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I took about a month break near the start of the year, and played another F2P game for a while. I eventually got bored with that, and came back. If you're bored whilst waiting for housing, try something new. It's not even like it's that long of a wait. Or even unsub for a while. But just because you pay a sub doesn't mean they need to cater to your every whim, sorry. They are adding content, and if it's not content you want - well it happens. Edited by horrorfaneightys
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Well TOR is sinking OP. Loss of subs, devs focusing all their attention to the cash shop to gouge the remaining playerbase, thus lack of focus on developing content on a regular basis. The future of this MMO is VERY grim.


funny, because they diverted most resources to work on 2 MAJOR EXPANSIONS, so yeah, your comment is incorrect and/or ill-informed.


and in 2.8 you can purchase crafting materials for warzone commendations to give pvpers an alternative from buying packs to get crafting materials. So they put pvpers ahead of potential cm profits. How does it feel?

Edited by Sangrar
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Well TOR is sinking OP. Loss of subs, devs focusing all their attention to the cash shop to gouge the remaining playerbase, thus lack of focus on developing content on a regular basis. The future of this MMO is VERY grim.


What sub loss? Come with numbers, now. Since you seem to know so well what's what? Do you actually HAVE something called a fact to back it up, or are you talking out of your neck, as usual? How DO you know where developers are focussing their attention? What's being gouged?


THIS is trolling. It's not criticising the game; it's hollow, unfounded, baseless rhetoric that seeks to damage the reputation of this game. You say absolutely NOTHING.

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Wow. um. I play swtor. And so being that there is a team of people that make and plan content for a living for this game it would only make since that they would be able to see in advance any "bored" times coming for their players and um....do something about it. I am a subscriber and do not pay my hard earned cash to be bored. I never said I don't go outside or that I was depressed and was near suicide....LOL. Bored does not = depressed and dying of sunlight deprivation.


There are limitations on how fast a company will put out new content. For some people, the pace will be more than fast enough, for some it will feel like its grinding on forever. This occurs even in single player games.


For example the Dragon Age or Mass Effect series. Each new iteration satisfies my need for entertainment for about a month. For other players, who replay them time and time again, the pacing is just fine. For me, I'd need something like 6 Dragon Age games and 6 Mass Effect games in a year if I were to only follow those two series.


Practically speaking, if you consume content more quickly than a single developer can produce it, you should go to multiple developers. In other words, play other games.



You also mention feeling that you need to get your money's worth for your sub. The nice thing about a sub model, is you can unsub in between content patches. Its a fairly widespread practice.



As a final note, businesses do not actually devote enormous time and resources to cater to outliers in their customer base.

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Well TOR is sinking OP. Loss of subs, devs focusing all their attention to the cash shop to gouge the remaining playerbase, thus lack of focus on developing content on a regular basis. The future of this MMO is VERY grim.


REPENT!! REPENT!!! THE END IS NIGH. BW please stop all development and save your jobs the game is about to end the prophet has returned and has spoken!!!



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REPENT!! REPENT!!! THE END IS NIGH. BW please stop all development and save your jobs the game is about to end the prophet has returned and has spoken!!!




this post oddly reminds me of 2012 all over again

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this post oddly reminds me of 2012 all over again


pretty sure the end has been foretold since release! He'll read a few more tea leaves one day realize math is hard and move the date again...rinse and repeat until shut down and he'll be right.

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pretty sure the end has been foretold since release! He'll read a few more tea leaves one day realize math is hard and move the date again...rinse and repeat until shut down and he'll be right.


I meant the year 2012 as in all those morons who believed the mayans ( an ancient people with no way possibly of knowing when the world would possibly end ) and thought the world was going to end

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I get you OP. This game severely lacks any sort of endgame content still, after more than 2 years being out. Most PvPers AND PvEers are looking toward Wildstar for residence, and some even went to ESO. heck, even Sir Copperfield quit TOR and went to ESO. Ranked 8s removed from PvP and replaced with the controversial Arenas, little Operations and difficult FPs for the hardcore PvEers while EAware pressures their remaining players to spend more money on the cash shop almost EVERY month. TOR's future sure is bleak.


eso, yeah, the game whose devs used trust clients which have made the game a bot and hacking paradise which also makes it difficult to track those which has gotten random people banned without notice, the bots are ruining the pvp, and a dreadful leveling process. My friend left this game for eso, you know what happened? he came back 4 days later and swore he would never touch that filth (his words) again. So yeah, I have a difficult time believing wildstar will kill anything considering how they said how perfect eso would be, I did not even come close to stating all the problems that thing was released wit hat launch, people have stated its the worst launch ever, including worse that swtors launch.

