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Trouble with melee?


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I'm a decent pvper and I have mostly Obroan with some Brutalizer. Been playing my Arsenal Merc since release day and I love him for PvE and PvP. However, in PvP I find that if a single melee sits on me I'm done - no chance whatsoever. It's particularly bad if a Knight or Warrior gets on me; at least with an Op or Scoundrel I can still maneuver and put some distance between us so I can put out some damage. It feels like the force melee classes have so many defensive CDs and heavy offense plus damage reflect that I make it like 6 seconds before I'm respawning.


I know I need to watch their buffs/debuffs better but can anyone offer some concrete advice? It's beyond frustrating when I out gear these guys (and out skill, I'd like to think in some cases) but I just get roflstomped by 28k HP Juggs...

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Yea i'm having the same issue. Whenever i start to dish out DMG and kill people, the melee start to realize someone is doing some hurt. So ofc they look for me and at least 1 jumps on me, either a sent/mara or a guard/jugg and im pretty much done. Even if i blow all of my cooldowns, use medpacs and adrenals, i still die. And even with any healing, i still die. I thought the heavy armor was supposed to help? Im not sure why bioware tried to add interupt immunity to Power Surge when you can get the point for it in the healing tree. They should add some kind of defensive cooldown or something because i can't even play my merc. Though it seems that Pyro does a bit better since its more mobile to do damage, but i love arsenal.


I can't help you on this one. All i can say is try to use Electro Net... but i know even that doesn't work since they can break Hinder using CC breaker and Juggs can pop Enraged Defense which basically is a free 50% heal with endure pain and they're pretty much invincable.


Edit: I have pretty much full Oboran no augs yet though :/

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Electro-net before they leap, then light them up before they get to you. For veng, you gotta pop HO to get out of the ravage root, eating ravages is not advised. Know your specs and don't waste CC or blow back on Veng jugs when they jump in... they have 3s immunity.


Beyond that, roll Pyro so you don't have interruptible casts to deal with.

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1 vs 1 melee ill own them. Know you meters watch the CDs on them jugs are tricky to beat. Best this to do is go pyro I used to be arsenal ( I switch between the 2 ) but stay away use rocket punch gain distance and out if range from leap while using unload to slow them down by the time they catch you rocket punch and unload keep them off you. Careful with jet boost cause it knocks them back for a nice leap. For sins easy used you darts incase they stealth so the the explosion can be seen and you know where they are if you can find them run to a way and put you back to the the wall ( so you don't get backstab ) 2 stuns will mess you up so use rocket punch as soon as you can to root them. That way you can back paddle and if ur stunned and you pull off the root they can't go behind you. Now ops are tricky too because the rolls stuns mixed with acid knife use you cures when doted try to keep you health nice and full as possible becuase our kolto only lasts for so long. Also use your two intranet moves that you get from surge for concussion and heal incase you need it. Idk this is how I pvp as arsenal. Now pyro I'm more in my feet rail shooting people too death hope this helps. Edited by Darth__Reaver
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before patch 1.4 we could deal with melee a little easier than now since we had 30-meter Electro Dart, and Rocket Punch was an additional knockback instead of a root. I still regret having these changes to this day :mad:


But you got Kolto Overload and Hydraulic Overrides in return! :D

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Apparently you haven't played a sniper because it's far easier to do it with them than it is with a merc/mando

so you have to learn to use your mercenary skills better.


Electronet : best skill of the game against melee

Bump : Best bump of the game

Hydraulic Over : Best mobility immun of the game + speed = just a nightmare skill against melee for a distant class


Mercenary is like

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so you have to learn to use your mercenary skills better.


Electronet : best skill of the game against melee

Bump : Best bump of the game

Hydraulic Over : Best mobility immun of the game + speed = just a nightmare skill against melee for a distant class


Mercenary is like


Why don't you show us, how do you keep them at distance, in solo queue arenas preferably. Are there some videos with your merc?

Edited by Taankjr
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Mercenary/commando are the best distant classes to keep a melee class at long range.




The class you think is best to keep melee away is the one with a melee range root, full leap vulnerability and full physics vulnerability unless they are burning HTL at that moment.


Not the class with a ranged root, a totally cheesy cover mechanic (no leaps, no interrupts, no pulls) and a dash ability which lands them in the cheesy cover again.


Electronet is the best ganking tool in the game due to its disable. And then it goes on cooldown.


Cover does not go on cooldown and rolls are on a low cooldown.

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Just see some guys on youtube. so easy to find.


observe, learn and practice.


All offense intended... you sir are a retard.


If I handpick my highlights of me destroying terrible pvp'ers then I can make the class look ezmode too.


I have min maxed Sniper, Merc, and Maruder. My Anni Marauder never looses 1v1 to a Merc. My sniper rarely looses 1v1 to any melee. My Merc is probably my best toon, I'll top Damage charts every WZ/Arena... I still have a horrible time 1v1 vs veng jug and assassins. Even below average players can take me the distance 1v1 because those classes cd's beat ours.


Even Sorcs have a better time with melee because of short CD roots, slows, and a speed boost that can get them out of trouble quickly.

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Well I can't speak from a juggernaut perspective as I haven't played a dps one before. I can however give you some tips for sins and maras. For a sin, your best bet is to stun them as soon as they open on you so you can survive that initial bust. Stun, pop HO and kite. Your kickback works pretty well against them too. If you can survive their initial bust they will most likely stealth out and/or pick a different target. I main a carnage marauder and let me tell you if you throw electro net on me...wow I can't do anything. If CC breaker is on cool down I throw my sabers at you, pop adrenal and some defensive cooldowns and hope I survive. Not a whole lot a mara can do with electronet on them. Using HO and kiting is more difficult however as I can pop predation and continue to wail on you. At that point a good stun goes a long way to keep the distance between us. That electronet though lol...really shuts me down.
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You don't see guys on youtube for the killstreacks (that's not interesting), you see there for the tactics. To learn how they do on Battle ground.


It's normal that you can't always win a 1vs1, we call that balance.


Still doesn't change the fact that it's easier to keep melee at range with a sniper than with a merc.


I've played booth and even though I greatly prefer my merc I don't fool myself about what it's drawbacks are when compared to a sniper.

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Still doesn't change the fact that it's easier to keep melee at range with a sniper than with a merc.


I've played booth and even though I greatly prefer my merc I don't fool myself about what it's drawbacks are when compared to a sniper.


Valable for the first 10 sec, after not.

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so you have to learn to use your mercenary skills better.


Electronet : best skill of the game against melee

Bump : Best bump of the game

Hydraulic Over : Best mobility immun of the game + speed = just a nightmare skill against melee for a distant class


Mercenary is like


You need to seriously look at the cooldowns on gap closers that the melee have, and then you need to look at the cooldowns on the abilities you just listed.


Mercs are the worst of the ranged classes for dealing with melee.

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Problem juggs? :rak_03:


I mean... that was a good game for you. But that team was awful. They didn't even attempt to interrupt you, there was no guard swapping, there was very little focus fire... You're saying that was a ranked match? I'm going to have to look into a server transfer.

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I mean... that was a good game for you. But that team was awful. They didn't even attempt to interrupt you, there was no guard swapping, there was very little focus fire... You're saying that was a ranked match? I'm going to have to look into a server transfer.


Hehe might have been dont remember that match to well.:p


Will rewatch when i get home in a week and a half and have better Internett :rak_03:

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