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A little love for M1


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This droid is the ****!


I'm healer spec on my commando and I've used him now for a few months. Got him geared in all 156 purple droid gear, 168 implants/Earpiece/Rifle/Shield and he just the friggin best for holding aggro and survive-ability. I just dont see a lot of love for him on the forums or in game.


What are other healers/DPS thoughts? Do you use him? Ever found any weaknesses with him.


Personally I'll never use another companion again. He allows me to solo Oricon (dailies/weekly) with ease.

Edited by Pyymm
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Eh, i'm a Vanguard DPS, and i prefer to run with Jorgan or Elara. if Yuun's damage types on most of his abilities were fixed so he would deal normal DPS, i would use Yuun, (if you didnt know, most of Yuun's abilities deal Force damage which is not augmented by Aim which is for all intents and purposes a bug.)
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Hmmm, never used Yuun or Aric (except in the intro). I barely run DPS now, dont really need too, but when I did I ran with Elara at low-levels and then M1 when I got him right to 55, gearing him as I went.


Different strokes for different folks I guess.

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He's less practical than Tanno and like all robots it's a pain in the *** to gear them.


Yeah but Vik still has "Techblade syndrome" so his mainhand will always suck.


I prefer treek for my troopers tank, because she at least uses normal gear.

And HK51 for my troopers DPS because despite being a droid he gets to use a 78 mainhand/offhand without over-investing in companions (i have a sniper) and in general obliterates everything (just ask the oricon daily bosses)

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He's less practical than Tanno and like all robots it's a pain in the *** to gear them.


Yeah, he was a bit of a pain to gear. It was expensive. I bought all the droid armor off the GTN but it was worth it.

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Yeah but Vik still has "Techblade syndrome" so his mainhand will always suck.

Suck in terms of aesthetics? Or is there some kind of bug with techblade mainhand damage on Vik?

He's less practical than Tanno and like all robots it's a pain in the *** to gear them.

I just recently gave in to the idea of getting Czerka rep and making the elite droid gear. Should have enough by next Monday.


One can grind out Ultimate comms to gear a companion, or grind out CZ rep, Isotope-5 and EEEs to make 174 rated gear. If you only have one toon with a droid companion you want to gear, the Ultimate comms would be easier. But if you have multiple alts that can use droid gear? Once you unlock the schematics I'd say it's easier to gear up droids.

Edited by Khevar
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Suck in terms of aesthetics? Or is there some kind of bug with techblade mainhand damage on Vik?


If the inability for me to pull my old mainhand barrel out and put it in Vik's techblade is considered a bug, then yes, his mainhand is bugged.


Otherwise you're stuck with a rating 156 mainhand for him, while everyone else (besides Yuun) is running around with 180 mainhand/offhands

Edited by TACeMossie
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If the inability for me to pull my old mainhand barrel out and put it in Vik's techblade is considered a bug, then yes, his mainhand is bugged.


Otherwise you're stuck with a rating 156 mainhand for him, while everyone else (besides Yuun) is running around with 180 mainhand/offhands

Ouch! I never noticed this before. Since a bound barrel is interchangeable between rifles, pistols and assault cannons, I had assumed it would also work with techblades.


That's a real bummer.

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