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Weird stuff going on...

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PS: If you do not have anything of value to contribute to this thread and just want to troll, DÉCOLLISSE / GET THE F'IN OUT


You keep using that word, but I do not think you understand what it means.

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Thank you captain obvious. Are they contributing? Are they trolling?


It does not matter if i got shot down by anybody. If anybody does it on a regular basis, good for you. It does not matter if anybody has never seen a hack. It does not exclude the fact that they CAN exist.


This thread is to report ANYTHING you notice that MIGHT be something weird. If you are hear to tell me i suck and that you shoot me down on a regular basis, its not contributing. Its trolling.


Edit: The internet, gotta love it sometimes...


Or to explain what you're doing wrong - everyone is entitled to their opinion, and in their opinion, it's user error. The point is is that it's silly to try and censor people because they don't agree with you. They contribute by anything regarding to gameplay

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There is so much failure to understand this thread, it blows my mind... To the SammyGStatus, Urien, Buggleslor, Jason_Baker and anybody else who does not understand the meaning of this thread, sucks to be you.


I wont try and explain it to you, as anything i post will be shot down, ridiculed, etc...


And if you do post to ridicule me or anybody else who posted something weird going on, maybe you have something to hide? Maybe you have a secret you do not want anybody to find out? Maybe the Moon is not aligned with Mars this month? Maybe read the last paragraph in Stewie's voice when he talks to Brian about the book he's writing?


I kid, i kid. I did learn something: It is kinda fun to write anything i like...:rolleyes:

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I've played with and against you ( Battledress ) in GSF. I have at least 2 to 16 toons on every english speaking server NA and EU. I've played thousands of GSF matches. I'm not a ace but I do ok against ok pilots. I stop playing Jedi covenant due to low queue pops and I mostly play on Harbinger now.

I've noticed some of the things you have commented on with instance kills and such. I believe its due to different builds of ships and pilot skills. I have come up against two pilots on Harbinger that seems to have the ability to instance kill or are indestructible but I do not believe they are cheating.

I remember a match I played against you on Jedi Covenant and my team lost something like 50-4 or 6 I really don't remember for sure. I solo killed you several times in that match with a stock ship with maybe one or two upgrades on it. If I remember correctly you were the only pilot that died on your team. You came unglued and accused me of running a lag switch and camping on a spawn point. You even threaten me by telling me that you would post my toon name as a bad pilot and that I cheated. Well I switched toons after that match and was queued in on your team several matches later. You actually praised me for my piloting skills under my different toon name but I noticed you were camping and lagging (no I don't believe you were cheating but then again...). I noticed ever time you had a bad match you would comment on cheating in chat. I started chatting with other pilots at the time and they noticed the same thing about you. This all happen about 3-4 months ago and I laughed when I saw this post and the part you consider yourself an ace. You are good but you are no ace and if you were.....well you would fly on Ebon Hawk, Harbinger, Bastion or POT5 but if you're on these servers well good for you. I liked the pilots on the JC server like Sithace, Zuckerhorn and several others but unfortunately JC queue pops suck otherwise I would still be there. Trust me I was humbled when I started flying on Harbinger and Bastion and please don't blame others of cheating because they are better or lucky.

You might remember a few of these Battledress

Call signs are as follows,

J'zen, (Pub) JC- On Harbinger now as Ka'Boom.

Solless, (Imp) JC- now on Harbinger.

Volaraa, (Pub) JC- now on Harbinger.

Laich, (Imp) JC - now on Bastion.

Olantris, (Pub) JC- still there but will be transferring soon to Bastion once I have the funds.

Siaga, (Imp) JC- still there but will be transferring soon to POT5 once I have the funds.

Spawnkiller, (Imp) JC- still there. He was my very first toon when SWTOR launched and I will keep him on JC.

Hanbil, (Pub) JC- This is the one you threaten.

I originally had 16 toons on JC.

Haven't been on JC since March or April but I might fly a few matches there in the next week or so. :eek:

Have a nice day Battledress. :D


I remember you (I think Spawnkiller is the name that jumps out at me, though the others do look familiar)...and I appreciate the shout out (I'm Zuckerkorn).


