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The "BIG" Expansion is Getting Delayed to 2015 Isn't It?


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You posted it, that is all I can work from...


I see it all the time, people coming to the game's and the dev's defense saying, "but... but... see, there IS new content!"


Yea, yea, no it really isn't... It just creates FUD and muddies the waters, which is why they do it.


Strongholds was clearly created on a budget, so was GSF. I haven't seen any real dev money put into this game in a year, perhaps a year and a half. It is all just small maintenance items and clean up.


Disclaimer: I do software development for a living, so I do know something about the subject.


I haven't come to the games defense at all , there is a big expansion on the way. I think GSF and GSH are nice little additions to the game , maybe made on a budget indeed but another team has been working on the larger expansion at the same time as the team working on GSH. I am in no way a defender at all. I say and see things how they are. Again you quoted only part of my post where I went to great lengths to prove you wrong about me. So the development has been slow on the Operations front but we did get two small expansions last year and 2 small ones this year , that isn't too shabby in my book , but maybe in yours it is.


Disclaimer I have a HND in Computing ( thus I am a big head and know more than anyone in the universe about software development ).





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How ever will we go on if your interest in this game doesn't last? :)


You are perfectly welcome to not care about my interest in the game, just as I have every right to give constructive feedback on the forums in hopes that the devs will read it and take it to heart.


I won't make the mistake of claiming to speak for everyone, but it is a pretty safe bet that a majority of the people who are interested in progression raiding share my view.


Plus, as a GM for one of the few remaining raiding guilds on my server, it would have a negative impact on the community if I left. Perhaps to you that impact would be irrelevant, but it would be there.

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You are perfectly welcome to not care about my interest in the game, just as I have every right to give constructive feedback on the forums in hopes that the devs will read it and take it to heart.


I won't make the mistake of claiming to speak for everyone, but it is a pretty safe bet that a majority of the people who are interested in progression raiding share my view.


Plus, as a GM for one of the few remaining raiding guilds on my server, it would have a negative impact on the community if I left. Perhaps to you that impact would be irrelevant, but it would be there.


Progression raiders are a tiny tiny tiny percentage of the player base. And of those, I imagine there wouldn't be very many who would quit because of a lack of progression content. But, hey, if they want to quit, so be it. Compared to the rest, it's almost not worth mentioning.


In my opinion, progression raiders get far more than their fair share of game content. They really should be glad to get what they do already get.

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And here we are, nearly 4 months later, all this extra time and strongholds and conquest are both buggy as hell, exploits and glitches aplenty, and still not a single peep about the " rise style expansion".


it's bad enough that they recycle content even more blatently than even world of warcraft, but to go 18 months without a new raid is completey unacceptable.


We all had such high hopes for this game, then BW goes and gives in to pressure from the then future owner to release game early, before it was ready, and now look at the shape the game is in.

EA has once again failed in the quality AND quantity department, and in being so greedy for the "quick buck", have actually lost themselves the much higher potential revenue they would have made had they kept customers happy, and by finishing the game properly before release.

Strongholds / Conquest was delayed two months "for extra testing" yet was only on pts 6 days, not even long enough to test the reward / unlock system on guild ships, let alone all of the conquest bonus objectives: you know, the ones that so far 2 out of 2 weeks in a row have been wrong, and have had to shut servers down to hotfix, but let the guilds that farmed these repeatables that weren't supposed to be repeatable to the order of 10-15 MILLION POINTS per week?

To be perfectly honest, this is the biggest fail in the history of bioware, and I truely am amazed that so many people are taking it in the gazoo and not complaining. Show EA-Ware you won't take this crap sitting down, and voice your very justified complaints.

It's one thing to delay things for proper testing or to gain a more polished feel for new content, but no new content has really been added, and we only got 6 days of testing. That does not justify months of delay, with early access FINALLY coming and having this many issues.



Nothing wrong with a rant every now and then, to let off some steam. But did you really have to "necro" such an old thread to do it, rather than simply start your own?


