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So what do you want that is not already coming? Future Content wish list!


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Title says it. I have made a small wish list of my own...


These are the things that I really want:


1.An obscene amount of armor added...customization like crazy! Tons more droid armors, helmets, and gear all around. Stuff to make it look like your some kind of different creature all together... the closest things to this so far would be the partisan/arkanian inquisitor headpieces, and some of the droid helmets. MORE HEADPIECES!!! Crazy idea but they cooooouuuld stretch it and implement some other races this way....by adding a headpiece that looks the part.



2.New and a lot different style warzones.



3.New planets....more vegetation, lush planet with lots of trees and foliage and color.



4.Add some really good well hid amazing places to explore!....On voss there is a datacron that is in an underground cave....that's a start, but make it bigger and more explorable!



5.Some more dynamic events....not the ones that are just there and keep coming back and same everytime, but more like rackghoul thing....spontaneous. Throw a boss on a planet that spawns like once a month.



6.Make flashpoints and raid content available for story only and any number of people (even solo) can do it.....with no rewards if necessary, just to see it.



7.Do more with crafting....I don't craft, but if its gonna be there make it worth something. Right now the majority of crafting is a joke.



8.I know this wont go over well, but I wish they would get rid of expertise in warzones and make the best pvp and pve gear equal....let anyone play either one without having to have two sets....this would certainly help queue pops on both ends....this would also make it more about skill and less about gear.


I have left many of my thoughts vague for further discussion if prompted. What future content do you really want?

Edited by Malckiah
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Suggestion forums would be better suited for this, but since I know you're just going ignore that and insist that's okay to do so.


I really only have a small list of things.


1.) Togrutas.

2.) Red Core or Crimson Cartel Color Crystal.

3.) Dark Green and Medium Red Dye Module.

4.) Hood up version of Thana Vesh's armor.

5.) Curved Hilt Lightsabers on the CM.

6.) Cow level and cake.

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1) Simplified and more fluid combat mechanics, less of this sluggish and illusion-shattering pseudo-turn based malarkey.

2) Phased mission progression (e.g. WoW post WotLK).

3) Expanded planets missions, enemies and loot for players of all levels.

4) Much more interactive scenery.

5) Free-roam space within star systems.

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- A more responsive game world utilizing open world phasing to give an illusion of player impact. If 10 year old games can do it so should TOR.


- A faction v faction planetary/galactic supremacy system with incentives. Essentially guild conquest events made reps v pubs with permanent objectives pvp scenarios (be it instanced or open world on multiple planets/sectors).


- Playable selkath

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1- New class story.

2- New companion story/interactions

3- New planets

4- The ability to queue separately for different styles of PVP

5- A fully-functioning casino on Nar Shaddaa

6- New legacy perks

7- More crafting

8- New species/races

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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Open the game for a few QoL mods like Eventcalendar, Gearchanger, UImods and such... Probably not damagemeter, it's not that i wouldn't like it, but i fear it will bring more bad than good.


Apearancetabs would be nice. Not a huge must have but still nice.


Kill lv.55 tacticals. they are an abomination. I want a real FP and i'm sure i'm not the only one. I know after lost Island they said that they would probably never release a FP that hard ever again.... my heart sunk a little bit then. Make SM FP's easy if you must, but hard mode should be hard. Or make 3 FP modes like in Operations.


Seperate WZ queues. Not having seperate queues just makes less people pvp. At least 1 less and i'm probably not the only 1.

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suggestion forums would be better suited for this, but since i know you're just going ignore that and insist that's okay to do so.


I really only have a small list of things.


1.) togrutas.

2.) red core or crimson cartel color crystal.

3.) dark green and medium red dye module.

4.) hood up version of thana vesh's armor.

5.) curved hilt lightsabers on the cm.

6.) cow level and cake.


2 ) noezzzz

3 ) yeassss

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10/10 Expected.


-1/50 Expected. :p


On a more serious note, I'd like to see on 3.0 stuff such as...


Ziost, Bothawui and Sleyheron.


3.0, three new planets? Plus, they've been...


Working on Bothans supposedly.


Aside that, more character slots per server and a few more activities to pass or kill time, namely GSI related stuff and more activities on Voss, including new companions... A Voss Mystic and a Voss Commando would be cool in my book.

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At this point, I really only want one thing:

- bug fixes, especially for 2 years old bugs ("big butt robes", robes cutting through speeders, jumbled armormech schematics, not properly sheathed weapons, missing voice modulation, broken jet packs, broken companion armor in cutscenes etc.), which, at this point, it seems won't ever get fixed (= "not already coming") - I'd pass on my monthly cartel coins grant for this.