That said...while I don't know what went down between you and BD, I can at least vouch for his skill as a pilot. For a while I thought BD was merely a satellite-humping bomber guy - one of the better ones, for sure - but more or less a one-trick pony. I was wrong. I play mostly imp side, and he rolled a toon over there, flying just a Rycer - no bomber in sight (nor anything else in his hangar) - and generally cleaned up. I have respect for anyone who can truly hold his/her own in a strike. And only a strike.


Also, I like tacos, my two pre-schoolers quite enjoy the Lego Movie, and every one of my cars have been 5-speeds (no auto trans for me). Each of these items, along with the verbiage above, is about equally relevant to the topic at hand.


Now back to your regularly-scheduled Forum Wars.

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I remember you (I think Spawnkiller is the name that jumps out at me, though the others do look familiar)...and I appreciate the shout out (I'm Zuckerkorn).


That said...while I don't know what went down between you and BD, I can at least vouch for his skill as a pilot. For a while I thought BD was merely a satellite-humping bomber guy - one of the better ones, for sure - but more or less a one-trick pony. I was wrong. I play mostly imp side, and he rolled a toon over there, flying just a Rycer - no bomber in sight (nor anything else in his hangar) - and generally cleaned up. I have respect for anyone who can truly hold his/her own in a strike. And only a strike.


Also, I like tacos, my two pre-schoolers quite enjoy the Lego Movie, and every one of my cars have been 5-speeds (no auto trans for me). Each of these items, along with the verbiage above, is about equally relevant to the topic at hand.


Now back to your regularly-scheduled Forum Wars.


Thanx Max, right back at you for the respect :cool:


Just to clarify, i recently added a Legion to my hanger. Great for support, can take one hell of a beating, steers like a cow :eek: (I am at heart a strike pilot, but i like to switch roles once in a while) I just wish i could join "strike night" on TEH more often :(

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I get that I'm not contributing to the thread's stated purpose. I don't mean to say that BD is a bad pilot, we just had a game yesterday that I thought was pretty fun and we went almost even in it. What I mean to say is that this thread's stated purpose as a whole is not valuable, and in fact I think it is actively harmful to the GSF community overall.


When we lose a game, we can think one of two things. They are:

1) Try to figure out what the other team did better than us. Go back over their strategies, their ship choices. Compare them to ours. Try to think of any ways to adapt, change builds, use a different ship, go to a different place at a different time. Try to actually get better.


2) Throw up our hands, say "WELP THOSE GUYS PROLLY HACKED" and play exactly the same way the next game.


One of these ways makes the community better. One of them makes it worse. As the history of the thread prior shows, it's being used as a support group for people who desperately want to do #2. Rather than learn that the central gameplay mechanic of bombers is to poop mines, they decide that the game should give them the right to fly directly behind bombers and that pooping mines is "hacking." Rather than learn to ignore lagging players (since they are as useless to their team as they are impossible to hit), they find that to be an excuse for getting outplayed by a team down a player and thus avoid wasting a single moment of thought on how to adapt to the strategies that outplayed them.


For example, in that game we played yesterday I retro-thrustered into an asteroid like an idiot. I can either learn to have better spatial awareness and control of my abilities, or I can claim that you "hacked" the asteroid behind me and never change a single thing.


"Trolling" is intentionally acting contrary to what you really think or believe in order to get a reaction out of someone and sow discord. I'm not trying to do that. I'm very earnestly trying to derail a thread that I think is horrible for the community and making us worse as a playerbase.

Edited by Buggleslor
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I get that I'm not contributing to the thread's stated purpose. I don't mean to say that BD is a bad pilot, we just had a game yesterday that I thought was pretty fun and we went almost even in it. What I mean to say is that this thread's stated purpose as a whole is not valuable, and in fact I think it is actively harmful to the GSF community overall.