Your math is a bit off though. Dread fortress and Palace was released with patch 2.4, which came out october 2013 = 11 months ago (Hint: Americans put the month first, not the date, when writing in the xx/xx/xx date format (Unlike the european format))


Also I'm also rather puzzled as how people can continue this trend of "Bioware has not released the content I want, so they havn't released any content at all!" completely disregarding all the content they have actually released, simply becaurse they don't like it. As well as not providing any sort of coherent argument that SWToR hasn't been releasing content at a competitive rate with other MMOs.


But anyway, ranting is ranting, hope you got to let off some steam...

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Progression raiders are a tiny tiny tiny percentage of the player base. And of those, I imagine there wouldn't be very many who would quit because of a lack of progression content. But, hey, if they want to quit, so be it. Compared to the rest, it's almost not worth mentioning.


In my opinion, progression raiders get far more than their fair share of game content. They really should be glad to get what they do already get.


Progression raiders wouldn't quit because of lack of progression raids...what? I don't...I can't...Never mind, this post isn't worth responding to.

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In my opinion, progression raiders get far more than their fair share of game content. They really should be glad to get what they do already get.

Infernixx, this is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about when I said this to you a couple of weeks ago:

In the past, I've seen people on this forum express disagreement with decisions the devs have made (that impact their preferred method of play). I have also seen you respond to such posts in a rather harsh and dismissive manner.


It would be nice if, in the future, your responses to others disagreements with developer decisions showed a bit more empathy, now that you've had a similar experience.

"They [raiders] really should be glad to get what they do already get" is a both harsh and dismissive.


Note that I'm not saying you shouldn't say such things. Feel free to do so -- I'm not the boss of you. But it really would have been a pleasant change for you to respond to the idea that someone would like more operations with a bit more tact and empathy.


Throughout 2012 and 2013, raiders received a new operation every 4 months. This changed in 2014 in favor of other aspects of the game. I'm not saying this is right, I'm not saying this is wrong. But I am saying that it wouldn't kill you to be a bit more understanding of those players that like running operations.


/end soapbox

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You posted it, that is all I can work from...


I see it all the time, people coming to the game's and the dev's defense saying, "but... but... see, there IS new content!"


Yea, yea, no it really isn't... It just creates FUD and muddies the waters, which is why they do it.


Strongholds was clearly created on a budget, so was GSF. I haven't seen any real dev money put into this game in a year, perhaps a year and a half. It is all just small maintenance items and clean up.


Disclaimer: I do software development for a living, so I do know something about the subject.


It isn't new content? GSF, new raid tier, new dailies, new flashpoints, Strongholds, Conquest, an abundance of new packs and gear(quite allot reskinned, but still a fair amount of new models) and teasers of the story for the upcomming expansion, just to mention some of the new content having been released over the last year. Compared to what, exactly, isn't this at the very least a competitive amount of content being released by this MMO compared to the others on the market?

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Infernixx, this is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about when I said this to you a couple of weeks ago:


"They [raiders] really should be glad to get what they do already get" is a both harsh and dismissive.


Note that I'm not saying you shouldn't say such things. Feel free to do so -- I'm not the boss of you. But it really would have been a pleasant change for you to respond to the idea that someone would like more operations with a bit more tact and empathy.


Throughout 2012 and 2013, raiders received a new operation every 4 months. This changed in 2014 in favor of other aspects of the game. I'm not saying this is right, I'm not saying this is wrong. But I am saying that it wouldn't kill you to be a bit more understanding of those players that like running operations.


/end soapbox


I don't see it as harsh or dismissive. It's simple truth. These are a relative handful of players and they get an entire raid difficulty dedicated to them and we 'still' get complaint posts about how they don't get enough.


And to be fair, I have as little regard for the Ranked PVPers complaining about the lack of content, too.


In my opinion, they need to be happy to get what they already get.


As for them quitting or not, well, they won't. And if they do, no one will really miss 'em. They're just not a large enough group of players to really matter in the over all.

