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Lnfinite Darkness (Pub Side) Recruiting


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I am pretty new to the server. I have spoken to a guy in ID a couple of times but not enough for a recommendation. I will be doing my dailies/weekly, on my Jugg and stacking comms on my guardian (53)... i will see if I can't get on the radar.


thanks... Indie

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ID welcomes several more familiar pvp faces from imp side, who have abandoned the dark side and embraced the lord of light.


Wait till I buy a better comp, my epic 1.7fps gameplay is too leet for you guys ;)

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I do 1m dps average!!!!! 3m HPS average!!!!


No but seriously, doesn't it make you guys mad that the majority of applicants have been completely failing to answer the question of average dps/hps in wz's?


No one gives a **** if you do 1m damage in a 20min match, but someone might care if you did 500k in a 5 min match.


Take my PVE geared shadow tank, I'm sure it will be goodies!

I can dps without hitting hard! Fluff damage for everyone!

http://oi60.tinypic.com/2mr8d4h.jpg (Take note not only did I fail to get a 3k hit, I also had 0 kills)

Edited by DuEldrvarya
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Your most skilled classes on pub side

Average dps / hps / protection in games (screenshots help a lot here)

Previous guilds

Ranked experience

Time spent PvPing per day and timeslots you are usually online

One fact on PvP mechanics you think is little known

Net worth (everyone will be expected to pitch in for a guild ship, nothing extravagant, but if we all pitch in a little we can expect to get a decent PvP ship)


1. All of them

2. The highest

3. Too many

4. An awful lot

5. More than I should

6. Guard reduces total applied damage by 5.001%

7. Way too much

Edited by Ryvirath
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I do 1m dps average!!!!! 3m HPS average!!!!


No but seriously, doesn't it make you guys mad that the majority of applicants have been completely failing to answer the question of average dps/hps in wz's?


No one gives a **** if you do 1m damage in a 20min match, but someone might care if you did 500k in a 5 min match.


Take my PVE geared shadow tank, I'm sure it will be goodies!

I can dps without hitting hard! Fluff damage for everyone!

http://oi60.tinypic.com/2mr8d4h.jpg (Take note not only did I fail to get a 3k hit, I also had 0 kills)


Why would I get mad. The majority of applicants are people I already know, who are trolling the responses just for ***** and giggles. They get an invite either way. See Ryvirath's post above for an example.


And haven't you already tried to flex your "dps without hitting hard" screenshot before? Reusing the same material ain't cool dawg. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7467305&postcount=39

Edited by ParagonAX
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Demelain, where the hell have you been you scrub.



Come back already, we need the pew pews.


Wait till I tell you a story about Demelain that Tae told me last week.


It's going to blow your mind.


Dem has been VERY BUSY all this time :eek::D:cool:

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Wait till I tell you a story about Demelain that Tae told me last week.


It's going to blow your mind.


Dem has been VERY BUSY all this time :eek::D:cool:






Herpes: the gift that keeps on giving. :cool:

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Aluviann, the illegitimate human daughter of the notorious Sith Marauder Aluvian (aka Aluvien), has come to Shadowlands to right the past wrongs of her evil father. She also stole all of her dad's credits, 2000+ WZ Medpacks/Adrenals, and his PvP gear...




See you on the battlefield scrubs. It's time to pwn some noobs... for the light!

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Aluviann, the illegitimate human daughter of the notorious Sith Marauder Aluvian (aka Aluvien), has come to Shadowlands to right the past wrongs of her evil father. She also stole all of her dad's credits, 2000+ WZ Medpacks/Adrenals, and his PvP gear...




See you on the battlefield scrubs. It's time to pwn some noobs... for the light!

What the pub.


Demelain and aluvian back within a week, is the world ending or something?

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