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RIP Jedi Covenant


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Ummm and people like you are what make the devs worry about left handed lightsabers. This game would not have lost such a large player base if raid content wasn't delivered once a year. What do you mean "nobody"? Nobody as in your guild because you wipe on Nefra? Theres plenty of people doing Nightmare including on this server people are just incapable of clearing the entire instance.

In your eyes what does this game "need"? More dress up? Maybe some pet costumes?



What is fun to you? Running dailies? Shush go RP walk somewhere


My guild was top 10 world in progression raiding up to DF & DP came out. But then the game stopped releasing pve content of any significance for months and we died. You know, like happened to most guilds. Also, each previous significant delay in content we also lost a significant portion of our members. But this pause was the final straw. Obviously I can understand how other guilds died during the earlier pauses.


For group content, the game needs:

1 raid every 6 months at worst if the current size of raids is what we're going with.

Flashpoints that aren't tactical every 4 months at most. These should be hard enough to be a guild activity.

Brand new significant activity once a year. Hopefully the planet conquests will be that.


NiM mode has never been "for everyone" in any MMO in the US market. It's always been a niche within a niche, so please stop acting as if that's what would have kept the masses. Honestly, someone like me who isn't interested shouldn't even need to notice when a new NiM comes out. However, to Bioware it replaces other content and then the rest of us get nothing for 2 months. Instead, Bioware should make NiM in an efficient manner so that it does not replace other content in a patch cycle.

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NiM mode has never been "for everyone" in any MMO in the US market. It's always been a niche within a niche, so please stop acting as if that's what would have kept the masses. Honestly, someone like me who isn't interested shouldn't even need to notice when a new NiM comes out. However, to Bioware it replaces other content and then the rest of us get nothing for 2 months. Instead, Bioware should make NiM in an efficient manner so that it does not replace other content in a patch cycle.

Please direct me to the point where I said "nightmare" was what held the masses. I believe I said raid content. Read my post before criticizing it.

Edited by TrillOG-
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Stop failing & win.


Did JMD really leave server? if so RIP in pepperoni JC.


My guild did. They won while it was still on the PTS. And then they left because just a difficulty mode isn't enough to make people stay around.


Basically with Hardmode or higher raids, you either:

1) play with a good guild and finish it easily

2) never finish because some of the people are not good enough, and then you get in an endless cycle of losing people, teaching new people and being bored out of your mind doing the same boss all the time.


Neither of those two works for retention. You need diversity of experiences to encourage retention.

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Please direct me to the point where I said "nightmare" was what held the masses. I believe I said raid content. Read my post before criticizing it.


Please don't snip one paragraph out of 3 as my reply then. You mentioned nightmare mode, I addressed it. You mentioned PvE group content in general, I addressed it. You mentioned roleplaying, I didn't address it because I don't participate in it.

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My guild did. They won while it was still on the PTS. And then they left because just a difficulty mode isn't enough to make people stay around.


Basically with Hardmode or higher raids, you either:

1) play with a good guild and finish it easily

2) never finish because some of the people are not good enough, and then you get in an endless cycle of losing people, teaching new people and being bored out of your mind doing the same boss all the time.


Neither of those two works for retention. You need diversity of experiences to encourage retention.


Actually I think what you meaning is this:


In high end raiding you raid for progression primary and secondary for the social aspect. If a player is not performing he/she is remove and a more competent player is brought to the raid. I think that is difference between progression raiding and social raiding. In a social raiding you do it for the company of people and to have fun. Progressing is secondary. Your guild is a social and fun raiding guild, switching to a progression raiding will probably kill off the guild or warp the guild into some thing most don't want.


As for 2, well what probably happening is either people get bored and stop playing or people are jumping ship once they have what they need. This happen a lot in wow especially in BC. Lower progress guilds would feed players to the more advance guilds. The less progress guilds would never progress because there best players were poached by the more progress guilds.

Edited by Knockerz
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Please don't snip one paragraph out of 3 as my reply then. You mentioned nightmare mode, I addressed it. You mentioned PvE group content in general, I addressed it. You mentioned roleplaying, I didn't address it because I don't participate in it.

What the hell are you even talking about? It wasn't me that mentioned this becoming an RP server. The rest of the post the irrelevant so why should I bother including it? Plus you say you killed it on PTS but lol @ PTS. What guild do you happen to be in? I'm curious.

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Population is slowy dying in every server due to the ridicolous 2014's road map. With the release of Wildstar another bunch of players will leave. EA has no plans for the future of this game, just CM or things as Stronghold, which are going to be just cartel market sink.
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I totally remember that from the other night, I laughed at all the angry kids.


Saw that too. At first the repeated credit begging was annoying, but after a while the raging became so hilarious that I was hoping the offender would never stop. Same thing happened the next night too.


On topic: JC is fine, the sky is not falling.

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Just wait until they announce that the expansion has been delayed to 2015 and there won't have been a new Operation out for 15-18 months by the time it drops.


I bet you're right about the expansion delay. Raiders aren't the only ones who are bored. It is also the story folks. This can't bode well. We are so negative. :(

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They'll go to WS and stay there long enough to realize how little it has to offer and then they'll be back.


As for me, I'll still be here, doing my own thing, waiting for them to come back and resume their whining on the forums.


Just like yourself.


Wildstar will have plenty of content to keep people playing. Not to mention most people going there for raiding, won't even be starting raids for atleast the first month. If you are going to say a game has little to offer atleast look at what the game has.

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Well, lest see.


I ran SM DF and DP on multiple toons this weekend, got multiple toons in old content for comms both SM and HM (cause S&B will still give you 2 MMG's on the main story). Doing all that in a mix of PUG and guild runs.


Id have to say your make shift analysis is kinda off.

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Wildstar will have plenty of content to keep people playing. Not to mention most people going there for raiding, won't even be starting raids for atleast the first month. If you are going to say a game has little to offer atleast look at what the game has.


Then stop praising Wildstar and leave and go play your awesome game. I'm so tired of people posting here supposedly unhappy saying this game is terrible or ex game is great.

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