an expert.

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You can't put a lamp on a desk where you want. If you think the point of a free placement system is so people can go "LOL GUYS I PUT TEH COUCH ON THE CEILING XD" you are mistaken. The point of free placement is so that you can combine objects to make new objects, place objects however you like and truly be creative with every single asset Bioware provides.


They'll have the stuff you need. They've already said that there will be a vast variety of basic items such as tables and I'm sure that at least one of them will have a vase on it.


Simply put, they designed a system that could be used by anyone/everyone. Easy to use, but with plenty of depth.

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Yes because whenever a developer of a game I play does something I don't like I should just stop playing and go somewhere else rather than giving feedback and trying to get them to expand it to something that would be liked.


You gave feedback many many many posts ago. All you have been doing since is doubling down on complaining. A great way to vent frustrations, but ineffective in getting your personal needs met.


Either make peace with it, or play what gives you what you want. They are not going to go back and re-engineer the hooking system for the players who want to condemn their system BEFORE said players even play test it.


Most skeptical players about upcoming housing, myself included, have seen the demos they has presented and like what we see, even with the hooks. Perfect? NOPE... there is not such thing with an MMO. Playing an MMO is an exercise in personal compromise because there simply is no perfect MMO that is everything to everyone.

Edited by Andryah
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They'll have the stuff you need. They've already said that there will be a vast variety of basic items such as tables and I'm sure that at least one of them will have a vase on it.


Simply put, they designed a system that could be used by anyone/everyone. Easy to use, but with plenty of depth.


Sure one might have a vase on it. But what if I don't like the table that has the vase and I want to use it with another table that doesn't have that vase? What if I want to put a lamp on the other side of the desk? What if I want to move the vase to another part of the desk? I can't do any of these things. I am completely dependent on Bioware to create a desk I like with everything on it that I would like in the positions I would like.

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Sure one might have a vase on it. But what if I don't like the table that has the vase and I want to use it with another table that doesn't have that vase? What if I want to put a lamp on the other side of the desk? What if I want to move the vase to another part of the desk? I can't do any of these things. I am completely dependent on Bioware to create a desk I like with everything on it that I would like in the positions I would like.


Yeah, it sucks that you can't get everything that you want. I can only hope that you can somehow find a way to survive.

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I would just like to hear from Bioware as to why we can't do any offsets on the Z axis and why the limit on off sets is in place and if the limit is open to being changed.


I'm not asking them to scrap the current system, I want them to improve it.

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I understand the reason for hooks. It makes things easier for beginners or those that just don't want really fine controls. However it is very limiting for some of us. As I've seen you are restricted to certain regions. Yes I watched the whole twitch video. If you want your couch right between 2 floor region you are out of luck.


I'm not say people should be placing couches on the ceiling. The way DCOU does it is after you unlock free placement is cool. Basically everything is divided in to 3 type of placement: Floor, Wall, and Ceiling. So you don't have things floating in space, however that wouldn't be a bad fourth category for SWTOR for certain droids and such.


I suggest have the hook system as an option but let people turn it off and have free placement.

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