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As for them quitting or not, well, they won't. And if they do, no one will really miss 'em. They're just not a large enough group of players to really matter in the over all.


Despite the fact that we write all your guides you use to learn to play the game and to defeat content. You have a horrible attitude.

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I keep en eye on several other forums, and one interesting that popped up on the Turbine forums a few months ago was the Community Managers statement that both Raiding and PvP subsections of the player base were "single digit percentages", i.e less than 10%! Id be willing to guess ToR's isn't far off from that.


Which does tend to explain why non-PvP MMO's don't get lots of PvP updates, or new Raids every other month (again from Lotros community manager, Raids are THE most expensive content that is produced.)

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I don't see it as harsh or dismissive. It's simple truth. These are a relative handful of players and they get an entire raid difficulty dedicated to them and we 'still' get complaint posts about how they don't get enough.

And yet, how many players need Dark Projects to unlock additional rooms in their flagship? That's an extreme minority as well.


But it bugged you enough to bring it up on the forums.


Don't be a hypocrite.

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Despite the fact that we write all your guides you use to learn to play the game and to defeat content. You have a horrible attitude.


There's no 'we.' There's a couple of guilds who learn the fights on the PTS and everyone else copies.


Besides, we'd muddle through without guides or anyone who writes them. Those 'guide-writers' aren't as indispensable as they think they are.

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And yet, how many players need Dark Projects to unlock additional rooms in their flagship? That's an extreme minority as well.


But it bugged you enough to bring it up on the forums.


Don't be a hypocrite.


In your opinion, you mean. We don't have enough data yet to know how many guilds will be relying on DPs.


On the other hand, we already know that 'progression raiders' are a tiny tiny fraction of the player base and they're catered to with their own NiM content. Far more than they deserve, considering their numbers, if you ask me.

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Let's keep in mind that there are a lot more than just "Progression Raiders" who are looking forward new Operations being released. On my server at least, there are A LOT of players who run level 55 SM ops.


Oh, without a doubt. But, again, there's plenty for those people to do between now and the new expansion, especially with Conquest and Guild Ships and Strongholds to work on.

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On the other hand, we already know that 'progression raiders' are a tiny tiny fraction of the player base and they're catered to with their own NiM content. Far more than they deserve, considering their numbers, if you ask me.

And how many guilds raid but DON'T do NiM?


They haven't had any new raids since October of 2013. And no new HM Flashpoints since July 2013.


There's a sweet spot between the player that sticks with easy content, and hard core progression that sticks with NM content. This particular group is not tiny, and they've had nothing new for a while.


And your attitude is without a doubt harsh and dismissive.

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And how many guilds raid but DON'T do NiM?


They haven't had any new raids since October of 2013. And no new HM Flashpoints since July 2013.


There's a sweet spot between the player that sticks with easy content, and hard core progression that sticks with NM content. This particular group is not tiny, and they've had nothing new for a while.


And your attitude is without a doubt harsh and dismissive.


Perception is everything, I guess. People see what they want to see.


As to the rest, all I'm saying, all I've been saying, is that people who only have an interest in endgame raiding and quit when there isn't enough are a tiny majority who already get more than their fair share of content focused around them. And they should be happy about that. And maybe not complain about not getting enough content at a fast enough pace.


At the end of the day, the simple reality is that we're on the tail end of the RotHC expansion and lulls between expansions 'always' see a drop off of players who are only playing for Raid content. There's no way around it, no way to prevent it except to throw more raids at them. And they're not going to do that when they have an expansion forming up in a few months.


So, instead, we get new features. Housing and Guild Ships and guild-focused events and activities. Free-flight PVP and events and new FPs and new story content.


No, it's not new raids, but it's still a boatload of new content and all of it while they're working on the new expansion.


But, some people insist on sticking their fingers in their ears and going 'la la la no new raids, slow content year la la la.' And with those people, I'm definitely dismissive and perhaps a little harsh, but then I don't care.