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Anecdotal evidence at its finest! i didn't even say that how many did leave for ESO, but the hype for that game wasn't all that much. Wildstar has way more hype surrounding it and by some it's sure to deliver. It's going to be the shelter for the hardcore/competitive communities.


ESO was just an example, but Wildstar is going to make a way bigger blow to SWTOR than ESO and probably even GW2 combined.


ahh, gw2, made for people who like to play the same maps over and over again...


but anyway, you mean

, the one that appears to have a goal of giving its playerbase epileptic seizures?


I got a headache watching this video as it is, and it hurts my eyes...

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I've been loyal since launch. and I agree with the OP i'm getting bored with swtor. For the last few weeks I have been telling my guild we need an Event. Not the monthly BH event. that gets really tedious but the Rakghoul or the Gree. There are a few of my friends that buy packs pretty consistently and we haven't even been interested in the last few. Over all they have been pretty bad IMO.


I log in and no one is running anything but 16 man sm cause you can get all the 180s you need from there.


And before you all pout at me. I planted a garden, painted miniatures, took up fruit carving, played through Lego Harry Potter, shampooed my floors and have been playing Landmark Beta.


But hey I want star wars to do something fun. I want to get my Lord of the Raklings title. I want to finish a few of my WB achievements in the Gree area. So yeah i'm bored with SWTOR not life.


I'll still log into raid but other than socializing with my friends and farming gear there is nothing engaging ATM. So i'll see ya'll in 2 weeks for early access to housing.

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I've been loyal since launch. and I agree with the OP i'm getting bored with swtor. For the last few weeks I have been telling my guild we need an Event. Not the monthly BH event. that gets really tedious but the Rakghoul or the Gree. There are a few of my friends that buy packs pretty consistently and we haven't even been interested in the last few. Over all they have been pretty bad IMO.


I log in and no one is running anything but 16 man sm cause you can get all the 180s you need from there.


And before you all pout at me. I planted a garden, painted miniatures, took up fruit carving, played through Lego Harry Potter, shampooed my floors and have been playing Landmark Beta.


But hey I want star wars to do something fun. I want to get my Lord of the Raklings title. I want to finish a few of my WB achievements in the Gree area. So yeah i'm bored with SWTOR not life.


I'll still log into raid but other than socializing with my friends and farming gear there is nothing engaging ATM. So i'll see ya'll in 2 weeks for early access to housing.


There's an event coming on june 10th... I know it's not the event you want and might not even be one you like, but it's an event nonetheless.

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There's an event coming on june 10th... I know it's not the event you want and might not even be one you like, but it's an event nonetheless.


An event which will promote gambling in Nar Shaddaa for two months only... Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, with one casino for each faction...


And we'll have gambling there for two months this year it would seem; The irony. :o

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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An event which will promote gambling in Nar Shaddaa for two months only... Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, with one casino for each faction...


And we'll have gambling there for two months this year it would seem; The irony. :o


oh the gambling event will last less than life day one did (becasue at least with life day, snowballs still work to make your tanks and the boss they are about to attack - faaabulous :p ) unless they add something more to do to it. (I have tried it on PTS, and the only people that I know of that wouldn't be done with it after few hours, are people trying for the rancor mount and even for those people it will only take a few hours more)


that said... here's verbatim quote from developers on upcoming summer events.


Hi again everyone!


I’m here to provide an updated look at the upcoming Summer of SWTOR in light of our recent Galactic Strongholds announcements. The biggest changes to our Summer plans outside of Galactic Strongholds are Game Update 2.8. Here’s a look at the next four months including that update (and not including the May 4th, May 11th, and July 15th rewards deadlines already mentioned in Galactic Strongholds letter):


