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vault 305 Balmorra help!


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Ok has anyone else had trouble with the brood mother in here? Currently lvl 19. It seems she just beats the living crap out of khem val. I try to electrocute and then channel force for an 8 second stun to try and prevent her from calling her babies but can't seem to get it down I get her to about 1/4 before I die and khem usually gets smashed before she's at 1/2. Also whenever I die the stupid babies don't despawn leaving me with about 6 of them for me to fight on the next attempt, depending On how many I killed before I die. Gunna try again when I'm 20 just aggrevating as crap. Wanna leave this crap hole planet already >.<
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Heya, I think you are rushing through class quests ignoring side quests flash points and hero quests.


I did this at lvl 24 - I left Ballmora at lvl 26 fully cleared of all quests. And it was still problematic, the boss will freeze your pet at a point, so you are left alone, with adds and boss. We don't have any aoe skills until lvl 26, so is a bit tedious to kill all adds without taking much dmg.

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OK, I had the same issue. But I thought a litte on it and I figured it out.

1) make sure your companion is on passive

2) use you ranged Pull to make the boss come to you from the top of the stairs.

3) run back into the hall and once the boss gets to you hit your companions attack button.

4) DPS like mad and make sure your force healing is on.

5) AOE the first wave of adds.

6) the other waves will not aggro on you because your in the hall.

7) Boss drops and then you have to just fight the adds he spawned.

Took me a couple of tries but I got this one done at level 21.:cool:

Edited by Wytchfyre
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A few assassin's in my guild were having problems with this too. I myself had no problems at level 20 with it. Make sure Khem val's armor/weapon is up to date, do not neglect your companions and never give them gear. Untill he spawns adds it's a simple let khem tank and you just melt the boss type fight. when adds spawn continue to let khem tank then you run around and kill the adds. You should be able to kill them in 1 thrash, if not use a saber strike to finish them. At this point use mind control to take threat from khem and let him regain some hp from the 20 min cooldown we have (Sorry forget the name). From then just continue to dps and repeat. Use stun as necessary.
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theres a thread about this in general inquis


apparently assassins are having trouble since we have a hard time keeping khem up. best bet i did was to hit taunt everytime it was up (dark charge stance) with discharge and overload up everytime the little guys were there


im a chemist so i was able to use the packs that heal both of us and popped the 400armor pack too


you get deflection later, not sure of level, but im pretty sure that will help a lot

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My greatest tip for you: Dumpp Khem Val. He is absolute trash. I honestly think he's meant for sorcs, who can't take a hit and can Rdps and heal him.


Get an Endurance stim(more hp is good), and a medkit(you only need one, the fight wont last long enough for you to use a second).


Use your spaceship droid as a companion, he'll heal you(heals = good yes?).


Use dark charge. Trust me, the added defense is FAR better than the damage the electric dot can output.


Preparations complete. Now you just need to work out a tactic:


Open up with electrocute. 3 seconds to beat him down without being hurt. You want to use crushing darkness and shock on CD with thrash as your filler(and obv. saber strike when you're running on no force). Save discharge and the ground pound(forgot the name) for the minions she'll summon as they're your only two AoE attacks. They probably wont die from the combo but they'll lose a good chunk of hp.


Take out the minions with saber strike(conserve force for the Queen) because the more targets hitting you, the quicker you're taking damage, the faster you're dying.

A good time to use your medkit is somewhere around 60% hp (this'll vary depending on how good of a medkit you brought with you. i recommend getting a blue-named one off the global trade, not too expensive).


Also use recklessness + (2x)force lightning asap in the fight to get in some quick damage(i'd recommend using it after the first crushing darkness you cast. throw in a thrash/saber slash between the 2 FLs to allow for cd/ force buildup.


It's a lot to take in, and I'd only recommend trying that if you're dead set on doing it at that level. Otherwise, I'd say level up some more

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Cool, thanks for the advice everyone. I don't know about waiting to 24 seems a little unnecessary considering balmorra is lvl 17-20. but i took every ones advice and finally killed her. Decided to Pull out the droid for the extra heals then went and respeced from Deception to Madness with death field at lvl 20 it made it a lot easier. Just ran in and drug her out of range so i wouldn't get the little guys to aggro me. popped recklessness and unloaded then electrocute so i could unload some more. popped channel the force so i could get another electrocute down and used death field every time i could and saber strike whenever i was out of force she almost got me but not this time.
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Had 7 wipes on this at lv18, using medpacs, stim, and Channel the Force. Finally got a fellow assassin to help and one-shot it.


I was not using Dark Charge, but I realize now I should have. I got her as low as 500hp twice and I think those could have been kills if I had used dark charge.

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I did this quest at lvl 21 with only a little trouble. I just made sure to kill the adds as soon as he spawned them. You can overload them and then one shot them before they get back up. Other than that, make sure you are gearing Khem Val and that he has his defensive stance turned on. Khem almost tanked the boss the whole fight. He died right before I finished the boss off. If this don't work, maybe try coming back in a couple of levels.
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Th general way to do this seems to be to kite the boss down the hall to the exploding canister, stand on the canister,and when the adds come, blown it up. I have yet to try doing it this way but I was also experiencing major problems with it. Also, make sure that if you are a deception assassin you are dumping lightning charge for surging charge asap!
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Cool, thanks for the advice everyone. I don't know about waiting to 24 seems a little unnecessary considering balmorra is lvl 17-20. but i took every ones advice and finally killed her. Decided to Pull out the droid for the extra heals then went and respeced from Deception to Madness with death field at lvl 20 it made it a lot easier. Just ran in and drug her out of range so i wouldn't get the little guys to aggro me. popped recklessness and unloaded then electrocute so i could unload some more. popped channel the force so i could get another electrocute down and used death field every time i could and saber strike whenever i was out of force she almost got me but not this time.


No is not. If you do all content on ballmora you leave at level 26. That means all quests and hero quests. Of course you can chose only to do class quest and skip everything else, but that way you will end up behind in levels, miss upgrades / money / companion affection / dark or light side points, a lot of lore etc. Am at level 28 now on Nar shadda and I barely did half of content there, I suppose I will be 31-32 by the time I complete it and head over to Tattoine. Of course you can head over to tattoine in you early 24 but I doubt that you will have an easy time there :>

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