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Top of the line PVPer w/ Top of the line advice


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I AM Satanus and I AM simply the best Harbinger has to offer in terms of state of the art pwnology. This introduction is mostly for the new people to the server. I'm sure everyone else who pvps knows quality when they see it and over the course of my swtor career you all have seen a smorgasbord of QUALITY... mostly from me.

The intended purpose of this post is to alleviate the daily strain I suffer from carrying people through WZs. Below you will find the 3 secrets to my success. I'm only going to share these once, so pay attention and feast your eyes on the THREE MOST IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTES OF PVP MASTERY. period .


The 3 secrets are:

Dedication, Pain Tolerance, Foreseeing Future Events


#1 DEDICATION This didn't happen over night trust me. This happened over many nights spread out between erotic vacation getaways, powerful power lunches discussing foreign currencies, and also working in a scientific lab. In other words no matter what, YOU have to make TIME to be the BEST! I make time so you make time. No excuses.


#2 PAIN TOLERANCE Sometimes the road to being the best hits a snag. Last winter I hurt my back and wrist chopping down trees for my grandma way up high in the mountains of Oregon. I was using a 500 pound chain saw that exploded. The force of the blast caused the tree to fall on my body and exposed my genitalia to the elements. Did I quit SWTOR? Nope, Despite my injuries and mutilations I still logged on that night and carried you slobs to victory. Work through the PAIN. PAIN is temporary unless its chronic.


#3 FORESEEING FUTURE EVENTS. Being able to anticipate impending developments accurately will enable you to formulate and execute a plan of action. FOR EXAMPLE: at the beginning of the WZ look around.... Am I on your team? If Yes, then you can anticipate victory . If I am not on your team, then am I on the opposing side? If Yes, then foresee your *** quitting the WZ immediately.


But dont take my word for it! Check out what other PvPers have to say about my TIPS!!!!


"As a sorc, I've seen you get blown." -Erexion


"We have another Spliffy on our hand's" -Ashwinn


"Thanks for the PvP tips Disciples, I don't lose anymore." -Antikz

Edited by coolcash
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I Stopped reading here "I AM Satanus and I AM simply the best harbinger has to offer in terms of state of the art pwn ownology " we have another spliffy on our hand's, seriously though who are you? Edited by Ashwinn
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I'd have to agree with your post here....


1. Dedication - It must hurt you to get crushed and humiliated in every warzone you play in and yet you keep on queuing up. I admire your dedication.


2. Pain tolerance - As a sorc, I've seen you get blown up in 2 GCDs and yet you still have not whined or cried about it in /say.


3. Forseeing future events - I can imagine that it is hard knowing that you are probably going to lose any warzone that you step foot in, but you seem to make the best of it anyway and accept the beat down that comes your way.


You are a true testament to our PVP community :D

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I'd have to agree with your post here....


1. Dedication - It must hurt you to get crushed and humiliated in every warzone you play in and yet you keep on queuing up. I admire your dedication.


2. Pain tolerance - As a sorc, I've seen you get blown up in 2 GCDs and yet you still have not whined or cried about it in /say.


3. Forseeing future events - I can imagine that it is hard knowing that you are probably going to lose any warzone that you step foot in, but you seem to make the best of it anyway and accept the beat down that comes your way.


You are a true testament to our PVP community :D



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I AM Satanus and I AM simply the best Harbinger has to offer in terms of state of the art pwnology. This introduction is mostly for the new people to the server. I'm sure everyone else who pvps knows quality when they see it and over the course of my swtor career you all have seen a smorgasbord of QUALITY... mostly from me.

The intended purpose of this post is to alleviate the daily strain I suffer from carrying people through WZs. Below you will find the 3 secrets to my success. I'm only going to share these once, so pay attention and feast your eyes on the THREE MOST IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTES OF PVP MASTERY. period .


The 3 secrets are:

Dedication, Pain Tolerance, Foreseeing Future Events


#1 DEDICATION This didn't happen over night trust me. This happened over many nights spread out between erotic vacation getaways, powerful power lunches discussing foreign currencies, and also working in a scientific lab. In other words no matter what, YOU have to make TIME to be the BEST! I make time so you make time. No excuses.


#2 PAIN TOLERANCE Sometimes the road to being the best hits a snag. Last winter I hurt my back and wrist chopping down trees for my grandma way up high in the mountains of Oregon. I was using a 500 pound chain saw that exploded. The force of the blast caused the tree to fall on my body and exposed my genitalia to the elements. Did I quit SWTOR? Nope, Despite my injuries and mutilations I still logged on that night and carried you slobs to victory. Work through the PAIN. PAIN is temporary unless its chronic.


#3 FORESEEING FUTURE EVENTS. Being able to anticipate impending developments accurately will enable you to formulate and execute a plan of action. FOR EXAMPLE: at the beginning of the WZ look around.... Am I on your team? If Yes, then you can anticipate victory . If I am not on your team, then am I on the opposing side? If Yes, then foresee your *** quitting the WZ immediately.


Do you even lift?


Edited by Trevormortis
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I Stopped reading here "I AM Satanus and I AM simply the best harbinger has to offer in terms of state of the art pwn ownology " we have another spliffy on our hand's, seriously though who are you?


*Sigh* The sexual tension between you and Spliffy that's plagued ranked chat for the past month is leaking over to the forums now? ;)


You guys are my best source of entertainment whilst i wait for Q's, and that's Sad...

Edited by Selenial
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I can tell that's not the real Ashwinn because this troll used capitalization and punctuation.


Ahahahah, Jesus Christ, I feel physical pain every time I read something Ashwin types

I seriously can't tell if he's a terrible troll or just a drop kick

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Ahahahah, Jesus Christ, I feel physical pain every time I read something Ashwin types

I seriously can't tell if he's a terrible troll or just a drop kick


dontgetmadgetgud another baddie that cant stand me is a win win for me <3 spelling and punctuation are the least of my worries when im playing an online video game to those that care so much need to get laid lol.



richard sherman 2014

Edited by Ashwinn
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I'd have to agree with your post here....


1. Dedication - It must hurt you to get crushed and humiliated in every warzone you play in and yet you keep on queuing up. I admire your dedication.


2. Pain tolerance - As a sorc, I've seen you get blown up in 2 GCDs and yet you still have not whined or cried about it in /say.


3. Forseeing future events - I can imagine that it is hard knowing that you are probably going to lose any warzone that you step foot in, but you seem to make the best of it anyway and accept the beat down that comes your way.


You are a true testament to our PVP community :D


10/10 would bang.

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One time I saw Satanus pass the huttball to himself.


I was there. In fact that's when I got recruited. I remember seeing that and was in pure awe. Then alchemy smack me and told me to kill Santanus. So I did with my 154 geared jugg hybrid

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