When we lose a game, we can think one of two things. They are:

1) Try to figure out what the other team did better than us. Go back over their strategies, their ship choices. Compare them to ours. Try to think of any ways to adapt, change builds, use a different ship, go to a different place at a different time. Try to actually get better.


2) Throw up our hands, say "WELP THOSE GUYS PROLLY HACKED" and play exactly the same way the next game.


One of these ways makes the community better. One of them makes it worse. As the history of the thread prior shows, it's being used as a support group for people who desperately want to do #2. Rather than learn that the central gameplay mechanic of bombers is to poop mines, they decide that the game should give them the right to fly directly behind bombers and that pooping mines is "hacking." Rather than learn to ignore lagging players (since they are as useless to their team as they are impossible to hit), they find that to be an excuse for getting outplayed by a team down a player and thus avoid wasting a single moment of thought on how to adapt to the strategies that outplayed them.


For example, in that game we played yesterday I retro-thrustered into an asteroid like an idiot. I can either learn to have better spatial awareness and control of my abilities, or I can claim that you "hacked" the asteroid behind me and never change a single thing.


"Trolling" is intentionally acting contrary to what you really think or believe in order to get a reaction out of someone and sow discord. I'm not trying to do that. I'm very earnestly trying to derail a thread that I think is horrible for the community and making us worse as a playerbase.


Almost everything you mention is true. Since i started this thread i had only 1 W.T.F. moment and mentioned it. But what i do not understand is y making a thread for keeping an eye out for hackers horrible?

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Almost everything you mention is true. Since i started this thread i had only 1 W.T.F. moment and mentioned it. But what i do not understand is y making a thread for keeping an eye out for hackers horrible?


it's not really, and keeping an eye on odd behavior is not either. I originally took this thread as a "looking for bugs and gameplay quirks" and not "looking for hackers". The first of those is healthy (assuming you report these things to BW so they can fix them) the second however degenerates into an excuse for people with bad play experiences.


"Its not my weakness, it couldn't possibly be since I am the greatest pilot / gamer in the universe.... it has to be HACKS"


and then anyone who honestly tries to point out when these assumptions are wrong get


"Oh look someone defending themselves, theyre lying... THEY MUST BE HACKERS"


when in reality it most likely:


A) Having a poor understanding of game mechanics




B) People refusing to acknowledge their weaknesses or refusing to understand the causes of things like latency issues.


To further aggravate the issue BW has stated that they have never seen a hack or a hacker. Add to this the experience of pilots with thousands of matches under their belt who have not seen a hacker.... and you get something akin to a "witch hunt". If perhaps there were a rash of hack videos, hack programs, or people banned for hacking in GSF a thread like this might have merit.... but there is simply 0 evidence for any of this.


My 2 cents is this, keep your eyes open for bugs and quirky gameplay, as far a looking for hackers.... practicing holding your breath would be a better use of your time.


I sometimes get lag spikes @ or around 5pm PST + (which keeps my from playing most nights - thanks comcast) I can manage to do well sometimes like this (its very random) does this mean I am a hacker? No. If someone else with lag spikes does well does that make them a hacker? No. All it does is make fighting against them highly annoying. Short of huge changes to the way the server records information I don't see a fix to this. Rubber banding, warping out of sensor range. These things are categorically not work of hacks, they are latency related plain and simple. Inferring that they are not is ignorant when faced with the WEALTH of proof against it.


As to intentionally lagging, I have NEVER and I mean NEVER seen any pilot use this and get any advantage despite being less reactive with the server on all fronts. In fact its highly annoying for both the pilot and everyone else in the game. Every "lagger" I have seen has suffered for it, and generally do very poorly in every game I see them.


*Edit* I think the intention of the post is noble, but I think in its application we are finding only baseless accusations and rumor justification, in the end for many people its tantamount to confirmation of their views which in this case is bad, since there really is no evidence to support it*

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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2nd, this part is for BW developers:





if i can use Google to find those, i hope you dudes/dudettes know it also.


