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Theres room for one new species/class/role


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Id like to see a species be it a robot/cyborg/species with just one skill tree that can play healer or tank or dps or a mix and match of those 3 and at the beginning they can choose either rep or imp.


Ideally asking too much id like to see them be able to sway between the reps and imps depending if they are making light or darkside choices but this has been way missed on the train on the way through.

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Id like to see a species be it a robot/cyborg/species with just one skill tree that can play healer or tank or dps or a mix and match of those 3 and at the beginning they can choose either rep or imp.


Ideally asking too much id like to see them be able to sway between the reps and imps depending if they are making light or darkside choices but this has been way missed on the train on the way through.


I doubt that we will see this, as the devs intentionally set up the classes such that no single character can fill all three roles.

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I mean who wouldnt like to be the rebuilt HK-47 with an altered player chosen appearance with a storyline and class quest dedicated around following revans orders.


Class requires at least one cleared character and either Imp or Pub related flashpoint to be completed.


Honestly id like it, it might be better to just be dps for the sake of making the game easier. I really dont care about how much it costs, I feel bioware has been heavily skimping on the storyline content far too much.


It would do well to increase the lore of the game as well as play a role that players felt much more important than the typical class storylines. Im singing it OP, I approve of a droid class more than you can imagine.

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I mean who wouldnt like to be the rebuilt HK-47 with an altered player chosen appearance with a storyline and class quest dedicated around following revans orders.


Class requires at least one cleared character and either Imp or Pub related flashpoint to be completed.


It would have to be something really specific like that to tie class and race in together as the same thing and have their story built around that detail.


Anyway, wow. The start of this thread was a post which sounded really high and non-sensical (poorly thought out and poorly worded, at the very least), but somehow you just scraped something almost sensible out of the muck.


Still, we're unlikely to see any sort of new class added in anyway. They have stated how if they did it at all they would not settle for anything less fleshed out than the full 3 chapter story lines of the other 8 classes (they wouldn't want it feeling tacked on, they wouldn't want it to come across as an afterthought, it would have to be a complete 1-50 experience) but they just don't have the resources to develop that much content right now.


And then would we really see just a 9th class as a faction-neutral option and nothing else? You think they wouldn't want to create an entire 3rd faction with its own set of 4 complete classes. I mean, if they're going to do it at all wouldn't they want to really commit to it? (Same reason as what they gave for the idea of adding a new class. Make it worthy of standing alongside the existing content, not a short afterthought.)

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I think for this sake we cannot expect such great changes out of bioware this late into development as well as the declining popularity.


I would have a new origin world, a droid planet of some kind. Through the end of the quest you get to decide which faction you ally yourself with. After that point you're restricted to faction specific worlds for leveling and missions just like normal.


The biggest pain in the *** is just voicing an entire class storyline. The rest I think could be done relatively easily, compared to other game content that is.


But it really would be nice to see Revan in more depth, potentially confrontation with the Exile during a quest chain/etc. There is a lot of tie ins that bioware could work with easily that could blow some players minds. HK-47 has been one of the most popular things to come from Kotor, and it has a lot of potential in that. An HK Unit rebuilt after the sith flashpoint has the ability to look and act entirely differently up to the players discretion.


Other difficulties among the many include armor refitting. Most likely armor would have to be removed from appearance in general, or there would have to be a robotic customization system that makes the body work well with current armor models.


A lot of things are in the way here, but I honestly couldnt care less. Id play an HK storyline anyday to get more content from kotor I and II in this game.

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And then would we really see just a 9th class as a faction-neutral option and nothing else? You think they wouldn't want to create an entire 3rd faction with its own set of 4 complete classes. I mean, if they're going to do it at all wouldn't they want to really commit to it? (Same reason as what they gave for the idea of adding a new class. Make it worthy of standing alongside the existing content, not a short afterthought.)


Yep, and even if they didn't make a 3rd Allegiance with it's own set of 4 Complete Classes. If they were to add 1 new Class they would have to actually add 2 New Classes, one for the Empire and 1 for the Republic. Both would have to be unique in their Story between each other and the already present current 8 Classes.


Which is pretty much why we are unlikely to get an Imperial Trooper or Republic SIS Agent, as their Story and to an extent, their background, would have to be unique between each other and the already present Republic Trooper & Imperial Agent. I mean, a potential Storyline for the Imperial Trooper would essentially be Chapter 1 (New Hire/Grunt/Boot Camp) - Chapter 2 (graduated Boot Camp and is part of a team doing Missions for a Sith Lord) - Chapter 3 (Joins the Elite Imperial Squad doing Missions for the greater Empire). Essentially be what the Republic Trooper had done prior to joining the Havoc Squad and the Player taking control of the Republic Trooper.