Game Update 2.8: on June 10th

  • Nar Shaddaa Casino. For the first time, players are invited to the casinos on Nar Shaddaa to try their luck on the slot machines. Credits can be used to purchase tokens, which in turn can be used on slot machines. Lucky winners will receive certificates that can be traded in for unique rewards that will only be distributed during the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event. This event will run from June 10th to August 19th.
  • Double Fleet Requisition, Warzone Comms, and Credits from PvP matches. For three weeks at a time, events will run that yield increased rewards for participating players. Galactic Starfigher will grant players double the Fleet Requisition and double the credit rewards they would normally get. Warzones will similarly give players double the standard Warzone Comms and double the credit rewards. The increased rewards only apply to the rewards on the scorecard at the end of matches, not the rewards you get from daily/weekly missions. The Starfighter event will run from 2.8 – 2.8.1. The Warzone event will be active from 2.8.1 – 2.8.2.
  • Groupfinder Operations Overhaul. Story Mode Operations will be more accessible to endgame players (levels 50 – 55). The Operations section in the GroupFinder window will list available Operations on a pre-determined schedule, rotating in different Operations every few days. Players who meet the level requirement of the Operation will be Bolstered, removing the requirement for endgame gear. Rewards have also been improved, making this a great opportunity for players to earn Ultimate Commendations and experience new content. These operations will also be for 16-man mode to ensure faster queue times (both 8 and 16 man need 2 tanks and that is typically the gating factor). 16-man is also more forgiving to mistakes and should increase the chances of a successful group.
  • Nightmare Mode Dread Palace. Face the ultimate challenge, the Dread Masters in their palace with new Nightmare Mode mechanics and difficulty.
  • Nightmare Dread Fortress update. The NM Fortress difficulty buff will be removed. All of the new NM Fortress mechanics are still in place but it should now be more accessible to larger groups. Fair warning: the unique title for defeating Nightmare Fortress with the buff present will never again be available to those who don’t unlock it prior to this game update.
  • Two New Starfighter Variants will be available to pilots on both sides of the conflict. The Skirmisher Gunship fills a sniper role and brings dogfighting capabilities to the table, while the Assault Bomber is a heavy fighter that focuses on either mines or drones.
  • The usual host of additional features, including some graphics improvements and class balance changes.


Events! We will be running every one* of our major recurring events over the period between 2.8 and 2.9. Events include:

  • Double XP Weekend
  • Gree Event
  • Bounty Contract Week

*Except the Rakghoul Resurgence. Obviously, the Rakghoul plague was completely eliminated the last time, and the galaxy is absolutely safe from another outbreak. Right?


Game Update 2.9 is still on for August 19th with our expanded feature set for Galactic Strongholds Subscriber Early Access. The team is making great progress on Strongholds and we are very excited to share this with you. It’s worth noting that Game Update 2.9 will include the next exciting chapter in the Forged Alliances story arc, and we have a lot of folks working on something very big for later this year that I have yet to give details on.


May the Force be with you,


Bruce Maclean


raq event denial is part of the whole shtick, its how it was introduced the first time resurgence happened, so the only thing that's not coming back is Chevin event (though I do hope they change their minds, especially since there were some loose ends left for that particular story. even if they don't bring back original rewards)

so... that's something?


honestly - burnout happens. for some it takes longer than others, but burnout happens. and the thing about burnout is that the only way to fix it is taking a break. nothing wrong with that on any level. (especially since taking breaks in SWTOR is much easier than pure subscription MMO's, since you still have access while you are unsubbed, if the mood strikes you, but you are not sure how long the mood will last)

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I pay a subscription...so I somewhat have an issue with just going and playing something else when it gets boring.



also, customers that get in the habit of not playing your game are likely to decide that the other activity is the one that they want to pay for. customers that are actively engaged on a daily basis tend to stick around. which would you rather have?

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So, despite being bored you are going to pay for a subscription instead of cancelling until the game becomes not boring?




he is asking that the devs click on the gree event and start it. It is already programmed and in the game..just click the button. give people something to run around doing.

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ahh, gw2, made for people who like to play the same maps over and over again...


but anyway, you mean

, the one that appears to have a goal of giving its playerbase epileptic seizures?


I got a headache watching this video as it is, and it hurts my eyes...


Dear god, the light, it burns. :eek:


People can talk **** about TORs graphics all they like but the art style I saw in Wildstar is worse than some of the Saturday morning cartoons I watched when I was kid. Not to mention that I couldn't even tell what was going on between : Snare, Trap, Snare, Deflect, Taunt and the disco tiles on the floor and all the abilities going off at once.

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also, customers that get in the habit of not playing your game are likely to decide that the other activity is the one that they want to pay for. customers that are actively engaged on a daily basis tend to stick around. which would you rather have?


Well said!!!

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Waiting for Housing, but bored out of my mind....they should have done something in this timeframe to liven things up.
waiting for housing?


if youre bored, how does waiting for a new room to stand in going to fix anything.


housing couldn't be less boring, it's not even playable content.

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