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But, some people insist on sticking their fingers in their ears and going 'la la la no new raids, slow content year la la la.' And with those people, I'm definitely dismissive and perhaps a little harsh, but then I don't care.

As is your prerogative and right. Like I said before, feel free to do so, I'm not the boss of you.


But it seems to me that it's more than you simply "not caring" about things like progression raiders and ranked PvP. I think you'd be happier of they actually did leave the game.

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As is your prerogative and right. Like I said before, feel free to do so, I'm not the boss of you.


But it seems to me that it's more than you simply "not caring" about things like progression raiders and ranked PvP. I think you'd be happier of they actually did leave the game.


I'd be 'happier' if they stopped complaining. What they do, game-wise, is irrelevant to me.


If I had my wish, it'd be for them to grasp their place in the over all scheme of things and realize how small of a group that they are in comparison to the rest of the player base and how much they get in spite their tiny numbers. Maybe get some perspective.

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I'd be 'happier' if they stopped complaining. What they do, game-wise, is irrelevant to me.


If I had my wish, it'd be for them to grasp their place in the over all scheme of things and realize how small of a group that they are in comparison to the rest of the player base and how much they get in spite their tiny numbers. Maybe get some perspective.


Surely everyone complaining about lack of new raids isn't a true progression raider. On my server there is PUG raid upon raid forming at all hours of weekends and peak weekday hours. I doubt very many of these players are progression raiders (in my experience they don't do pure PUGs often). If there has been a lull in new ops content, I imagine these folks would join in on the complaining as well. Just because they don't play the game exclusively for raids (like progression raiders) doesn't mean they wouldn't be upset over lack of a content they do play often.


Then again what do I know? I haven't participated in a raid in this game since February of this year.

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Bummer, I was really hoping for some new PvE content this year. Like others, I have been waiting since last October since Oricon was released along with all the new operations. Eleven month gap is a lot for an mmorpg in my opinion.


Couple of things I would like to say before everyone starts to tear this post up. I am not saying that there hasn't been any new content in the last month. GSF was great Stronghold was great, I have dabbled in both. However I didn't join a subscription based mmorpg to be flying starfighters or playing Sims in my Stronghold. In the last 11 months, all subscribers have paid roughly $165+ (price of almost 3 brand new games) and not sure if the content has been up to standard.


Another thing I noticed, is whenever someone talks about raids, everyone just assumes that we are talking about progression raid and hardcore raiders. From what I understand, these are a minor set of people. Our guild is a casual community guild, and yet we run operations 3 nights a week. We don't consider ourselves raiders and all of us are sick of the lack of contents.


Releasing new HM/NiM operations is not doing us any good. We want new SM operations so we have something new to do. A new planet with new dailies like Oricon. Some new flashpoints that have HM components. Tactical flashpoints are great, but when we have multiple lvl 55 toons, we usually don't run those tacticals more than once or twice.


I don't understand why they don't have a HM version of the new Tactical flashpoints. Or better yet take some of the old HMs (Lost Island, Directive 7, False Emperor, Battle of Illum) and raise them to 55. Or even add in HM versions of Red Reaper or Collicoid Wargames (both great FP). I can't imagine this would take too long with not having to change models/mechanics.


This is my winding way of saying, all the things in the last 11 months has been good, but I think it's about time we get some new elder game PvE content.

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In your opinion, you mean. We don't have enough data yet to know how many guilds will be relying on DPs.


On the other hand, we already know that 'progression raiders' are a tiny tiny fraction of the player base and they're catered to with their own NiM content. Far more than they deserve, considering their numbers, if you ask me.


265 millions play soccer (according to fifa in 2007)

209 eligible nations

32 finalists

1 winner


Should the world cup final not being hosted ?

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3.0 is set to be released this year still as to last Sunday night(!).


And if it is, and it is indeed Chapter 5 and contains something at least as big as Makeb, I'll be happier...


It needs to be three times as big to make me "happy", since I no longer bother running Makeb since it is boring after 4 runs. :)


But then, that is another issue...

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