I personally, would love to go through such a Story as I would enjoy seeing such an experience for a Imperial Trooper. And IF they were to create a Republic SIS Agent, then they will DEFINITELY have to utilize the recently added to the game Theron Shan and have him given a more prominent role beyond the Korriban/Tython Lv 55 Flashpoints (Republic Side)

Edited by Altyrell
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Always room for new advanced classes.


It would be interesting to see what they could come up with for some new advanced classes. One would assume that the new options would have to be balanced against what's already there. So for example we've got Juggernaut which can be a tank and we've got Marauder which can only be damage, so what's missing is an option that can be a healer. What sort of Warrior would that be though? How would their abilities work and how similar or different would they end up being from the current healers?


I'm guessing they'd do it in a way that keeps the new Warrior up close and involved in the fighting instead of hanging back. They might build up charges of some sort with each attack kind of like the Mercenary and Marauder (the 30 charges that they build up to consume all at once to activate an ability) but then consuming the charges one by one (or a few at a time, just so long as it isn't blowing the whole stack on just one thing) kind of like how the Agent uses their Tactical Advantage charges for special heals and special attacks... And I mean having this in addition to using rage as a resource. So you'd have to get in some rage builders first so you can use the special abilities that get you your healer charges, and then you can toss some heals around (probably just with ranged abilities that they can cast instead of trying to work a melee theme into it.)


And fill in the rest as well. Tank option for the Agent? Damage only options for the Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter? (Bonus question: Stealth (proper stealth like the Operative and Assassin, not short bursts like the Marauder) on the new Warrior and Bounty Hunter?) I suppose any of those could be a lot more straightforward to imagine than the Warrior healer though. The biggest question is probably if the new Agent and Bounty Hunter should use tech blades / tech staves instead of blasters.


And of course they'd all have their Republic mirrors.

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The question is more what we would like to see. If the story is good, we like to be a robot, but all we can come up with is a sniper 2.0 class then... I personally don't see the point. People are chewing through the endgame like rats (myself included) and adding something just to have a leveling storyline - well... not going to happen.


Come up with a class specific suggestion, some easy things you would need to include is:


1: Ranged or melee?

2: What kind of weapon and gear?

3: What will be the main stat?

4: How is it different from current classes?

5: What is the strong sides of the class, and what is it's weak points?


Detailed info is required, and I bet if the community can make a complete class with a lot of abilities pre-written and maybe even some concept art they would be convinced that the community wants it so bad they will end up making it. Stating that you want to be an HK unit and be given orders from Revan is not convincing enough to invest lots of time and money in it.


Possibly, you would want to change your looks. As a droid they would probably need to make some appearance changer slots (similar to companions). Anyway, come up with something specific about the class and hope for the ball to roll further by others with other qualifications, only way we will see another class.

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The question is more what we would like to see. If the story is good, we like to be a robot, but all we can come up with is a sniper 2.0 class then... I personally don't see the point. People are chewing through the endgame like rats (myself included) and adding something just to have a leveling storyline - well... not going to happen.


Come up with a class specific suggestion, some easy things you would need to include is:


1: Ranged or melee?

2: What kind of weapon and gear?

3: What will be the main stat?

4: How is it different from current classes?

5: What is the strong sides of the class, and what is it's weak points?


Detailed info is required, and I bet if the community can make a complete class with a lot of abilities pre-written and maybe even some concept art they would be convinced that the community wants it so bad they will end up making it. Stating that you want to be an HK unit and be given orders from Revan is not convincing enough to invest lots of time and money in it.


Possibly, you would want to change your looks. As a droid they would probably need to make some appearance changer slots (similar to companions). Anyway, come up with something specific about the class and hope for the ball to roll further by others with other qualifications, only way we will see another class.


Ill attempt to answer some questions.


(1) Half-Half DPS/Melee would be an interesting class choice.

(2) Weapon would either be Vibroblade or Blaster Rifle

(3) mainstat is either Aim or Strength

(4) Functions as a hybrid/redmage style class between range consistant dps or melee burst dps

(5) Strength would be on fulfilling specific FP and Operations goals. Such as being able to CC both a droid and a human or two creatures, or being able to adapt to fulfill the puzzle based option quicker. In a way a utility based class that is strictly built as a support. For PvP DPS should be something like 2/3rd damage for both ranged and melee, but hotswappable modes at the button press (similar to how smugglers/agents have a cover-toolbar) to allow them to switch to melee combat or ranged combat.



Honestly I could have done better at answering these questions. Let's face it, something like this will never happen. I personally think Swtor as a game succeeds in its leveling content rather than its endgame content. As a result I would like to see the class storyline capitalized on more so than endgame pvp/pve content at the moment simply because I think its Swtors best element for an mmo. There's always a difference in opinion though! I just happen to enjoy leveling alts more than endgame PvE and PvP content, heck the reason I developed such a strong love for SW was simply due to Kotor I and II and I always crave more content related to that.


Thats about it for me, It's incredibly easy to counter my points and find flaws in the system. It's just something I would enjoy seeing, nothing else. I know its almost quite impossible, but that's what the suggestion box is for. Something for bioware to unexpectedly surprise us with every now and then.