After that in no particular order:

- cross-faction (guild) chat

- account-based ignore list

- more sophisticated crafting system

- Artifice crit sensor for ship droid

- collection for iconic (non-craftable) in-game armor sets (e.g. Hydra, Hellfire, Spider, Scorpion), with cartel coins unlocks

- an option/way to turn green and blue armor and weapons into moddable shells (e.g. crafters can RE them [for a chance] to learn a moddable shell schematic)

- return of the Chevin event

- cross-faction flashpoint (co-op)

Edited by KyaniteD
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Aside from bug fixes, and falling under New Class Story Content:


1.) The ability to kill off companions: Because seriously, removing it because some people in beta really thought they already wouldn't let you kinda sucks (Though if they were not already clear that it would kill the companion, it should work like the ones that cause an automatic battle, like saying "Insert dialouge option here (Kill X).


2. Go back into the current story modes where it was clear that the option to kill a companion was supposed to be there (And possibly in some places where it wasn't obvious, if they had planned for it.) and change it to allow it to happen. I realize this might take more work then just straight up making new stories that would feature it, but its a wish list. :p

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I) MORE ALIENS - Tortuga, Kel Dor, etc.


II) Planets going forward should have weather/day/night


III) Planets going forward should have quest design that brings imperials towards republic and republic towards imperils. The game is literally designed so that you don't have to see the other side. My favorite MMO moments were in Aion when I had to go into enemy territory. That was scary and awesome and as I'm typing this I decided I'm going to go download Aion again.


IV) Controversial: I want 3 factions. Trooper + Jedi knight + Jedi Consular, Imperial Agent + Sith Warrior + Sith Inqusitor, Smuggler + Bounty Hunter + New Class. I think it would be really interesting having factions that are NOT mirrors. Of course I'm dreaming as the community would literally have to scream bloody murder in order for this to happen.

Edited by Anti_Bodies
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1. Continue the class stories and existing companion stories.

2. Appearance tabs.

3. Check boxes for pvp queue.

4. New species & character customizations.

5. Fix graphics bugs. (Companions in cuts scenes, Original Vector in skimpy clothes, clipping issues etc.)

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New solo adventures

New companion dialogue and quests

Able to do tactical flashpoints and tactical operations with more than one companion (4,8)

New body types

More face options

Or better yet, an enhanced Character Creator

Able to change factions

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1. Continue the class stories and existing companion stories.

2. Appearance tabs.

3. Check boxes for pvp queue.

4. New species & character customizations.

5. Fix graphics bugs. (Companions in cuts scenes, Original Vector in skimpy clothes, clipping issues etc.)


I have no idea what number three is, but the rest of this post is brilliant!!!!!!!!!!

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1. Dathomir.

2. Fix the taxi disappearing crap that's been here since launch on some planets.

3. A way to search through Collections, so I don't have to search through 24 pages to find the one set of armor I'm looking for.

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1. New CM Companions that can show gear, and are not eyesores or earsores.

2. Appearance tabs.

3. Nexu and Ginx pets!

4. One additional combat role added for each class Companion, as an unlock/purchase of some sort.

5. Fix all those annoying armor bugs, like hood clipping and the big butt issue with certain tops.

6. New character customization options, especially hair.


new companions... A Voss Mystic and a Voss Commando would be cool in my book.

Love this idea! :)

Edited by Gwena
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1) Continue class stories (not gonna happen)

2) s/s companion romance (probably also never going to happen)

3) A lot more race specific dialogue (I'm dreaming I know)

4) Large instanced areas (like a space station or a new planet with a reasonably sized part) that scale to your level and are like SP DLCs complete with new companion and NPC dialogue and interaction(like Lair of the Shadow Broker for ME2 or Legacy for DA2)

5) I want a tiara and I want it to look like a tiara :mad:

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I only want 2 things.


1. Wookies


2. Trandoshans


as playable species


I know the lame excuses why they won't,but after bombarding us with Huttese and Duros for the entire game,and who even cares about romancing companions anymore. There are enough that you cannot romance so not letting those species romance companions= no big.

Edited by LordShep
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3.New planets....more vegetation, lush planet with lots of trees and foliage and color.



That's what I'd like to see! The current planets are fine and all. But the only planets I see represented from the movies are Coruscant, Tatooine aAlberaan nd Hoth. O


I could see alot of really great content with some of the more well known planets (Degobah, Naboo and Bespin come to mind) Seeing more familiar content would be great.

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