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Armorings and Mods for DPS Commando

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It is so much easier to get the aptly named "Commando mods" rather than the harder to get Reflex.

Only harder because the vendors will have the best level of the Commando but the Reflex are always one level behind.


I am using Commando stuff for this reason but should I be making more of an effort to get Reflex?

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It is so much easier to get the aptly named "Commando mods" rather than the harder to get Reflex.

Only harder because the vendors will have the best level of the Commando but the Reflex are always one level behind.


I am using Commando stuff for this reason but should I be making more of an effort to get Reflex?


Reflex mods give you more Aim, while Commando mods give you more endurance. So to your question of if you should make an effort to get Reflex mods, my answer is: how much do you value your damage? If you want to do as much damage as possible, don't be lazy about gear. If you just want to troll around in story modes, then do whatever you'd like.

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You can always go to the fleet, go to the comm vendor for the next planet ahead, and they'll have a relfex mod for your level perhaps. If not, I only go with commando for armorings and barrels, since they carry more than just aim/endurance stats (Barrels determine wep damage, and armorings your DR from armor).


If all else fails, grab a cyber, but that's a lot of effort for just leveling

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It is so much easier to get the aptly named "Commando mods" rather than the harder to get Reflex.

Only harder because the vendors will have the best level of the Commando but the Reflex are always one level behind.


I am using Commando stuff for this reason but should I be making more of an effort to get Reflex?


When speaking specifically about the mods, the commando ones are exactly the same as the reflex ones, so just get the commando mods. Armorings you'll want the reflex ones though

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