And other stuff i have observed. I do not have a video capture on my computer (i wish i had 1, not tech-savvy enough) so i cannot prove anything. These are just my personal observations. If any of you have observed any of these or anything else "weird" going on, this is the thread to mention it.


So, in conclusion, i hope BW does not stop fighting the good fight against hacking in SWTOR.


PPS: I DO NOT encourage the use of ANY hacks and condone ANYBODY who does use them. If you do, YOU SUCK


I do not want to know the names of the pilots. Let BW take care of that.


This is what i mean. Weird stuff going on that makes you go "Huh!?!" Keep an eye out fellow pilots! And if some of you have video capture of 'weird stuff going on", please post it on this thread.


It is always an on-going battle vs Hacks / Hackers in any game and we the players (Again, at least me) have our eyes out for stuff like that. Keep fighting the good fight!


Always hard to tell if its a hack or just good piloting. That is why i keep judgement to myself and that i want to keep flying against those that get my attention before i cry fowl.


I thought i was clear enough. I guess not.

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2nd, this part is for BW developers:





if i can use Google to find those, i hope you dudes/dudettes know it also.


And other stuff i have observed. I do not have a video capture on my computer (i wish i had 1, not tech-savvy enough) so i cannot prove anything. These are just my personal observations. If any of you have observed any of these or anything else "weird" going on, this is the thread to mention it.


So, in conclusion, i hope BW does not stop fighting the good fight against hacking in SWTOR.


PPS: I DO NOT encourage the use of ANY hacks and condone ANYBODY who does use them. If you do, YOU SUCK


I do not want to know the names of the pilots. Let BW take care of that.


This is what i mean. Weird stuff going on that makes you go "Huh!?!" Keep an eye out fellow pilots! And if some of you have video capture of 'weird stuff going on", please post it on this thread.


It is always an on-going battle vs Hacks / Hackers in any game and we the players (Again, at least me) have our eyes out for stuff like that. Keep fighting the good fight!


Always hard to tell if its a hack or just good piloting. That is why i keep judgement to myself and that i want to keep flying against those that get my attention before i cry fowl.


I thought i was clear enough. I guess not.


so a quick cursory search of my own yielded garbage results, even the self proclaimed "hack" videos I looked at could be explained (easily)


Unless you show actual video evidence of either A.) an actual hack in use (personally) or B.) someone doing things that are impossible (repeatedly) then im afraid I will not believe that anyone in GSF actually hacks. Without a detailed combat log it would be double difficult to confirm.


I have had disto field and evasion do things like block lots of shots, save my *** in situations where I should have been toasted. I have seen ships blow up well past the time I had stopped shooting. I have seen missile locks both completed with missile fire or lost either before or after they should have. I have seen people with ridiculously high accuracy, high stats, and low or no deaths.


I have seen people who only lag when boosting, maneuvering, or being fired at. I have seen people warp 20km across the map. I have seen rubber banding and watched ships disappear into thin air. People who I couldn't hit but could still hit me. What I have seen countless weird and off behaviors..... but I have yet to see a hacker.... not one single person on 1 server in all the matches I have played. I am either very lucky, or people are too proud or paranoid.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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As to intentionally lagging, I have NEVER and I mean NEVER seen any pilot use this and get any advantage despite being less reactive with the server on all fronts. In fact its highly annoying for both the pilot and everyone else in the game. Every "lagger" I have seen has suffered for it, and generally do very poorly in every game I see them.

I was once in Denon domination game where a enemy Minelayer at A was lagging from the very first moment to the last. He was doing constant "small hyperspace jumps" as someone else said it, so it was impossible to hit him with lasers or lock a missile on him (not even Cluster), but the "jumps" never took him away from the satellite to allow any/every one of us to flip it. He didn't have to care about aiming, he just kept dropping mines on regular basis and the AI handled the rest. I don't know if he was lagging intentionally or not, but it DEFINITELY gave him a huge advantage, as this way he practically could defend A alone indefinitely.

(We didn't have a bomber of our own to counter him, and we eventually abandoned all attempts on A and captured B instead, while holding C from the start).

