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Imperial Emperors get the shaft when it comes to ruling the galaxy

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On at least 2 but probably more occasions, people attempting to do their job as Emperor have been thrown down a reactor shaft:


  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Emperor Malgus
  • possibly Emperor Vitiate's body was thrown down a shaft in the Dark Temple by the heretical LS punk that annoyed him by destroying one of his Voices (revenge imminent)
  • More???



PvE, PvP, GSF, RP, Crafting, GTN Hutts, ERP, Fashionistas, and people who stay subbed and post on forums but don't actually play the game, all do not die by falling down reactor shafts nearly as often as Imperial Emperors.


Unfair, please fix.

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On at least 2 but probably more occasions, people attempting to do their job as Emperor have been thrown down a reactor shaft:

  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Emperor Malgus
  • possibly Emperor Vitiate's body was thrown down a shaft in the Dark Temple by the heretical LS punk that annoyed him by destroying one of his Voices (revenge imminent)
  • More???


PvE, PvP, GSF, RP, Crafting, GTN Hutts, ERP, Fashionistas, and people who stay subbed and post on forums but don't actually play the game, all do not die by falling down reactor shafts nearly as often as Imperial Emperors.


Unfair, please fix.


Sure glad you left story lovers out of that. You know what? I think we're getting the shaft. :D

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On at least 2 but probably more occasions, people attempting to do their job as Emperor have been thrown down a reactor shaft:

  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Emperor Malgus
  • possibly Emperor Vitiate's body was thrown down a shaft in the Dark Temple by the heretical LS punk that annoyed him by destroying one of his Voices (revenge imminent)
  • More???


PvE, PvP, GSF, RP, Crafting, GTN Hutts, ERP, Fashionistas, and people who stay subbed and post on forums but don't actually play the game, all do not die by falling down reactor shafts nearly as often as Imperial Emperors.


Unfair, please fix.


Must be you. I die from falling down reactor shafts quite a lot. Also, when GSFing, I die in proper Imperial fashion - one-shot by rookie moisture farmers, all kinds of Republic scum, crashing into the side of an asteroid/capital ship/satellite, taken out by automatic defenses as my shots splay wildly all around the target...


Learn 2 die, mang. :p -bp

Edited by Sidenti
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"Imperial Emperors." That made me laugh. :D
It's silly but legitimate despite how silly it sounds. :p


The issue is that we have two different things:

  • "The Empire", an empire simply called Empire
  • "The Emperor", an emperor simply called Emperor


Thus all things involving the Emperor's empire (the Empire) are Imperial, including the Emperor of the Empire.


Right? :confused:

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Isn't the current Empire called 'The Sith Empire' and the Emperor is 'The Sith Emperor'?


And Palpatine was the Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

Yeah but we just call them "The Empire" and "The Emperor", don't we?


If I say "Sith Emperors..." then it implies Sith Empires which wouldn't be quite right for Malgus' New Empire or Palpatine's Galactic Empire.


Right? :confused:


# firstworldproblems



this is getting ridiculous...
Most definitely my friend, most definitely :D Edited by SW_display_name
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It's silly but legitimate despite how silly it sounds. :p


The issue is that we have two different things:

  • "The Empire", an empire simply called Empire
  • "The Emperor", an emperor simply called Emperor


Thus all things involving the Emperor's empire (the Empire) are Imperial, including the Emperor of the Empire.


Right? :confused:


Fair enough. :p

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On at least 2 but probably more occasions, people attempting to do their job as Emperor have been thrown down a reactor shaft:

  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Emperor Malgus
  • possibly Emperor Vitiate's body was thrown down a shaft in the Dark Temple by the heretical LS punk that annoyed him by destroying one of his Voices (revenge imminent)
  • More???


PvE, PvP, GSF, RP, Crafting, GTN Hutts, ERP, Fashionistas, and people who stay subbed and post on forums but don't actually play the game, all do not die by falling down reactor shafts nearly as often as Imperial Emperors.


Unfair, please fix.


Malgus threw me down a reactor shaft... Twice. :(

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On at least 2 but probably more occasions, people attempting to do their job as Emperor have been thrown down a reactor shaft:

  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Emperor Malgus
  • possibly Emperor Vitiate's body was thrown down a shaft in the Dark Temple by the heretical LS punk that annoyed him by destroying one of his Voices (revenge imminent)
  • More???


PvE, PvP, GSF, RP, Crafting, GTN Hutts, ERP, Fashionistas, and people who stay subbed and post on forums but don't actually play the game, all do not die by falling down reactor shafts nearly as often as Imperial Emperors.


Unfair, please fix.

uhhhh....nerf operatives....yep that will do.

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Pretty sure the Bridge Boss has "thrown" me down at least one reactor shaft.


The Bridge Boss needs a name, BTW.


There are actually a few bridge bosses, so Ill get to listing them and we can name them seperately:


HAMMER STATION - This bridge is indifferent about existing

RED REAPER - This bridge has a ton of sith on the other side who love throwing you off

CZERKA MELTDOWN - This bridge has a tempting platform to jump on, but you can just ignore it and run across the pipe.

SCUM AND VILLAINY - Holes in the bridge make it very tempting for sages/sorcs to Rescue/(whatever a sorcs rescue is) players into the hole. Watch out. Also the holes are apparently invisible on NiM Mode.

DREAD PALACE - Raptus would be a joke if he didn't teleport you to this master of bridge bosses :D


With these in mind, I came up with these names:


HAMMER STATION - M.C. Hammer (because he makes you stop...)

RED REAPER - Bowser (He tends to send you flying in mariokart if you get hit by him)

CZERKA MELTDOWN - Magikarp (tends to be useless)

SCUM AND VILLAINY - Loki (Master of Deception)

DREAD PALACE - Dread Master Bridget (because we needed a girl :rolleyes:)

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On at least 2 but probably more occasions, people attempting to do their job as Emperor have been thrown down a reactor shaft:

  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Emperor Malgus
  • possibly Emperor Vitiate's body was thrown down a shaft in the Dark Temple by the heretical LS punk that annoyed him by destroying one of his Voices (revenge imminent)
  • More???


PvE, PvP, GSF, RP, Crafting, GTN Hutts, ERP, Fashionistas, and people who stay subbed and post on forums but don't actually play the game, all do not die by falling down reactor shafts nearly as often as Imperial Emperors.


Unfair, please fix.


I agree 100% with the OP.


And I'd like to add that the an Emperor's force lightning ability need a serious buff! Every time Palpatine just spams it against Jedi he dies or nearly dies:


- burns his own face due to Windu's saber reflect ability

- gets ganked by Yoda with floating senate pod thingies until he can LoS him

- gets a 2 on 1 vs the Skywalkers and dies


Seriously, do you call this class balance??!!


BUFF EMPERORS!!! And more importantly: NERF JEDI!!

Edited by Rithoma
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I agree 100% with the OP.


And I'd like to add that the an Emperor's force lightning ability need a serious buff! Every time Palpatine just spams it against Jedi he dies or nearly dies:


- burns his own face due to Windu's saber reflect ability

- gets ganked by Yoda with floating senate pod thingies until he can LoS him

- gets a 2 on 1 vs the Skywalkers and dies


Seriously, do you call this class balance??!!


BUFF EMPERORS!!! And more importantly: NERF JEDI!!

That one time on Coruscant his Force Lightning crit he accidentally made a Jedi change factions.



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