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The last thing I want to see is a new class to level. I would much rather see that development time go to new story lines for existing classes.


I mean that's fine too. Honestly my biggest complaint is just the lack of content after 50 regarding class story.


I either would like a new class story to play or proper extensions to the class storyline. Imho, I actually think it would be easier to just make a new class and re-use a very large amount of the already existing content/planets than to make like three new planets to continue the class storyline (assuming leveling from 55-60)

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The question is more what we would like to see. If the story is good, we like to be a robot, but all we can come up with is a sniper 2.0 class then... I personally don't see the point. People are chewing through the endgame like rats (myself included) and adding something just to have a leveling storyline - well... not going to happen.


Come up with a class specific suggestion, some easy things you would need to include is:


1: Ranged or melee?

2: What kind of weapon and gear?

3: What will be the main stat?

4: How is it different from current classes?

5: What is the strong sides of the class, and what is it's weak points?


Detailed info is required, and I bet if the community can make a complete class with a lot of abilities pre-written and maybe even some concept art they would be convinced that the community wants it so bad they will end up making it. Stating that you want to be an HK unit and be given orders from Revan is not convincing enough to invest lots of time and money in it.


Possibly, you would want to change your looks. As a droid they would probably need to make some appearance changer slots (similar to companions). Anyway, come up with something specific about the class and hope for the ball to roll further by others with other qualifications, only way we will see another class.


Playing a Robot in a fully voiced MMO I wouldnt try it.


How can a Robot be a hero in star wars, usually its a companion?

How can a Robot be able to be as efficient as a Humanoid Hero?

How can a Robot/Droid use clothes and enter PVP matches, PVE heroics, Flashpoints?


If you can answer this questions then I think yours are relevant.

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Playing a Robot in a fully voiced MMO I wouldnt try it.


How can a Robot be a hero in star wars, usually its a companion?

How can a Robot be able to be as efficient as a Humanoid Hero?

How can a Robot/Droid use clothes and enter PVP matches, PVE heroics, Flashpoints?


If you can answer this questions then I think yours are relevant.


I'm terrible at this so forgive my poor quality in answers, but ill give it a shot.


(1) I feel as though star wars brings the concept of droids to a new level. You have droids such as TM-34 and R2-D2 that experience radical changes in personality and gained sentience from never having their memory cores wiped. In my opinion, star wars has always set up the stage for a droid character to be a main character of some book, game, or animation. IG-88 for example has quite the decent amount of content written about him even though he (he right?) is a droid. I personally think that a droid character could bring a very new and fresh perspective to gameplay. There would be a hefty amount of racism (does this apply to droids?) and insane requests when encountering characters, but really is that any different. If you look at all the classes, no matter how ****** we play our characters, we are simply servants to our companions/npcs guiding us along a prewritten path as we obey their orders. In a way, we are already playing characters that are robots, with the restrictive focus of this game it would not be too different to have an actual droid as the main character (Hero).


(2) I believe that in the star wars universe, a droid that has achieved a level of sentience is essentially regarded the same in capabilities as a person is, the only restriction being is locks on their programming to prevent them from being given the same rights. Look at TM-34, he went around the galaxy doing tons of stuff between all the kotor games and extended content, a lot of this action was independent on his own will. Regarding efficiency in particular, there would be quite a few flavor jokes into the game where options would state "Statement: Foolish meatbags and their care for others blinds them to the truth of how to solve this problem correctly. Query: Why must we save the people trapped in the reactor core when we can just flush it immediately to solve the problem quickly?" I know I could have done a lot better than that, but the efficiency joke would certainly be something worth playing on.


(3) This I do have a hard time defending. If we want a true "droid" appearance, we're going to have a very rough time getting gear and equipment to just work... Appearance wise and integration wise. One such solution for stims would be to add a mention that the stim is filled with nanomachines to enhance performance to a specific stat in both organics and artificial beings. The issue about armor can be resolved in a few ways...

  1. Have the droids be designed based off the current human body-type, just with droid skin textures. This allows them to wear clothing/etc normally with no issues regarding clipping (least fun)
  2. Armor can be equiped normally, but a seperate set of armor tabs (appearance type) could be used to modify appearance of droid armor
  3. Customization stations could be allowed for droids with a small credit fee per design change.


I know this borderlines appearance tab requests that are already in the game, and i apologize that i utilized that for my answer, just trying to think of how things could work.


Once again Im terrible at this, it's all highly impractical and close to 0.0000001% improbable. It still does not change the fact that id absolutely go nuts over how much id love it.

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I'm strongly opposed to any new classes/roles until after we get new class content for the ones we have and a commitment to returning to that story model rather than pretending that wasn't what we were promised.


The downside is that class content has actually already been expanded upon.


A lot of the classes now have canon deaths in the timeline :(

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