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Such furious effort to deny any question about cheating in GSF are fun and silly.

In every game you can eventually find someone who will try to cheat. It may not be hack, more likely it will be some game bug. Why should be GSF community exception?

Moreover if someone would already made some hack (and I believe that GSF is fortunately without hacks yet) and was not complete troll, it would be hardly some type of clearly visible hack (e.g. wallhack). Using such hacks make no sense since everyone immediately see that you are cheating. Its good only for trolling.


Statement like "I have never seen any cheating in the game, so cheating does not exist" is most stupid of all. That you never seen something doesn´t mean it dont exist.


Even if majority of lags are unintended, they are very annoying for both sides and in some type of situation can give team with lagger small advantage. If lagger dont have top score it doesn´t mean that everything is OK.


So best solution if anyone report something suspicious is explain what probably happened instead fanatical reaction about saint GSF community where cheats can´t exist just because you think so.

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Such furious effort to deny any question about cheating in GSF are fun and silly.

In every game you can eventually find someone who will try to cheat. It may not be hack, more likely it will be some game bug. Why should be GSF community exception?

Moreover if someone would already made some hack (and I believe that GSF is fortunately without hacks yet) and was not complete troll, it would be hardly some type of clearly visible hack (e.g. wallhack). Using such hacks make no sense since everyone immediately see that you are cheating. Its good only for trolling.


Statement like "I have never seen any cheating in the game, so cheating does not exist" is most stupid of all. That you never seen something doesn´t mean it dont exist.


Even if majority of lags are unintended, they are very annoying for both sides and in some type of situation can give team with lagger small advantage. If lagger dont have top score it doesn´t mean that everything is OK.


So best solution if anyone report something suspicious is explain what probably happened instead fanatical reaction about saint GSF community where cheats can´t exist just because you think so.


so long as what happened is an intentional cheat eh? most likely right...... the healthiest thing would be to say: I saw this and it was weird. But what we get is : I saw this and it is most likely hacks. Truth be told you have no idea and cannot prove one way or the other if it is intentional or not.... so whats the damn point?


I prefer to believe based on what I have seen that:


A) there are no hack programs




B) lag intentional or not is not an advantage. I have never seen someone gain an advantage this way for their team or otherwise.


or you can prefer to put your skills on such a high pedestal that the only answer as to why you lose is because people cheat. I lose fair and square against better opponents, I refuse to use excuses like "well they were lagging so its not my fault"


I get outplayed and I try to do better plain and simple. Also try to read post's more fully, I said either I am extremely lucky or people are paranoid (in regards to seeing hackers). I also said "I" refuse to believe people use hacks, which only stands for my beliefs. Far from what your claiming I said (comprehension FTW or perhaps FTL in your case)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Even if majority of lags are unintended, they are very annoying for both sides and in some type of situation can give team with lagger small advantage. If lagger dont have top score it doesn´t mean that everything is OK.


Are you suggesting that it's better to have more false positives and potentially ban a bunch of players with bad connections who aren't hacking? I would hate to further lower the player base just because they lag.


To the op:

In regards to getting hit by a cluster volley and losing all shields and some hull. This could be attributed to BLC and some bugs in its animation. Often the sound doesn't register for it and a little less often the bolts visual doesn't display and they are invisible. The only way I know I fired them is I see the flytext when I hit people. This mean while the cluster missile was locking on you could have taken 2-3 shots of BLC (That could be 2-3k damage right before the cluster hits). In my experience, my BLC take them most of the way down and by the time my clusters lock I fire them just to secure the kill (Sometimes my clusters lock but they don't release because the enemy died to fast. I've wondered if the other player sees this as instant missile damage from hearing a lock then dying).


Other than some game bugs, unbalanced mechanics, and lag I have not seen any behavior that I would attribute to hacking.

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hey battle it joristins I moved to another server jc is dead and not going any were, but any way I always notice ships disappearing from the screen though I think my vido card was the issue but not sure... any way I play on jc as recopalatso and I notice some things...

