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Krayt Dragon World Boss


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I'm not deep into the lore, but I've been to Tattooine, and I've seen that giant-assed krayt skeleton out there, as well as other giant-assed krayt skeletons on other planets. On my own, I came up with these points of thought:


One: They are way the hell too big to have subsisted on hunted food. A single krayt of that size would undoubtedly cause extinctions of other creatures on a planet. Therefore, a krayt must have evolved to subsist on The Force, after a certain level of development during it's growth.


Two: Currently, on Tattooine, it is said that krayts are either extraordinarily rare, because NO ONE HAS SEEN ONE in recent history, (even the Sand People talk about Krayts in the past tense), or they are flat-out extinct.


Three: Since we have seen krayt skeletons on other planets, then it is possible that Krayts are able to travel through space via the power of The Force. There's no other explanation for finding gigantic Krayt bones on so many planets. Perhaps it could be said that Krayts grow to a stage in their lives where they migrate to other worlds in search of a richer source of The Force on which to feed. Which means that Tattooine may not be the only planet where a krayt is encountered.


Four: If krayts do still exist, and if they've leaned to subsist on The Force, then perhaps they have also developed sentience. Perhaps it is possible to communicate with a Krayt through the Force.


Five: Maybe, if anyone ever finds a Krayt, and it is a Force using sentient being, it may not like being bothered, and may decide to wipe us out, so that it can go on being left alone. And that would be why we'd have to battle the Krayt.


Five A: Or perhaps a Krayt migrated to a populated contested world because it was looking for a source of The Force on which to feed, but that it would cause people to dye because The Force was getting sucked up by the Krayt. Therefore it has become a "Natural Disaster" that needs to be dealt with before Imperial/Republic interests are deeply impacted.


Six: If we have to battle the Krayt, it should be so powerful, that it would have to be an event that the Empire and Republic would (unbelievably!) jointly call able bodied beings to go and battle it. I envision hundreds of players wiping multiple times throughout the battle until it is finally dead, or the players give up to try again another day.


Six A: Perhaps a problem with battling the krayt could be that it's Imperial and Republic players on the same battle field trying to work together, but that the temptation to kill the enemy players is too strong. So, the krayt survives because we defeat ourselves..... Hmmmm....


Seven: With so little information in-game about Krayts, this is what I came up with.


Eight: Them Sand People teens must have been killing rils or them other sand lizards, but not actual krayts. Remember, Krayts are said to be extinct, or so rare that no one, currently alive, has actually seen one.


Those are my sixteen cents (two cents for each point, except for Five and Five A, and Six and Six A. Those were one cent each).

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you misspelled spam....


not sure what you are expecting bumping every few days.


Got me to look at it, I just assumed a lot of people were talking about it. I'd support the idea of having another "one & done" boss...you know like the "golden chicken" on Makeb -- toborro's Courtyard (sp?). I like just having bosses that can be knocked off really quick after a long raid....maybe stick the instance in the back of the Outlaws Den? That might bring in some more traffic to the area :rak_03:.


PS: Take a look at my "horde mode" thread -- rate & comment plz!

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