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Endurance Level for Commando?

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I've noticed recently that my Commando has a fair amount less endurance than my Guardian and Gunslinger that are 55. Are there differences in base HP for the classes at all, or is there some other issue at hand? It's a little odd to me, since he's all augmented out now like the other two (he only hit 55 recently), and has most of the same decent PVP gear they have, though he is still working his way up there. They all have the same datacrons as well (still needing to get the +10s on fleet and the Makeb ones).


Still, he's not so far behind that it makes sense for my Gunslinger to be around 31k health, and he's around 28800 or something.


And while I'm at it, what health/endurance level do you all aim for with your Commandos? I'm trying to favor aim and power, but I'm wondering if I should swap out some augments or other components that favor endurance to help out.

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You never stack endurance as a commando


At endgame commando is one of the fattest dps classes around because of +3% or +2% health from talents


Current reasons for your commando being at less health could be not all datacrons, gear differences.

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You never stack endurance as a commando


At endgame commando is one of the fattest dps classes around because of +3% or +2% health from talents


Current reasons for your commando being at less health could be not all datacrons, gear differences.


Okay, thanks for the help. I don't have the health boost from the gunnery tree, but I would guess it's still just a gearing thing... I got another part of my PVP gear and jumped up about 500 health, so that seems to be it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its cool, I noticed it too. My commando is pretty geared. Full 168 gear with 3, 180 pieces. Everything fully augmented with Reflex augments. As of now my commando sits at 36.5K HP and is one tough mutha!


Never let the lower HP fool you. Even with a bit lower HP (My Jedi Guard has 43K) he still pretty unstoppable.


i.e. - I solod ALL of Oricon a couple days ago with him (dailies and the +2), using M1 as my tank (I'm healer specced). I cant take all the credit though, M1 is geared and a serious TANK.

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Well... you might consider donning two sets of gear for Ranked PvP. One where you stack endurance (for matches without healer/tank) and a 'normal' set (aim/power/surge focused). I haven't gotten around to it yet, but it could be... interesting.
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  • 1 month later...
They are both non-ideal for pve or pvp.


Gunnery is moderately flexible so whatever, you however took alacrity in Assault over taking endurance. Even nothing is better than alacrity.


You're plainly wrong. PPA prcs happens every 6s. And we have a guaranteed proc on the second ability that would proc. So the strategy is PS > filler > PS or Unload > PS. Since PS has an activation, it doesn't matter if PPA ICD doesn't end at the beginning of PS.. Only that it's end before PS is fired.... Between.. I suggest you to check up Rapid Recharge talent for Commando.... You'll see an extr 2% alacrity coming out of here -.-

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You're plainly wrong. PPA prcs happens every 6s. And we have a guaranteed proc on the second ability that would proc. So the strategy is PS > filler > PS or Unload > PS. Since PS has an activation, it doesn't matter if PPA ICD doesn't end at the beginning of PS.. Only that it's end before PS is fired.... Between.. I suggest you to check up Rapid Recharge talent for Commando.... You'll see an extr 2% alacrity coming out of here -.-


You have no idea the irony in telling me how the system works, look up the history of how the guaranteed assault system was discovered. You might find the player at the start of it.


The ICD is a fixed 6s and not affected by alacrity


Your casts are 1.5s without alacrity. With alacrity they are shortened.


Thus 4 GCD of 1.5s are no longer lining up with the 6s ICD but are falling short requiring 5 GCD.


The alacrity you are forced to take as assault is not enough to disrupt the rotation but deliberately taking the extra alacrity increases your chances of failed procs. Latency seems to allow a certain amount of alacrity without it breaking the rotation.


So back to the original point, yes, you should be taking endurance because there is nothing better.

Edited by Gyronamics
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