1. first the battle scouts they do not have to target u if they have lasers and rocket pods... but I do notice that they can lock on to me at ridiculous angles and bam im dead.... with clusters now I now folks will say clusters have a bigger field to lock on to and I agree witch is why I have them on my strike and scouts but there not even facing me when the lock starts... I notice that a lot... now I get there great pilots out there and kronezed, martell and others know they frustrated me constantly there really good piliots but some of the locks I got from other scouts were ridicules if this is an exploit BW NEED TO FIX THAT.....

2. gunships (my bane) I hate to play them but some times I have no choice... any way ill be flying and 1 "tap" and no mater what my shields were ill be red in a fully upgraded strike to. and the ion canon will rip me apart not full charged now I am the one that will say fight fire with fire so I grab my gun ship with ion (all full with stopping recharge and I have slicer skill) ill tap that same Gs and slice him and to my eyes hell just BR off and burn to safety yet he "Taps) me and im space dust in 3 seconds... ug


BOMER MAN@@@@@!!!!! OH how I hate the over powered all mighty BOMER oh there just ridiculous (IF U HAVENT FIGURED IT OUT IM A strike fighter dude though I fly all) though I am liking the spear point lately. k first if u don't have a ship with armor ignore or a missile that will help u ignore it stay away from them!! or friends any way I haven't notice any thin unusual about them a good bomber pilot is real tough to kill (with charged plating there 2ice as hard..) but hey I guess 1 ship fending of 100ds of other is not unusual..........


now sabotage probe I have notice if I hit with it the ship acts like nothing happened except he will have less hp (100% hull damage) don't know if that a bug or a hack but need to be looked at..

other then that I changed to another server faster times better games and man oh man the sill of the pilots I play with now makes our server look sad I don't know if they think of me of as an ace any more.... but ill keep playin cause I love gsf :) later man see u out there

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Ive been playing starfigher for a long time. And have noticed the odd "weirdness" but it could be down to lag or some server issue.


Although last week I pop on a Deathmatch against an obvious premade (opposition had about 6 ships from the fleet rather than the usual 3, etc...) We'll looked like we were in for a rough time....


However, after things going from bad to worse, despite me killing three the scores were 4 to 30 to them.... but then when I had a scout almost about to die, I had missile locked on and fired, he barrelled rolled into a asteroid... Oh well... at least it will count to the score....


But no... it was still 4 to now...34... so his suicide didnt count... I thought a suicide in DM counts as a point??


I saw it happen again 4 more times.... the match ended 8 to 50...me with 4 another with 3 and another with 1. everything else nothing... but the opposition didnt have 50 kills and looks like none of their suicides counted as a point against them... I scrolled through the chat and saw around 15 suicides from them..


To be fair I only saw this the once in tons of DM but was very peed off.


Anyone else seen this?

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hey battle it joristins I moved to another server jc is dead and not going any were, but any way I always notice ships disappearing from the screen though I think my vido card was the issue but not sure... any way I play on jc as recopalatso and I notice some things...


now sabotage probe I have notice if I hit with it the ship acts like nothing happened except he will have less hp (100% hull damage) don't know if that a bug or a hack but need to be looked at..

other then that I changed to another server faster times better games and man oh man the sill of the pilots I play with now makes our server look sad I don't know if they think of me of as an ace any more.... but ill keep playin cause I love gsf :) later man see u out there


There is something funky going on with sabotage probe, i will use retros with my strike and still get hit by it. And i have seen my targets getting hit by it and no effect. But i do not think its any hacks, maybe its the almighty server lag or latency, maybe its bad coding, who knows... (only the devs know)


I still play on JC and recently started a toon on TEH for strike night (Pub side with the same name). Still in the process of mastering it. I did 2 strike nights so far and without a mastered strike it can get really nasty :D

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Ive been playing starfigher for a long time. And have noticed the odd "weirdness" but it could be down to lag or some server issue.


Although last week I pop on a Deathmatch against an obvious premade (opposition had about 6 ships from the fleet rather than the usual 3, etc...) We'll looked like we were in for a rough time....


