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I know a lot of people want to try RANKED ARENAS and sometimes it's frustrating when you lose, but that does not mean to stop queuing. I was thinking that maybe a couple of days a week the server sets a specific time where all the guilds q for RANKED ARENAS. That way it won't be the same 2 or 3 teams that q. I was thinking Sunday and Monday at 9pm pst.


How many guilds or teams would be interested. If we can get anywhere from 8 + teams it would be great. That way the teams will face many teams not just one all night. I mean what do we really have to lose by trying. Let's sign up here or tell your friends about it.

Edited by sirullrich
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I'm down for some kickball Rankeds (or this version of it), as it seems several of my guildies unsubbed for Wildstar, so if we have some stragglers looking for a team I could help get one going. Obviously the team comps won't be #1swag or anything going this route, but it's all good. If need be, I have a 25+ Mumble anyone is welcome to use, with channels designated for Ranked teams. Hit me up on any of my toons.


Dioxxis (anyspecGS), Cyntronix (loldpsmando), Nutronix (DPS Vang).

Edited by Pistols
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It should be an every night thing for group ranked. Once Vossen, opfotms guild and a few others go to Wildstar who knows how it will be here. They are the only ones who usually queue. Most guilds rage quit after one match. it seems.
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It should be an every night thing for group ranked. Once Vossen, opfotms guild and a few others go to Wildstar who knows how it will be here. They are the only ones who usually queue. Most guilds rage quit after one match. it seems.


I know what you mean. Last night I was playing with vossen and 70% of the matches was against thunder from down under, but ROGUE TEAM SIX and BLUR/PWNFORCEONE both q'd. Blurs/pwnforceons team played about 5 matches and Rogue Team Six played about 4 matches. Both have lots of potential. Rogue Team Six players were a little undergeared, but did okay for being so undergeared. Who knows how they will be with gear. Blur/pwnforceone have gotten a lot better and there switches are much smoother. If we can get more teams to Q they won't be forced to play only VOSSEN or THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER.

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I enjoy playing with/against people from Vossen and Thunder..probably one of the few that do :p....but I would like to see the others that queue with good comps to stay in queue and learn. Losing sucks,but you can't get better if you rage after a few matches :D I've still never played against Blur yet :/
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Everyone sign up!!! SOLOW said he will play with only one hand. Thanks to COVENANT for grouping for ARENAS with me yesterday.

The few matches I got to do against you guys was fun. :) Tell them to keep at it they did great. Hope more guilds start to queue :D

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I enjoy playing with/against people from Vossen and Thunder..probably one of the few that do :p....but I would like to see the others that queue with good comps to stay in queue and learn. Losing sucks,but you can't get better if you rage after a few matches :D I've still never played against Blur yet :/


Pfft, I love going against So'low and the like.

Watching him in action's really helped my scoundrel.


I wasn't aware they were leaving for wildstar, that's.... Distressing.


I've never really been about guilds Q'ing for ranked, I preferred doing it with friends, IE grouping with one guildie, Stealthie and Xiev against a vossen team.


T'was fun, only ended up winning 1 out of 4 though :p


But I digress, I'll be open to RDPS, MDPS or Heal anything if someone's getting a group together.

Just ask for Cathinka in ranked chat, if I'm online I'll see it...

Edited by Selenial
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hey guys I wanted to hit 2k rating on my sentinel before leaving for WS, and would greatly appreciate it if ppl queued constantly into our super duper a-team with fatnerd on it constantly. He still hasn't ever lost on that toon, and we're expecting it to happen any day now, pls take his throne as #1 slinger. PLS.

We hate how happy he is, and would love it if you tunneled him with 3 DPS (no need for tanks, we'll afk and watch you kill him).


srsly though, Wildstar is out in like 8 days (or something like that idk), my birthday is tomorrow and we're all gonna party in WS so yoloooooo!

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hey guys I wanted to hit 2k rating on my sentinel before leaving for WS, and would greatly appreciate it if ppl queued constantly into our super duper a-team with fatnerd on it constantly. He still hasn't ever lost on that toon, and we're expecting it to happen any day now, pls take his throne as #1 slinger. PLS.

We hate how happy he is, and would love it if you tunneled him with 3 DPS (no need for tanks, we'll afk and watch you kill him).


srsly though, Wildstar is out in like 8 days (or something like that idk), my birthday is tomorrow and we're all gonna party in WS so yoloooooo!


Fatnerd is boss. :D

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