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Every Companion - Make them a legacy unlock


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We need more companion options like Treek which can be unlocked for all your characters.


Except, it should apply to every current in game companion for every class.


Once you max a companions affection, complete their entre story, do all of their missions, you should be then able to unlock that companion for all your other characters to use.


This unlocked legacy companion would become like a "Treek" cosmetic companion that does not speak or interact in conversations, does not gain or loose affection in conversations, ect.

It even supports the whole legacy family idea, why not share companions in the family too.


I would be so happy if they did this. I would unlock Blizz, Scorpio, Guss, ect and use them for all of my characters :)

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Yes, I've asked for it as well before. The only restriction should be that you cannot unlock it on the same class.


But, on the other hand, companions make the class unique. I think the idea is to make the player to use what you've got, even if you don't like the crew. I know that I would not given the Knight's or the Warrior's crew a chance if I could have my very fav companion from another class simply by taking a look at their initial intros/descriptions. :)


Besides, the game has too many companions as is per class anyway, so you hardly get to enjoy your favs, and some classes have a really bad companion distribution that makes the companion management far too difficult.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Just imaging Skadge following a consular around... that make even less sense then a LS BH that's already saddled with him... disagree because all the comps have a reason they are with you. I seriously doubt Quinn & Talos would be hanging out with a pub toon, nor would Dorn or Jorgan a imp toon. Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Oh, I am sure Quinn will follow anyone who in his eyes looks a Grand and Fair Prince, and you can come up with a backstory that justifies them showing up cross-faction. They are silent after all, so you can come up with motivations solid enough. In some cases even the companions given to the PC make no sense, but I digress. :)
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Id settle for companion kits so you can change the skill set of a specific companion


Companions are specific to each class storyline so cant really go sharing them with other classes


Though blizz following all my characters does sound awesome!

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No thanks, I can do without this story/lore/immersion butchering idea.


if what I use as a companion to play my characters affects your story and immersion, then you must go crazy every time you see a heavy trooper in a slave outfit riding a Tauntaun right on the fleet ship chasing a Bantha. How did your immersion handle it seeing hundreds of duplicate Treeks on the fleet at the same time?? Let me guess you didnt use Treek! Well. then you dont need to use legacy unlock companions either, its optional. You can ignore it like im sure your ignoring almost everything you see on the fleet anyways lol.


Its pretty clear Bioware threw immersion out the window and doesnt care anymore. Adding Treek allowing players to bypass companion interaction, and plus Bioware already has created many immersion breaking silly companion combos anyways, like a Sith and Jedi Knight being bestest friends and travel buddies, or no matter how many times I get negative affection from Mako murdering people, she never leaves my dark BH. There is plenty of dumb things already. Then there is the immersion breaking species thing, that you can create a Sith or Chiss Republic side class like Jedi Knight. The list goes on.


and like I said, you can only do this after you have completed every companion mission and you are done with them and they become just cosmetic. Pretty much any storyline is possible after that since Bioware never plans to continue the companion stories, why cant we create our own continuing stories?? Maybe Malavai Quinn is sent deep undercover as a double agent to the republic side, who knows!

Edited by Gammawaves
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This is what I see coming out of this idea:

*make sure you have Andronikos, Scorpio, T7, and Risha on one character, send all 4 out on slicing missions for their crit bonuses in slicing, repeat for any other characters that have slicing

*do the same with Xalek, Iresso, and M1 for scavenging crits

*do the same with Broonmark, Torian, and Akavi for bioanalysis crits

*do the same with Vector, Nadia, and Aric for diplomacy crits

*do the same with Andronikos, Kaliyo, Zenith, and Tanno for underworld trading crits

*do the same with Vette, Skadge, and Kira for treasure hunting crits

*do the same with Jaesa, Kira, and the opposite faction's ship droid (buy the sensor for both ship droids) to get 4 synthweaving crit bonuses on one character

*do the same with Blizz, Iresso, Corso, and the opposite faction's ship droid (buy the sensor for both ship droids) to get 5 armstech crit bonuses on one character

* same for any crit bonuses I didn't mention


What else are you going to do with the potential to have 40 class companions + 2 ship droids + HK and Treek on every character but with them most likely keeping the same old cap of only being able to deploy up to 5 on missions at the same time?

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This is what I see coming out of this idea:

*make sure you have Andronikos, Scorpio, T7, and Risha on one character, send all 4 out on slicing missions for their crit bonuses in slicing, repeat for any other characters that have slicing

*do the same with Xalek, Iresso, and M1 for scavenging crits

*do the same with Broonmark, Torian, and Akavi for bioanalysis crits

*do the same with Vector, Nadia, and Aric for diplomacy crits

*do the same with Andronikos, Kaliyo, Zenith, and Tanno for underworld trading crits

*do the same with Vette, Skadge, and Kira for treasure hunting crits

*do the same with Jaesa, Kira, and the opposite faction's ship droid (buy the sensor for both ship droids) to get 4 synthweaving crit bonuses on one character

*do the same with Blizz, Iresso, Corso, and the opposite faction's ship droid (buy the sensor for both ship droids) to get 5 armstech crit bonuses on one character

* same for any crit bonuses I didn't mention


What else are you going to do with the potential to have 40 class companions + 2 ship droids + HK and Treek on every character but with them most likely keeping the same old cap of only being able to deploy up to 5 on missions at the same time?


the solution to that is simple.

When you unlock and use a companion on a different character, they loose whatever bonus they originally had and all they get is the basic "Treek" bonus, whatever she gets, because this is purely for cosmetic reasons.


I wouldnt care, this is all about customization and getting to use the whatever cosmetic companion I would like to use. There are some companions I really dont like. For example if I want a healer with my bounty hunter, im stuck with Mako or Treek. I want neither. I want Gus!

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I don't know that it was something that needs to be "solved". I thought it was the most (or only) useful sounding aspect of the idea, actually.


Realistically though I think we'd be more likely to see more new novelty companions released Treek style with (expensive but account unlockable) mercenary contracts to recruit them. And maybe some of these companions could be modeled after a few popular class companions without being the same person. We've got a crazy murder droid and we've got a quirky fuzzball. Maybe it's time for something a little less outrageous.


Although... Actually, they could start with the GSF crew. Assign some appropriate roles to each of them (nothing fancy like Treek's heal/tank combo, just regular dps, tank/dps, and heal/dps options) and make some mercenary contracts for them. (They'd probably be faction specific though. No mixing up the two sides.)

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When was Treek released? A year or so ago now? Its pretty clear that making new cosmetic companions isnt a high priority for Bioware. Who knows if they even have any plans to release another one.


So the next best thing is for Bioware to use existing artwork and already made companions instead of making new graphics. Imagine the money Bioware can make charging cartel coins to unlock existing already made companions lol. I am surprised they havnt jumped on this already.

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Risha is awesome for her battle-time wit, some of her one-liners are so awesome. I'd unlock her on some of my non-Smuggler characters so I'd have a fun DPS-companion alternative. That voice is fantastic after all !
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do the same with Andronikos, Kaliyo, Zenith, and Tanno for underworld trading crits


I'll just have Zenith on my every character, and completely waste his Mission Awesomeness. The only reason he is not in the party is that another toon is taking a 1000 kills stroll :)


TBH, in terms of the game mechanics, I would love to have an ability to purchase a healer stance for each non-healer companion.

Edited by DomiSotto
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