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Bioware, please stop making ridiculously large lightsaber hilts


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In the artwork, Ajunta Pall is depicted like this.


In the actual game, we got this... Kindly explain please how the shoulder pads got that bulkier in the transition, if you can of course.


Did Andronikos inject massive amounts of steroids in his shoulder area alone? Or this is yet another monumental frak up in a process which is known for years now?


The fact that someone, somewhere within Bioware has a fetish for gigantic shoulder pads everywhere?


I'd try to explain, but I'd be called a Bioware defender and flamed out of the thread, so... Y'know. Not worth losing what's left of my sanity.

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some lightsabers are too wide, but the recent ones all seem fine. Unless you are referring to the length of the hilt rather than the width, however hilts with a long length are more of a style thing and imo look better.


There's a limit to not exceed, though. Just look how a Brutalizer (Stalker) Double-bladed lightsaber renders on a Type 2 female shadow when turned off... A huge stick going from the hip, to the knee.


I purposely bought another low level lightsaber from the PvP vendor with the looks of the starting one, and it's length isn't even the half of the Brutalizer.

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You could always, you know, not use the big ones?


Just a suggestion.




They could, you know, just design lightsabers with hilts similar to the ones when the game was first released or that scale accordingly.


Just a suggestion and a fairly logical one.


As stated previously, Assault Cannon have always scaled depending on the gender and body type. Why not lightsabers again?


I don't remember Yoda using an oversized lightsaber against Dooku.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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There's a limit to not exceed, though. Just look how a Brutalizer (Stalker) Double-bladed lightsaber renders on a Type 2 female shadow when turned off... A huge stick going from the hip, to the knee.


I purposely bought another low level lightsaber from the PvP vendor with the looks of the starting one, and it's length isn't even the half of the Brutalizer.


Except that's a saberstaff, those generally run about two feet in length anyway.

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You could always, you know, not use the big ones?


Just a suggestion.


Not a good suggestion.

It's important that the Devs know specifically why a certain item isn't more popular or doesn't sell well. Players might like the design of a hilt but dislike it being too large. Players might like the design of an armor set but might not buy it because it doesn't dye the way they want.

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Except that's a saberstaff, those generally run about two feet in length anyway.


I know. But I wanted to point how the size inflation (the basic one is only half the length of the Brutalizer) can be ridiculous when it's extreme.


Some may be legitimately okay, and looking good with a greater length, but there's always a limit.

Edited by Altheran
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Just picked up 2 outlaw sabers from the event. Have to say I'm very disappointed. Not only are the hilts huge but the blades are small. It looks like when the saber is on that it is the same length in total but the large hilt makes it look redicules. On a Sentinel they grip the hilt way at the bottom.


Does anyone look at them before they are released?


Would really like a dev to comment on this.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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And while you're at it, you can make assault cannons scale to body size, too. I always find it hilarious when body type 1 female characters lug around assault cannons that are literally bigger than themselves.


Assault Cannons have ALWAYS scaled accordingly.

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lightsaber hilts are just not something i care about - you don't even see them. My marauder/sentinel are both still rocking the starter lightsaber from tython/korriban and the one you get in the bag when you choose those ACs. Meh, they look fine and are upgradeable.
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lightsaber hilts are just not something i care about - you don't even see them. My marauder/sentinel are both still rocking the starter lightsaber from tython/korriban and the one you get in the bag when you choose those ACs. Meh, they look fine and are upgradeable.


We are talking about CM and event hilts.

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