However, after things going from bad to worse, despite me killing three the scores were 4 to 30 to them.... but then when I had a scout almost about to die, I had missile locked on and fired, he barrelled rolled into a asteroid... Oh well... at least it will count to the score....


But no... it was still 4 to now...34... so his suicide didnt count... I thought a suicide in DM counts as a point??


I saw it happen again 4 more times.... the match ended 8 to 50...me with 4 another with 3 and another with 1. everything else nothing... but the opposition didnt have 50 kills and looks like none of their suicides counted as a point against them... I scrolled through the chat and saw around 15 suicides from them..


To be fair I only saw this the once in tons of DM but was very peed off.


Anyone else seen this?


Never saw this before, but i will add it to my list of things to watch out for.

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Ok, that's new. I have never seen a death not increment the score in either mode.


This one should be easy to spot, at least- a youtube/stream would show it for sure, etc.

Edited by Verain
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There is something funky going on with sabotage probe, i will use retros with my strike and still get hit by it. And i have seen my targets getting hit by it and no effect. But i do not think its any hacks, maybe its the almighty server lag or latency, maybe its bad coding, who knows... (only the devs know)


Sabo probe is very fast. It is far faster than any other missile in the game. Fast enough that baseline human reaction time (IIRC ~2-300ms) is a significant factor and it's easy to think you pressed it in time when you really didn't.

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Are you suggesting that it's better to have more false positives and potentially ban a bunch of players with bad connections who aren't hacking? I would hate to further lower the player base just because they lag.

That´s most probably your suggestion, not mine. I did not even mention ban for that or hack causing lag. You don´t need any hack to lag :cool:

It´s normal for FPS games to have some limits for lag. Kick from match would be little too much harsh for GSF since you can´t jump back to match. Maybe put lagging (too much high or too much long lag) player back to dock and let him wait 15 sec could be enough. There pilot can calm down and try to solve lag (turn off any down/uploading).

Of course such mechanic would be abused to escape certain death, but player will be out of match for a moment anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have noticed some weird things in GSF on JC as well. To be more precise, one specific pilot. I will not name them, though my guild has taken a stance and has begun leaving the match if we see him. I am ok with dieing, it's part of the game, but I am not ok with being 2-shot by a scout ship in a maxed out Warcarrier. 90k damage from a scout ship (60k more than anyone else in the match) is a Domination match is obscene, and in my opinion, a blatant example of an unfair advantage. I have worked and reworked my own scout ship to try to replicate the result. No dice.
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I have noticed some weird things in GSF on JC as well. To be more precise, one specific pilot. I will not name them, though my guild has taken a stance and has begun leaving the match if we see him. I am ok with dieing, it's part of the game, but I am not ok with being 2-shot by a scout ship in a maxed out Warcarrier. 90k damage from a scout ship (60k more than anyone else in the match) is a Domination match is obscene, and in my opinion, a blatant example of an unfair advantage. I have worked and reworked my own scout ship to try to replicate the result. No dice.


I do not know enough about scouts to explain this, maybe a more experienced scout pilot can try and explain? But even if anybody can, 90k in a domination match seems a bit excessive :eek:


Edit: Did it happen in more than 1 match? If it happened only once, that is 1 lucky pilot (The RNG gods were with him that match), but if it happens on a regular basis, that would get my attention.

Edited by BattleDress
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I do not know enough about scouts to explain this, maybe a more experienced scout pilot can try and explain? But even if anybody can, 90k in a domination match seems a bit excessive :eek:


Edit: Did it happen in more than 1 match? If it happened only once, that is 1 lucky pilot (The RNG gods were with him that match), but if it happens on a regular basis, that would get my attention.


This happens EVERY TIME when I play with this person... it is not only damage, but this person will get to targets way to fast and seems to be immune to debuffs, IE using abilities right after being hit by an EMP missile.

I do have the screen shots to show this huge gap in damage this person causes with their scout ship... this person does way to much damage for a scout ship. But like the rest of the people I don't know what to do so I will no longer play when I see this person in the group.

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